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Searching: "theorem"

  1. Theorem [100%] (Computing) [Concepts in logic] [Mathematical terminology] [Mathematical proofs] In mathematics, a statement that has been proved ...
  2. Bayes theorem [62%] (Computing) [Statistics] [Data analysis] [W.Krisher and R.Bock] ...
  3. Gauss-markov theorem [62%] (Computing) [Statistics] [Data analysis] [W.Krisher and R.Bock] This theorem states that when estimating parameters in a linear model ...
  4. Sampling theorem [62%] (Computing) [Statistics] [Data analysis] [W.Krisher and R.Bock] The greyvalues of digitized one- or two-dimensional signals are typically generated ...
  5. Abel–Ruffini theorem [62%] (Computing) [Solvable groups] [Galois theory] [Articles containing proofs] Equations of degree 5 or higher cannot be solved by radicals ...
  6. Abel's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Summability methods] [Mathematical series] [Theorems in complex analysis] For example, when a_k \frac , we obtain G_a(z) \frac , ...
  7. Adian–Rabin theorem [62%] (Computing) [Geometric group theory] [Theorems in group theory] [https://books.google.com/books?id 5tYi8ETy1ZAC&dq G.+Baumslag.+%22Topics+in+combinatorial+group+theory%22&pg PA8 Topics in combinatorial group theory. ] Lectures ...
  8. Ado's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Lie algebras] ...
  9. Alexandrov theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in measure theory] ...
  10. Amitsur–Levitzki theorem [62%] (Computing) [Matrix theory] [Theorems in algebra] [Linear algebra] States that the algebra of n by n matrices satisfies a ...
  11. Anderson's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in real analysis] [Probability theorems] [Theorems in geometry] On when a function on convex body K does not decrease ...
  12. Apollonius's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Euclidean geometry] Relates the length of a median of a triangle to the ...
  13. Area theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in complex analysis] Conformal mapping; After simplification, this yields: where denotes complex conjugation ...
  14. Arzelà–Ascoli theorem [62%] (Computing) [Topology of function spaces] [Theorems in functional analysis] [Theorems in real analysis] On when a family of real, continuous functions has a uniformly ...
  15. Atiyah–Hitchin–Singer theorem [62%] (Computing) [Differential geometry] ...
  16. Atkinson–Mingarelli theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Ordinary differential equations] Negative) part of the function p ( x )/ w ( ...
  17. ATS theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] In mathematics, the ATS theorem is the theorem on the a ...
  18. Babuška–Lax–Milgram theorem [62%] (Computing) [Partial differential equations] [Theorems in analysis] Let U and V be two real Hilbert spaces and let ...
  19. Balinski's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in graph theory] [Theorems in discrete geometry] [Graph connectivity] Graphs of d-dimensional polytopes are d-connected ...
  20. Banach–Alaoglu theorem [62%] (Computing) [Topological vector spaces] [Theorems in functional analysis] [Compactness theorems] Theorem in functional analysis ...
  21. Basu's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Independence (probability theory)] [Theorems in statistics] Theorem in statistics ...
  22. Bauer–Fike theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in analysis] [Spectral theory] The following version comes in help.: Bauer–Fike Theorem (Alternate Formulation). Let ...
  23. Beckman–Quarles theorem [62%] (Computing) [Mathematics of rigidity] [Theorems in geometry] [Metric geometry] Unit-distance-preserving maps are isometries ...
  24. Beck's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in discrete geometry] [Euclidean plane geometry] Geometry; On lower bounds on the number of lines determined by a ...
  25. Bendixson–Dulac theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in dynamical systems] [Differential equations] ...
  26. Beurling–Lax theorem [62%] (Computing) [Invariant subspaces] [Theorems in analysis] [Hardy spaces] ...
  27. Bézout's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in algebraic geometry] [Intersection theory] [Incidence geometry] Number of intersection points of algebraic curves and hypersurfaces ...
  28. Binomial theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Factorial and binomial topics] Algebraic expansion of powers of a binomial ...
  29. Bipolar theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Functional analysis] [Convex analysis] Theorem in convex analysis ...
  30. Bochner's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in statistics] [Theorems in Fourier analysis] [Theorems in functional analysis] Theorem of Fourier transforms of Borel measures ...
  31. Bohr–Mollerup theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in complex analysis] [Gamma and related functions] Theorem in complex analysis ...
  32. Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem [62%] (Computing) [Compactness theorems] [Theorems in real analysis] Bounded sequence in finite-dimensional Euclidean space has a convergent subsequence ...
  33. Bony–Brezis theorem [62%] (Computing) [Manifolds] [Dynamical systems] [Ordinary differential equations] A vector is an exterior normal at a point of the ...
  34. Borel–Carathéodory theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in complex analysis] First let f (0) 0. Since Re f is harmonic, Re ...
  35. Borsuk–Ulam theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in topology] [Theory of continuous functions] [Combinatorics] Theorem in topology ...
  36. Bourbaki–Witt theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in the foundations of mathematics] [Fixed-point theorems] The sequence of successive iterates, : where x 0 is any ...
  37. Brahmagupta theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] 59, 1967 More specifically, let A , B , C and ...
  38. Bruck–Ryser–Chowla theorem [62%] (Computing) [Design of experiments] [Theorems in statistics] [Theorems in projective geometry] Nonexistence result for combinatorial block designs ...
  39. Brunn–Minkowski theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in measure theory] [Theorems in convex geometry] [Geometric inequalities] See the discussion in Gardner's survey for more on this, as ...
  40. Bundle theorem [62%] (Computing) [Incidence geometry] [Classical geometry] In Euclidean geometry , the bundle theorem is a statement about ...
  41. Butterfly theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Euclidean plane geometry] About the midpoint of a chord of a circle, through which ...
  42. Cameron–Martin theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in measure theory] [Probability theorems] Theorem defining translation of Gaussian measures (Wiener measures) on Hilbert spaces. ...
  43. Carathéodory–Jacobi–Lie theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in differential geometry] [Symplectic geometry] Theorem in symplectic geometry which generalizes Darboux's theorem ...
  44. Carathéodory's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in discrete geometry] [Theorems in convex geometry] [Geometric transversal theory] Convex hull; Point in the convex hull of a set P in Rd, ...
  45. Carlson's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in complex analysis] [Finite differences] [Factorial and binomial topics] Uniqueness theorem in complex analysis ...
  46. Cartan–Dieudonné theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in group theory] ...
  47. Cartan–Hadamard theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in Riemannian geometry] [Metric geometry] On the structure of complete Riemannian manifolds of non-positive sectional curvature ...
  48. Cartan–Kähler theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Partial differential equations] By D. H. Delphenich] [http://neo-classical-physics.info/uploads/3/0/6/5/3065888/kaehler_-_systems_of_diff_eqs.pdf E. Kähler, "Introduction to the theory ...
  49. Cartan's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in abstract algebra] [Lie groups] ...
  50. Casey's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Euclidean geometry] On four non-intersecting circles that lie inside a bigger circle ...
  51. Casorati–Weierstrass theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in complex analysis] Mathematical theorem ...
  52. Cauchy–Hadamard theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in complex analysis] [Mathematical series] A theorem that determines the radius of convergence of a power ...
  53. Cauchy–Kowalevski theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Partial differential equations] Existence and uniqueness theorem for certain partial differential equations ...
  54. Cauchy's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] Group theory; Existence of group elements of prime order ...
  55. Cayley–Hamilton theorem [62%] (Computing) [Matrix theory] [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in linear algebra] Every square matrix over a commutative ring satisfies its own characteristic ...
  56. Cayley's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Permutations] Representation of groups by permutations ...
  57. Ceva's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Euclidean plane geometry] [Articles containing proofs] [Affine geometry] Geometric relation between line segments from a triangle's vertices and their ...
  58. Chevalley–Warning theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in algebra] [Diophantine geometry] [Finite fields] Certain polynomial equations in enough variables over a finite field have ...
  59. Chow–Rashevskii theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in geometry] [Metric geometry] On horizontal paths in a sub-Riemannian manifold ...
  60. Clark–Ocone theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in measure theory] [Theorems regarding stochastic processes] ...
  61. Closed-subgroup theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in group theory] [Lie groups] The challenge is that is not assumed to have any smoothness ...
  62. Collage theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in geometry] [Fractals] Characterises an iterated function system whose attractor is close to a ...
  63. Conley–Zehnder theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Fixed points (mathematics)] [Dynamical systems] In mathematics, the Conley–Zehnder theorem , named after Charles C. Conley ...
  64. Conservativity theorem [62%] (Computing) [Proof theory] [Theorems in the foundations of mathematics] [Mathematical logic] ...
  65. Convolution theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in Fourier analysis] Theorem in mathematics ...
  66. Cook–Levin theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in computational complexity theory] Boolean satisfiability is NP-complete and therefore that NP-complete problems exist ...
  67. Cousin's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Real analysis] For any , suppose . By that assumption (and using that ...
  68. Cover's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Artificial neural networks] [Statistical classification] [Computational learning theory] Statement in computational learning theory ...
  69. Cramer's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Analytic geometry] [Algebra] Algebraic curves; Number of points needed to determine an algebraic curve ...
  70. Cramér–Wold theorem [62%] (Computing) [Convergence (mathematics)] [Probability theorems] [Theorems in measure theory] It is used as a method for proving joint convergence results ...
  71. Curtis–Hedlund–Lyndon theorem [62%] (Computing) [Cellular automata] [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in discrete mathematics] The Curtis–Hedlund–Lyndon theorem is a mathematical characterization of cellular automata in ...
  72. Danskin's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Convex optimization] The original theorem given by J. M. Danskin in his 1967 ...
  73. Darboux's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in real analysis] [Theory of continuous functions] Analysis; All derivatives have the intermediate value property ...
  74. Darboux's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Mathematical physics] [Theorems in differential geometry] [Coordinate systems in differential geometry] Foundational result in symplectic geometry ...
  75. Decomposition theorem [62%] (Computing) [Algebraic geometry] ...
  76. Delzant's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in differential geometry] [Symplectic geometry] Classifies Hamiltonian actions of a torus on a symplectic manifold of ...
  77. Denjoy–Carleman–Ahlfors theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Analytic geometry] The Denjoy–Carleman–Ahlfors theorem states that the number of asymptotic values attained ...
  78. Denjoy–Luzin–Saks theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] ...
  79. Denjoy–Luzin theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Fourier series] ...
  80. Denjoy–Riesz theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in topology] [General topology] A compact set of totally disconnected points in the plane can ...
  81. Denjoy–Young–Saks theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] Mathematical theorem about Dini derivatives ...
  82. Dilworth's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in combinatorics] [Perfect graphs] [Order theory] A chain decomposition is a partition of the elements of the ...
  83. Dini's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in real analysis] The limit function must be continuous, since a uniform limit of ...
  84. Disc theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in differential topology] [Differential topology] Two embeddings of a closed k-disc into a connected n-manifold are ...
  85. Disintegration theorem [62%] (Computing) [Probability theorems] [Theorems in measure theory] Theorem in measure theory ...
  86. Divergence theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in calculus] Theorem in calculus which relates the flux of closed surfaces to ...
  87. Donaldson's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Quadratic forms] [Theorems in topology] [Differential topology] On when a definite intersection form of a smooth 4-manifold is ...
  88. Egorov's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in measure theory] Theorem concerning uniform convergence ...
  89. Ehrenfest theorem [62%] (Computing) [Mathematical physics] [Theorems in quantum mechanics] Theorem in quantum mechanics ...
  90. Equioscillation theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Numerical analysis] Theorem ...
  91. Erdős–Anning theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in discrete geometry] [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in discrete mathematics] On sets of points with integer distances ...
  92. Erdős–Kac theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems about prime numbers] [Normal distribution] A volume the size of the observable universe would have around ...
  93. Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem [62%] (Computing) [Factorial and binomial topics] [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in discrete mathematics] Upper bound on intersecting set families ...
  94. Erdős–Szekeres theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in discrete mathematics] [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in discrete geometry] Sufficiently long sequences of numbers have long monotonic subsequences ...
  95. Erdős–Szemerédi theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in number theory] [Theorems in discrete mathematics] [Combinatorics] For every finite set of real numbers, the pairwise sums or ...
  96. Esenin-Volpin's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in topology] [General topology] ...
  97. Euclid–Euler theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in number theory] Characterization of even perfect numbers ...
  98. Euclid's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems about prime numbers] [Articles containing proofs] There are infinitely many prime numbers ...
  99. Euler's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in number theory] [Modular arithmetic] Theorem on modular exponentiation ...
  100. Beer's theorem [62%] (redirect)
  101. Existence theorem [62%] (Computing) [Mathematical and quantitative methods (economics)] [Mathematical theorems] Theorem which asserts the existence of an object ...
  102. Fáry's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in graph theory] [Articles containing proofs] [Planar graphs] Planar graphs have straight drawings ...
  103. Fermat's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in calculus] [Articles containing proofs] [Differential calculus] Stationary points; Method to find local maxima and minima of differentiable functions on ...
  104. Fernique's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in measure theory] [Probability theorems] A result about Gaussian measures on Banach spaces ...
  105. Fieller's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Normal distribution] [Statistical approximations] [Theorems in statistics] Senn, Steven (2007) Statistical Issues in Drug Development . Second Edition ...
  106. Foster's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Markov processes] [Theorems regarding stochastic processes] ...
  107. Fraïssé's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Universal algebra] [Model theory] [Mathematical structures] ...
  108. Fredholm's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] [Linear algebra] ...
  109. Frobenius's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in group theory] Group theory; ...
  110. Frobenius theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Quaternions] [Algebras] Real division algebras; Theorem in abstract algebra ...
  111. Froda's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in real analysis] [Articles containing proofs] Usually, this theorem appears in literature without a name ...
  112. Fubini's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in calculus] [Theorems in measure theory] Conditions for switching order of integration in calculus ...
  113. Fuchs' theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Differential equations] ...
  114. Fundamental theorem [62%] (Computing) [Fundamental theorems] A result considered to be the most central and important one ...
  115. Glaisher's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in number theory] On the number of partitions of an integer into parts not ...
  116. Glivenko's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Probability theorems] [Theory of probability distributions] Probability theory; ...
  117. Godunov's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Computational fluid dynamics] [Theorems in analysis] [Numerical differential equations] Sbornik, 47, 271-306 , translated US Joint Publ ...
  118. Goodstein's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Numeral systems] [Integer sequences] [Large numbers] Theorem about natural numbers ...
  119. Gradient theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in calculus] Evaluates a line integral through a gradient field using the original ...
  120. Green's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in calculus] Theorem in calculus relating line and double integrals ...
  121. Haruki's Theorem [62%] (Computing) [Geometry] Geometry Theorem ...
  122. Helly's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Geometric transversal theory] [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in discrete geometry] Theorem about the intersections of d-dimensional convex sets ...
  123. Hilbert's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in differential geometry] [Hyperbolic geometry] Differential geometry; No complete regular surface of constant negative gaussian curvature immerses in ...
  124. Optical theorem [62%] (Physics) [Physics theorems] [Scattering] [ absorption and radiative transfer (optics)] Theorem in physics ...
  125. Hölder's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Gamma and related functions] ...
  126. Identity theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in complex analysis] Theorem on the equality of analytic functions ...
  127. Increment theorem [62%] (Computing) [Nonstandard analysis] [Theorems in calculus] Again assume that is differentiable, but now let be a nonzero ...
  128. Intersection theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in projective geometry] [Incidence geometry] ...
  129. Isserlis' theorem [62%] (Computing) [Probability theorems] [Normal distribution] [Moment (mathematics)] For example, for order moments (i.e ...
  130. Jung's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Metric geometry] [Theorems in geometry] [Euclidean geometry] Theorem relating the diameter of a point set to the minimum ...
  131. Kakutani's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in measure theory] [Probability theorems] Measure theory; Have the same null sets). Then either and are equivalent, or ...
  132. Kantorovich theorem [62%] (Computing) [Optimization algorithms and methods] [Optimization in vector spaces] [Theorems in analysis] About the convergence of Newton's method ...
  133. Kirszbraun theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] [Theorems in real analysis] [Metric geometry] Mathematical theorem related to real and functional analysis ...
  134. Kleiman's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Algebraic geometry] This completes the proof of Statement 1.For Statement 2, since G ...
  135. Kneser's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Oscillation] [Theorems in analysis] [Ordinary differential equations] Differential equations; Mathematical theorm ...
  136. Kōmura's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] [Theorems in measure theory] Mathematical theorem ...
  137. Kőnig's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Matching (graph theory)] [Perfect graphs] [Articles containing proofs] Graph theory; Theorem showing that maximum matching and minimum vertex cover are equivalent ...
  138. König's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in the foundations of mathematics] [Mathematical logic] [Cardinal numbers] Set theory; Thus it is non-empty, which is just what the axiom of ...
  139. Lagrange's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] Group theory; The order of a subgroup of a finite group G divides ...
  140. Lindström's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Metatheorems] [Theorems in the foundations of mathematics] [Mathematical logic] ...
  141. Liouville's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Analytic functions] [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in complex analysis] Complex analysis; Theorem in complex analysis ...
  142. Liouville's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in algebra] [Differential equations] [Differential algebra] Differential algebra; Antiderivatives living in, at worst, an elementary differential extension of F ...
  143. Löb's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Mathematical axioms] [Provability logic] [Metatheorems] Provability logic ...
  144. Localization theorem [62%] (Computing) [Integral calculus] However, since x 0 is part of the open set Ω ...
  145. Lucas's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems about prime numbers] [Articles containing proofs] Modulo p , we only need to consider fixed points of ...
  146. Lusin's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in measure theory] [Theorems in real analysis] Theorem in measure theory ...
  147. Maharam's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in measure theory] [Banach spaces] Mathematical theorem regarding decomposability of measure spaces ...
  148. Mahler's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Factorial and binomial topics] ...
  149. Malmquist's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Ordinary differential equations] ...
  150. Mapping theorem [62%] (Computing) [Poisson point processes] Point process; ...
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