Template:NYCS time 2/doc

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< Template:NYCS time 2
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This template formats the services that operate on a New York City Subway line. It should never be used directly, but rather through line templates.


{{ NYCS time 2 |1=<subway service>|<page to link to>|<time period icon>|<description of time period>|<time period icon for express service>|<description for time period, express service>|time={{{time|}}} }}

Of these parameters, unnamed parameter, icon, text and time are required. In addition, time must have the value {{{time|}}}, as in time={{{time|}}}. This last parameter allows the template to output different styles.

  • Unnamed parameter (or 1): subway service (ex. 7)
  • link: What page to link to (ex. IRT Flushing Line) (if not provided, links to the service page)
  • icon: What icon to show in the service time description. Use standard names. (ex. alltimes shows NYCS-SSI-alltimes.svg)
  • text: description of service pattern. Should be a readable version of icon (ex. All times)
  • dicon: Same as icon, but for diamond service.
  • dtext: Same as text, but for diamond service.
  • time: Display method. Passed through to article, use in article can be color, show, colorshow, box, full, text, nolink, or blank (nolinkatall is an additional option used in {{NYCS trains}} only).
  • punct: Allows the template to be configured into a comma, serial comma, or the conjunction "and" if the |time= parameter is equal to "nolink" or is blank. The options for |punct= are , (for comma), ,and (for serial comma), and and (for conjunction), respectively. See this discussion for a detailed explanation.

For example, this is the template with the info described above. ({{NYCS Flushing}})

{{NYCS time 2|7|icon=alltimes|dicon=rushpeak|text=All times|dtext=rush hours in peak direction only|time={{{time|}}}}}

time= boxfull boxtext boxshow box
Result Template:NYCS box Template:NYCS SSI (All times) Template:NYCS box Template:NYCS SSI (rush hours in peak direction only) Template:NYCS box (All times) Template:NYCS box (rush hours in peak direction only) Template:NYCS box Template:NYCS SSI Template:NYCS box Template:NYCS SSI Template:NYCS boxTemplate:NYCS box
time= bulletfull bullettext bulletshow bullets
Result "7" train Template:NYCS SSI (All times) "7" express train Template:NYCS SSI (rush hours in peak direction only) "7" train (All times) "7" express train (rush hours in peak direction only) "7" train Template:NYCS SSI "7" express train Template:NYCS SSI "7" train"7" express train
time= color colorshow
Result       7 Template:NYCS SSI (All times) <7> Template:NYCS SSI (rush hours in peak direction only)       7 Template:NYCS SSI <7> Template:NYCS SSI
time= full text show [blank] bold
Result 7 Template:NYCS SSI (All times) <7> Template:NYCS SSI (rush hours in peak direction only) 7 (All times) <7> (rush hours in peak direction only) 7 Template:NYCS SSI <7> Template:NYCS SSI 7 and <7> 7 and <7>
time= nolink boldnolink
or nolinkbold
Result 7 and <7> 7 and <7>

See also