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Searching: "Space"

  1. Resolvable space [62%] (Computing) [Properties of topological spaces] ...
  2. Rickart space [62%] (Computing) [Properties of topological spaces] ...
  3. Riesz space [62%] (Computing) [Ordered groups] [Functional analysis] Partially ordered vector space, ordered as a lattice ...
  4. Rothberger space [62%] (Computing) [Topology] [Properties of topological spaces] The Rothberger game played on is a game with two players ...
  5. Sample space [62%] (Computing) [Experiment (probability theory)] Set of all possible outcomes or results of a statistical trial ...
  6. Schwartz space [62%] (Computing) [Function spaces] [Fourier analysis] [Smooth functions] Function space of all functions whose derivatives are rapidly decreasing ...
  7. Second-countable space [62%] (Computing) [Properties of topological spaces] [General topology] Topological space whose topology has a countable base ...
  8. Semiregular space [62%] (Computing) [Separation axioms] [Properties of topological spaces] ...
  9. Separable space [62%] (Computing) [Properties of topological spaces] [General topology] Consider any uncountable set , pick some , and define the ...
  10. Sequence space [62%] (Computing) [Sequences and series] [Functional analysis] [Sequence spaces] Vector space of infinite sequences ...
  11. Sequential space [62%] (Computing) [Properties of topological spaces] [General topology] Topological space characterized by sequences ...
  12. Shift space [62%] (Computing) [Dynamical systems] Set of infinite words ...
  13. Shrinking space [62%] (Computing) [Topological spaces] [Properties of topological spaces] [Topology] ...
  14. Sierpiński space [62%] (Computing) [Topological spaces] [General topology] Indeed, in order to coarsen the topology on X one must ...
  15. Simplicial space [62%] (Computing) [Topological spaces] [Homotopy theory] A simplicial object in the category of topological spaces ...
  16. Smith space [62%] (Computing) [Topological vector spaces] [Functional analysis] A compact set which absorbs every other compact set (i.e ...
  17. Sober space [62%] (Computing) [Properties of topological spaces] [Separation axioms] [General topology] Topological space whose topology is fully captured by its lattice of ...
  18. Sobolev space [62%] (Computing) [Function spaces] [Fractional calculus] [Fourier analysis] Vector space of functions in mathematics ...
  19. Space cardioid [62%] (Computing) [Curves] [Trigonometry] ...
  20. Space mapping [62%] (Computing) [Mathematical modeling] [Microwave technology] [Optimization algorithms and methods] Design optimization methodology ...
  21. Spectral space [62%] (Computing) [Lattice theory] [Algebraic geometry] [General topology] ...
  22. Stereotype space [62%] (Computing) [Functional analysis] [Duality theories] [Algebra] 2. If is an infinite dimensional Banach space, and is its ...
  23. Stone space [62%] (Computing) [General topology] [Categorical logic] [Boolean algebra] ...
  24. Sub-Stonean space [62%] (Computing) [Properties of topological spaces] ...
  25. Supercompact space [62%] (Computing) [Properties of topological spaces] [Compactness (mathematics)] In a supercompact space (or any continuous image of one), the ...
  26. Symmetric space [62%] (Computing) [Homogeneous spaces] [Lie groups] [Riemannian geometry] A (pseudo-)Riemannian manifold whose geodesics are reversible. ...
  27. Symplectic space [62%] (Computing) [Symplectic geometry] [Differential topology] [Differential geometry] ...
  28. T1 space [62%] (Computing) [Separation axioms] [Properties of topological spaces] Topological space in which all singleton sets are closed ...
  29. Tangent space [62%] (Computing) [Differential geometry] [Differential topology] The points at which the dimension of the tangent space is ...
  30. Teichmüller space [62%] (Computing) [Geometric group theory] [Differential geometry] [Riemann surfaces] Parametrizes complex structures on a surface ...
  31. Three-dimensional space [62%] (Computing) [Space] [3 (number)] [Three-dimensional coordinate systems] Geometric model of the physical space ...
  32. Topological space [62%] (Computing) [Topological spaces] [General topology] Mathematical space with a notion of closeness ...
  33. Toronto space [62%] (Computing) [Homeomorphisms] [Properties of topological spaces] ...
  34. Tree-graded space [62%] (Computing) [Trees (topology)] [Metric geometry] ...
  35. Triebel–Lizorkin space [62%] (Computing) [Functional analysis] ...
  36. Tuple space [62%] (Computing) [Java platform] [Programming languages] [Distributed computing architecture] A tuple space is an implementation of the associative memory paradigm ...
  37. Tychonoff space [62%] (Computing) [Topology] [Topological spaces] [Separation axioms] Type of regular Hausdorff space ...
  38. Ultraconnected space [62%] (Computing) [Properties of topological spaces] ...
  39. Ultrametric space [62%] (Computing) [Metric geometry] Type of metric space ...
  40. Unicoherent space [62%] (Computing) [Trees (topology)] [General topology] ...
  41. Uniformizable space [62%] (Computing) [Uniform spaces] [Properties of topological spaces] Topological space whose topology is generated by a uniform structure ...
  42. Universal space [62%] (Computing) [Dimension theory] [Topology] [Mathematical terminology] ...
  43. Volterra space [62%] (Computing) [Properties of topological spaces] Property of topological spaces ...
  44. Weighted space [62%] (Computing) [Functional analysis] ...
  45. Zariski–Riemann space [62%] (Computing) [Algebraic geometry] Concept in algebraic geometry ...
  46. Zariski space [62%] (Computing) [Algebraic geometry] ...
  47. Zero-dimensional space [62%] (Computing) [0 (number)] [Properties of topological spaces] [Descriptive set theory] Topological space of dimension zero ...
  48. Σ-compact space [62%] (Computing) [Properties of topological spaces] [General topology] [Compactness (mathematics)] 126. A space is said to be σ -locally compact if ...
  49. Ω-bounded space [62%] (Computing) [Properties of topological spaces] ...
  50. Space complexity [62%] (Computing) [Computational resources] [Computational complexity theory] Computer memory needed by an algorithm ...
  51. B-convex space [62%] (Computing) [Convex geometry] [Banach spaces] ...
  52. Acyclic space [62%] (Computing) [Homotopy theory] [Homology theory] [Algebraic topology] ...
  53. Aspherical space [62%] (Computing) [Homotopy theory] [Homology theory] [Algebraic topology] Indeed, contractibility of a universal cover is the same, by Whitehead's ...
  54. Classifying space [62%] (Computing) [Homotopy theory] [Algebraic topology] Quotient of a weakly contractible space by a free action ...
  55. Color space [62%] (Computing) [Photometry] [Image processing] [Color space] Standard that defines a specific range of colors ...
  56. Covering space [62%] (Computing) [Topological graph theory] [Homotopy theory] [Algebraic topology] Type of continuous map in topology ...
  57. Moore space [62%] (Computing) [Algebraic topology] Algebraic topology; ...
  58. Scale space [62%] (Computing) [Computer vision] [Image processing] Scale-space theory is a framework for multi-scale signal representation developed by ...
  59. Scratch space [62%] (Computing) [Rotating disc computer storage media] [Computer files] [Computing terminology] Scratch space is space on the hard disk drive that is ...
  60. Simple space [62%] (Computing) [Algebraic topology] ...
  61. Space diagonal [62%] (Computing) [Elementary geometry] [Magic squares] ...
  62. Space partitioning [62%] (Computing) [Geometric algorithms] [Computer graphics] Division of an entire space into ≥2 disjoint subsets ...
  63. Thom space [62%] (Computing) [Characteristic classes] [Algebraic topology] ...
  64. User space [62%] (Computing) [Device drivers] [Operating system technology] Software run under a kernel ...
  65. Volodin space [62%] (Computing) [Homotopy theory] [Algebraic topology] ...
  66. Moduli space [62%] (Computing) [Invariant theory] Geometric space whose points represent algebro-geometric objects of some fixed kind ...
  67. Pseudo-Euclidean space [62%] (Computing) [Lorentzian manifolds] Then, is itself pseudo-Euclidean ...
  68. Seifert–Weber space [62%] (Computing) [Riemannian geometry] [3-manifolds] There are three ways to do this gluing consistently ...
  69. Space form [62%] (Computing) [Conjectures] [Riemannian geometry] ...
  70. Hadamard space [62%] (Computing) [Geometric topology] [Functional analysis] A flat Hadamard space is isomorphic to a closed convex subset ...
  71. Lens space [62%] (Computing) [Manifolds] [3-manifolds] 3-manifold that is a quotient of S³ by ℤ/p actions: (z,w) ...
  72. Nuclear space [62%] (Computing) [Topological vector spaces] [Operator theory] A generalization of finite dimensional Euclidean spaces different from Hilbert spaces ...
  73. Operator space [62%] (Computing) [Operator theory] [Banach spaces] For operator systems, in addition to an induced matrix norm of ...
  74. Outer space [62%] (Computing) [Geometric topology] [Geometric group theory] Mathematics; For x in Δ k put h ( x ) j ...
  75. Projective space [62%] (Computing) [Projective geometry] Completion of the usual space with "points at infinity" ...
  76. Souček space [62%] (Computing) [Sobolev spaces] [Banach spaces] ...
  77. Semialgebraic space [62%] (Computing) [Real algebraic geometry] Mathematical space ...
  78. Fréchet space [62%] (Computing) [F-spaces] [Topological vector spaces] [Fréchet spaces] A locally convex topological vector space that is also a complete ...
  79. Barrelled space [62%] (Computing) [Topological vector spaces] Type of topological vector space ...
  80. Five-dimensional space [62%] (Computing) [5 (number)] [Multi-dimensional geometry] [Dimension] Geometric space with five dimensions ...
  81. Eight-dimensional space [62%] (Computing) [8 (number)] [Multi-dimensional geometry] [Dimension] Geometric space with eight dimensions ...
  82. Six-dimensional space [62%] (Computing) [6 (number)] [Dimension] Geometric space with six dimensions ...
  83. Montel space [62%] (Computing) [Topological vector spaces] [Functional analysis] Barrelled space where closed and bounded subsets are compact ...
  84. Two-dimensional space [62%] (Computing) [2 (number)] [Multi-dimensional geometry] [Dimension] Mathematical space with two coordinates ...
  85. FK-AK space [62%] (Computing) [Topological vector spaces] ...
  86. Nine-dimensional space [62%] (Computing) [9 (number)] [Multi-dimensional geometry] [Dimension] Geometric space with nine dimensions ...
  87. Webbed space [62%] (Computing) [Topological vector spaces] [Functional analysis] Space where open mapping and closed graph theorems hold ...
  88. Bornological space [62%] (Computing) [Topological vector spaces] Space where bounded operators are continuous ...
  89. Seven-dimensional space [62%] (Computing) [7 (number)] [Multi-dimensional geometry] [Dimension] Geometric space with seven dimensions ...
  90. One-dimensional space [62%] (Computing) [1 (number)] [Dimension] Space with one dimension ...
  91. Semi-Hilbert space [62%] (Computing) [Topological vector spaces] ...
  92. Mackey space [62%] (Computing) [Topological vector spaces] Mathematics concept ...
  93. Segal space [62%] (Computing) [Simplicial sets] [Category theory] The condition for Segal spaces is a homotopical version of this ...
  94. Dialectica space [62%] (Computing) [Logic] [Category theory] Dialectica spaces are a categorical way of constructing models of linear ...
  95. Media space [62%] (Computing) [Collaborative software] [User interface techniques] Electronic settings where people can work while not present at the ...
  96. Minkowski space [62%] (Computing) [Algebraic number theory] Number field; If c denotes complex conjugation, let K R denote the subspace ...
  97. Perfectoid space [62%] (Computing) [Algebraic number theory] Used to compare mixed characteristic situations with purely finite characteristic ones ...
  98. Eilenberg–MacLane space [62%] (Computing) [Homotopy theory] Topological space with only one nontrivial homotopy group ...
  99. Lorentz space [62%] (Computing) [Banach spaces] 37-55. G. Lorentz, "On the theory of spaces Λ", Pacific Journal ...
  100. Space of directions [62%] (Computing) [Metric geometry] In metric geometry, the space of directions at a point describes ...
  101. Γ-space [62%] (Computing) [Topological spaces] [General topology] Topological space ...
  102. Half-space [62%] (Computing) [Euclidean geometry] Geometry; Bisection of Euclidean space by a hyperplane ...
  103. FK-space [62%] (Computing) [Topological vector spaces] [Fréchet spaces] [F-spaces] Sequence space that is Fréchet ...
  104. LF-space [62%] (Computing) [Topological vector spaces] If it exists, then the final topology on in , also ...
  105. VOX Space [62%] (redirect)
  106. Besov space [62%] (Computing) [Function spaces] [Banach spaces] Pp. 734. ...
  107. BK-space [62%] (Computing) [Topological vector spaces] [Banach spaces] Sequence space that is Banach ...
  108. Grothendieck space [62%] (Computing) [Banach spaces] Mediterranean journal of Mathematics, 2017. ...
  109. Modulation space [62%] (Computing) [Banach spaces] Modulation spaces are a family of Banach space s defined by ...
  110. Reflexive space [62%] (Computing) [Duality theories] [Banach spaces] The bidual of denoted by is the strong dual of ; ...
  111. Tsirelson space [62%] (Computing) [Banach spaces] , p. 95, say that this question was " a long standing ...
  112. Baire space [62%] (Computing) [Integer sequences] [Topological spaces] [Descriptive set theory] Set theory; Concept in set theory ...
  113. Banach space [62%] (Computing) [Topological vector spaces] [Normed spaces] [Banach spaces] Normed vector space that is complete ...
  114. Space for Life [62%] (Computing) Natural science museum district in Montreal, Canada ...
  115. Weight space [62%] (redirect)
  116. Edge space [62%] (Computing) [Algebraic graph theory] The vertex space of G is the vector space over the ...
  117. Cycle space [62%] (Computing) [Algebraic graph theory] All even-degree subgraphs of a graph ...
  118. Twistor space [62%] (Computing) [Complex manifolds] The are the Pauli matrices , with the indexes on the ...
  119. Alén Space [62%] (Company) [Spacecraft manufacturers] Spanish Space Company ...
  120. Dhruva Space [62%] (Company) [Companies] [Companies (Astronomy)] [Aerospace companies of India] Indian aerospace company ...
  121. Ringed space [62%] (Computing) [Scheme theory] [Sheaf theory] Sheaf of rings in mathematics ...
  122. Space group [62%] (Computing) [Molecular geometry] [Discrete groups] [Finite groups] Symmetry group of a configuration in space ...
  123. Haar space [62%] (Computing) [Approximation theory] ...
  124. F-space [62%] (Computing) [Topological vector spaces] [F-spaces] Topological vector space with a complete translation-invariant metric ...
  125. Advanced Space [62%] (redirect)
  126. Face space [62%] (Computing) [Face recognition] Face space is a theoretical idea in psychology such that it ...
  127. Origin Space [62%] (Company) [Private spaceflight companies] Chinese private company ...
  128. Proximity space [62%] (Computing) [General topology] [Closure operators] Structure describing a notion of "nearness" between subsets ...
  129. Approach space [62%] (Computing) [Closure operators] ...
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