Burnside category

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Short description: Category theory

In category theory and homotopy theory the Burnside category of a finite group G is a category whose objects are finite G-sets and whose morphisms are (equivalence classes of) spans of G-equivariant maps. It is a categorification of the Burnside ring of G.


Let G be a finite group (in fact everything will work verbatim for a profinite group). Then for any two finite G-sets X and Y we can define an equivalence relation among spans of G-sets of the form [math]\displaystyle{ X\leftarrow U \rightarrow Y }[/math] where two spans [math]\displaystyle{ X\leftarrow U \rightarrow Y }[/math] and [math]\displaystyle{ X\leftarrow W \rightarrow Y }[/math]are equivalent if and only if there is a G-equivariant bijection of U and W commuting with the projection maps to X and Y. This set of equivalence classes form naturally a monoid under disjoint union; we indicate with [math]\displaystyle{ A(G)(X,Y) }[/math] the group completion of that monoid. Taking pullbacks induces natural maps [math]\displaystyle{ A(G)(X,Y)\times A(G)(Y,Z)\rightarrow A(G)(X,Z) }[/math].

Finally we can define the Burnside category A(G) of G as the category whose objects are finite G-sets and the morphisms spaces are the groups [math]\displaystyle{ A(G)(X,Y) }[/math].


  • A(G) is an additive category with direct sums given by the disjoint union of G-sets and zero object given by the empty G-set;
  • The product of two G-sets induces a symmetric monoidal structure on A(G);
  • The endomorphism ring of the point (that is the G-set with only one element) is the Burnside ring of G;
  • A(G) is equivalent to the full subcategory of the homotopy category of genuine G-spectra spanned by the suspension spectra of finite G-sets.
  • The Burnside category is self-dual.[1]

Mackey functors

If C is an additive category, then a C-valued Mackey functor is an additive functor from A(G) to C. Mackey functors are important in representation theory and stable equivariant homotopy theory.

  • To every G-representation V we can associate a Mackey functor in vector spaces sending every finite G-set U to the vector space of G-equivariant maps from U to V.
  • The homotopy groups of a genuine G-spectrum form a Mackey functor. In fact genuine G-spectra can be seen as additive functor on an appropriately higher categorical version of the Burnside category.


  1. Dugger, Daniel (2022). "GYSIN FUNCTORS, CORRESPONDENCES, AND THE GROTHENDIECK-WITT CATEGORY". Theory and Application of Categories 38 (6): 158. http://www.tac.mta.ca/tac/volumes/38/6/38-06.pdf. 
  • Guillou, Bertrand; May, J.P. (2011). "Models of G-spectra as presheaves of spectra". arXiv:1110.3571 [math.AT].
  • Barwick, Clark (2014). "Spectral Mackey functors and equivariant algebraic K-theory (I)". arXiv:1404.0108 [math.AT].