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Searching: "theorem"

  1. Kleiman's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Algebraic geometry] This completes the proof of Statement 1.For Statement 2, since G ...
  2. Knaster–Tarski theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in the foundations of mathematics] [Fixed-point theorems] Often a more specialized version of the theorem is used, where ...
  3. Kneser's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Oscillation] [Theorems in analysis] [Ordinary differential equations] Differential equations; Mathematical theorm ...
  4. Kōmura's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] [Theorems in measure theory] Mathematical theorem ...
  5. Kőnig's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Matching (graph theory)] [Perfect graphs] [Articles containing proofs] Graph theory; Theorem showing that maximum matching and minimum vertex cover are equivalent ...
  6. König's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in the foundations of mathematics] [Mathematical logic] [Cardinal numbers] Set theory; Thus it is non-empty, which is just what the axiom of ...
  7. Kruskal–Katona theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in combinatorics] [Hypergraphs] [Algebraic combinatorics] About the numbers of faces of different dimensions in an abstract ...
  8. Krylov–Bogolyubov theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in measure theory] [Probability theorems] [Theorems in dynamical systems] G. Sinai (Ed.) (1997): Dynamical Systems II. Ergodic Theory with Applications ...
  9. Kuratowski–Ulam theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in topology] [Descriptive set theory] [General topology] Analog of Fubini's theorem for arbitrary second countable Baire spaces ...
  10. Lagrange's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] Group theory; The order of a subgroup of a finite group G divides ...
  11. Lax–Wendroff theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Computational fluid dynamics] [Numerical differential equations] ...
  12. Lévy–Steinitz theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Summability theory] [Permutations] ...
  13. Lie–Kolchin theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in representation theory] [Representation theory of algebraic groups] [Lie algebras] Theorem in the representation theory of linear algebraic groups ...
  14. Lie–Palais theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in differential geometry] [Lie algebras] Lifts an action of a finite-dimensional Lie algebra on a manifold ...
  15. Lindemann–Weierstrass theorem [62%] (Computing) [Transcendental numbers] [Theorems in number theory] [Exponentials] On algebraic independence of exponentials of linearly independent algebraic numbers over ...
  16. Lindström's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Metatheorems] [Theorems in the foundations of mathematics] [Mathematical logic] ...
  17. Lions–Lax–Milgram theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] [Partial differential equations] In simple settings, it suffices to consider cylindrical domains : i.e., ...
  18. Liouville's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Analytic functions] [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in complex analysis] Complex analysis; Theorem in complex analysis ...
  19. Liouville's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in algebra] [Differential equations] [Differential algebra] Differential algebra; Antiderivatives living in, at worst, an elementary differential extension of F ...
  20. Löb's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Mathematical axioms] [Provability logic] [Metatheorems] Provability logic ...
  21. Localization theorem [62%] (Computing) [Integral calculus] However, since x 0 is part of the open set Ω ...
  22. Lucas's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems about prime numbers] [Articles containing proofs] Modulo p , we only need to consider fixed points of ...
  23. Lusin's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in measure theory] [Theorems in real analysis] Theorem in measure theory ...
  24. Lyusternik–Fet theorem [62%] (Computing) [Geodesic (mathematics)] [Differential geometry] Mathematical theorem ...
  25. Maharam's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in measure theory] [Banach spaces] Mathematical theorem regarding decomposability of measure spaces ...
  26. Mahler's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Factorial and binomial topics] ...
  27. Malgrange–Ehrenpreis theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Differential equations] In mathematics, the Malgrange–Ehrenpreis theorem states that every non-zero linear differential ...
  28. Malmquist's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Ordinary differential equations] ...
  29. Mapping theorem [62%] (Computing) [Poisson point processes] Point process; ...
  30. Masreliez's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Control engineering] [Signal processing] [Control theory] Masreliez theorem describes a recursive algorithm within the technology of extended ...
  31. Master theorem [62%] (Computing) [Analysis of algorithms] [Recurrence relations] [Theorems in computational complexity theory] Analysis of algorithms; Analysis of divide and conquer algorithms ...
  32. Maximum theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Mathematical theorems] [Mathematical optimization] Provides conditions for a parametric optimization problem to have continuous solutions ...
  33. Menelaus's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Euclidean plane geometry] [Articles containing proofs] [Affine geometry] Geometric relation on line segments formed by a line cutting through ...
  34. Menger's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in graph theory] [Network theory] [Graph connectivity] Theorem in graph theory ...
  35. Metrization theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in topology] [General topology] This is also true of other structures linked to the metric ...
  36. Milnor–Moore theorem [62%] (Computing) [Hopf algebras] Algebraic theorem ...
  37. Minimax theorem [62%] (Computing) [Mathematical theorems] [Mathematical optimization] [Game theory] Gives conditions that guarantee the max–min inequality is also an equality ...
  38. Minkowski's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in number theory] [Convex analysis] Every symmetric convex set in R^n with volume > 2^n contains ...
  39. Min-max theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] [Spectral theory] [Operator theory] Variational characterization of eigenvalues of compact Hermitian operators on Hilbert spaces ...
  40. Mirsky's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in combinatorics] [Perfect graphs] [Order theory] Characterizes the height of any finite partially ordered set ...
  41. Monge's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Euclidean plane geometry] The intersections of the 3 pairs of external tangent lines to ...
  42. Mostow–Palais theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in topology] [Lie groups] Equivariant version of the Whitney embedding theorem ...
  43. Multinomial theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Factorial and binomial topics] [Combinatorics] Generalization of the binomial theorem to other polynomials ...
  44. Multiplication theorem [62%] (Computing) [Mathematical theorems] [Gamma and related functions] [Zeta and L-functions] Identity obeyed by many special functions related to the gamma function ...
  45. Müntz–Szász theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in approximation theory] [Functional analysis] The Müntz–Szász theorem is a basic result of approximation theory, proved ...
  46. Narasimhan–Seshadri theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Riemann surfaces] ...
  47. Nash–Moser theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] [Inverse functions] [Topological vector spaces] Generalization of the inverse function theorem ...
  48. Nash-Williams theorem [62%] (Computing) [Graph theory] Theorem in graph theory describing number of edge-disjoint spanning trees a ...
  49. Niven's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in algebra] [Theorems in geometry] [Trigonometry] The only rational angles in first quadrant whose sine is rational ...
  50. No-cloning theorem [62%] (Computing) [No-go theorems] [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in quantum mechanics] Theorem in quantum information science ...
  51. Non-squeezing theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in geometry] [Symplectic geometry] The non-squeezing theorem , also called Gromov's non-squeezing theorem , is ...
  52. No-wandering-domain theorem [62%] (Computing) [Complex dynamics] [Theorems in dynamical systems] [Limit sets] Mathematical theorem ...
  53. Ore's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Hamiltonian paths and cycles] [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in graph theory] There are two vertices with degree less than n /2 in ...
  54. Paley–Wiener theorem [62%] (Computing) [Hardy spaces] [Theorems in complex analysis] [Generalized functions] However, this integral may not be well-defined, even for in ; ...
  55. Palm–Khintchine theorem [62%] (Computing) [Probability theorems] [Point processes] [Network performance] Theorem in probability theory ...
  56. Parthasarathy's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in measure theory] [Theorems in discrete mathematics] [Game theory] Says when particular class of games on the unit square has ...
  57. Pascal's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Euclidean plane geometry] [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in projective geometry] Theorem on the collinearity of three points generated from a hexagon ...
  58. Peetre theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] [Differential operators] [Articles containing proofs] So Dq ( x ) 0. This is a contradiction.We now ...
  59. Perron–Frobenius theorem [62%] (Computing) [Markov processes] [Theorems in linear algebra] [Matrix theory] Theory in linear algebra ...
  60. Picard–Lindelöf theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Ordinary differential equations] Existence and uniqueness of solutions to initial value problems ...
  61. Pick's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Analytic geometry] [Articles containing proofs] [Area] Formula for area of a grid polygon ...
  62. Pohlke's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Linear algebra] [Graphical projections] Pohlke's theorem is the fundamental theorem of axonometry. It was established ...
  63. Poincaré–Birkhoff theorem [62%] (Computing) [Fixed-point theorems] [Dynamical systems] [Symplectic topology] ...
  64. Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem [62%] (Computing) [Lie algebras] Explicitly describes the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra ...
  65. Poincaré–Miranda theorem [62%] (Computing) [Fixed-point theorems] [Real analysis] [Topology] Generalisation of the intermediate value theorem ...
  66. Pompeiu's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Elementary geometry] On line segments from a point to the vertices of an ...
  67. Projection-slice theorem [62%] (Computing) [Image processing] [Integral transforms] [Theorems in Fourier analysis] Theorem in mathematics ...
  68. Prokhorov's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in measure theory] [Compactness theorems] Relates tightness of measures to relative compactness in the space of ...
  69. Ptolemy's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Euclidean plane geometry] [Articles containing proofs] Relates the 4 sides and 2 diagonals of a quadrilateral with ...
  70. Pythagorean theorem [62%] (Computing) [Euclidean plane geometry] [Equations] [Articles containing proofs] Relation between sides of a right triangle ...
  71. Qvist's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Incidence geometry] [Projective geometry] [Articles containing proofs] ...
  72. Rademacher–Menchov theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] ...
  73. Rademacher's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in measure theory] (This one-dimensional generalization of Rademacher's theorem fails to extend to higher ...
  74. Radon–Nikodym theorem [62%] (Computing) [Integral representations] [Generalizations of the derivative] [Articles containing proofs] Expressing a measure as an integral of another ...
  75. Ramsey's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in graph theory] [Ramsey theory] Statement in mathematical combinatorics ...
  76. Rank–nullity theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Isomorphism theorems] [Theorems in linear algebra] In linear algebra, relation between 3 dimensions ...
  77. Rellich–Kondrachov theorem [62%] (Computing) [Sobolev spaces] [Theorems in analysis] Nauk SSSR 48, 563–566 (1945). Leoni, Giovanni (2009). A First Course ...
  78. Representer theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theoretical computer science] [Computational learning theory] For example, Schölkopf, Herbrich, and Smola also consider the minimization: i.e., ...
  79. Residue theorem [62%] (Computing) [Analytic functions] [Theorems in complex analysis] Concept of complex analysis ...
  80. Rice's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in the foundations of mathematics] [Articles containing proofs] Theorem in computability theory ...
  81. Riesz–Fischer theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in real analysis] [Fourier series] Let R be an inner product space consisting of functions (for ...
  82. Robbins' theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in graph theory] [Graph connectivity] Equivalence between strongly orientable graphs and bridgeless graphs ...
  83. Rolle's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in calculus] [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in real analysis] On stationary points between two equal values of a real ...
  84. Rouché's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in complex analysis] [Articles containing proofs] Theorem about zeros of holomorphic functions ...
  85. Routh–Hurwitz theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in real analysis] [Theorems in complex analysis] Mathematical theorem ...
  86. Sard's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in measure theory] [Theorems in differential geometry] [Theorems in analysis] Theorem in mathematical analysis ...
  87. Sazonov's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in measure theory] [Theorems in functional analysis] [Stochastic processes] ...
  88. Schröder–Bernstein theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Cardinal numbers] [Theorems in the foundations of mathematics] Theorem in set theory ...
  89. Segre's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Incidence geometry] [Projective geometry] [Articles containing proofs] The standard examples are the nondegenerate projective conic sections.In pappian projective ...
  90. Serre–Swan theorem [62%] (Computing) [K-theory] [Differential topology] [Theorems in algebraic topology] Relates the geometric vector bundles to algebraic projective modules ...
  91. Shift theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Differential operators] [Multivariable calculus] ...
  92. Silverman–Toeplitz theorem [62%] (Computing) [Summability theory] [Summability methods] [Theorems in analysis] Theorem of summability methods ...
  93. Sipser–Lautemann theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in computational complexity theory] [Randomized algorithms] Bounded-error probabilistic polynomial time is contained in the polynomial time hierarchy ...
  94. Śleszyński–Pringsheim theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in real analysis] [Continued fractions] Criterion for convergence of continued fractions ...
  95. Solèr's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in quantum mechanics] [Mathematical logic] Mathematical theorem ...
  96. Spectral theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in linear algebra] [Theorems in functional analysis] [Singular value decomposition] Result about when a matrix can be diagonalized ...
  97. Tikhonov's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in dynamical systems] [Perturbation theory] [Differential equations] Dynamical systems; ...
  98. Toy theorem [62%] (Computing) [Mathematical terminology] [Mathematical theorems] Simplified instance of a general theorem ...
  99. Transversality theorem [62%] (Computing) [Differential geometry] [Theorems in differential topology] Describes the transverse intersection properties of a smooth family of smooth ...
  100. Trudinger's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in analysis] [Inequalities] [Sobolev spaces] ...
  101. Turán's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in graph theory] [Extremal graph theory] Extremal graph theory bound on clique-free graph edges ...
  102. Tutte theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in graph theory] [Matching (graph theory)] Characterization of graphs with perfect matchings ...
  103. Ultraparallel theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in geometry] [Hyperbolic geometry] [Articles containing proofs] Theorem in hyperbolic geometry ...
  104. Ushiki's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Several complex variables] [Theorems in complex analysis] [Dynamical systems] Sur les liaisons-cols des systèmes dynamiques analytiques ...
  105. Vantieghems theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems about prime numbers] [Modular arithmetic] [Factorial and binomial topics] ...
  106. Varignon's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Euclidean geometry] The midpoints of the sides of an arbitrary quadrilateral form a ...
  107. Viviani's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] On the sum of the distances from an interior point to ...
  108. Wilks' theorem [62%] (Computing) [Statistical tests] [Statistical ratios] Statistical theorem ...
  109. Wilson's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems about prime numbers] [Articles containing proofs] [Factorial and binomial topics] Theorem on prime numbers ...
  110. Wold's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Time series] [Theorems in statistics] Theorem of stationary processes; that such time series are sums of ...
  111. Wolstenholme's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems about prime numbers] [Articles containing proofs] [Factorial and binomial topics] Result in number theory ...
  112. Zahorski theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in real analysis] ...
  113. Zeckendorf's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Articles containing proofs] [Theorems in number theory] [Fibonacci numbers] On the unique representation of integers as sums of non-consecutive Fibonacci ...
  114. Zorich's theorem [62%] (Computing) [General topology] ...
  115. Compression theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in the foundations of mathematics] [Structural complexity theory] [Computational complexity theory] ...
  116. Gerbaldi's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in projective geometry] [Theorems in linear algebra] [Quadratic forms] Result in linear algebra and projective geometry ...
  117. Hurwitz's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Hypercomplex numbers] [Representation theory] [Quadratic forms] Composition algebras; Non-associative algebras with positive-definite quadratic form ...
  118. Mahaney's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Computational complexity theory] ...
  119. Meyer's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in number theory] [Quadratic forms] Indefinite quadratic form in > 4 variables over the rationals nontrivially ...
  120. Nullity theorem [62%] (Computing) [Matrix theory] The nullity theorem is a mathematical theorem about the inverse of ...
  121. Sinkhorn's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in linear algebra] [Matrix theory] Every square matrix with positive entries can be written in a ...
  122. Slonimski's Theorem [62%] (Computing) [Multiplication] [Mechanical calculators] Slonimski's Theorem is an observation by Hayyim Selig Slonimski that the ...
  123. Specht's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in linear algebra] [Matrix theory] Gives a necessary and sufficient condition for two complex matrices to ...
  124. Witt's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Quadratic forms] [Theorems in linear algebra] Basic result in the algebraic theory of quadratic forms, on extending ...
  125. Bayes' theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in statistics] [Probability theorems] [Bayesian statistics] Probability based on prior knowledge ...
  126. CAP theorem [62%] (Computing) [Distributed computing] Need to sacrifice consistency or availability in the presence of network ...
  127. Arrival theorem [62%] (Computing) [Probability theorems] [Queueing theory] Theorem of queueing theory about instantaneous behavior at arrival times ...
  128. Atkinson's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] On the other hand, T (Ker( F ) ⊥ ) is ...
  129. Bartlett's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Queueing theory] [Probability theorems] Seminar Theories ...
  130. Belyi's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in algebraic geometry] [Algebraic curves] Connects non-singular algebraic curves with compact Riemann surfaces ...
  131. Bernstein's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Approximation theory] Polynomials; Mathematical inequality ...
  132. Blackman's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Control engineering] [Electronic amplifiers] [Signal processing] Blackman's theorem is a general procedure for calculating the change in ...
  133. Burke's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Queueing theory] [Probability theorems] Theorem in queueing theory ...
  134. Campbell's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Probability theorems] Probability; Theorem In probability theory and statistics ...
  135. Carnot's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Mathematical theorems] [Triangle geometry] Conics; A relation between conic sections and triangles ...
  136. Carnot's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in plane geometry] [Triangle geometry] Inradius, circumradius; Gives the sum of the distances from the circumcenter to the ...
  137. Carnot's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Mathematical theorems] [Triangle geometry] Perpendiculars; Condition for 3 lines with common point to be perpendicular to ...
  138. Cohn's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Polynomials] ...
  139. Commutation theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in representation theory] [Theorems in functional analysis] [Ergodic theory] Identifies the commutant of a specific von Neumann algebra acting on ...
  140. Cox's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in statistics] [Probability interpretations] [Probability theorems] Derivation of the laws of probability theory ...
  141. Cramér's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Probability theorems] [Large deviations theory] Large deviations; ...
  142. Descartes' theorem [62%] (Computing) [Circle packing] [Analytic geometry] [Euclidean plane geometry] Equation for radii of tangent circles ...
  143. Dieudonné's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] [Convex analysis] ...
  144. Donsker's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in statistics] [Probability theorems] ...
  145. Dvoretzky's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] [Banach spaces] 139 (1977), 53–94. References Further reading ...
  146. Fuglede's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] [Operator theory] One expects that TN NT if and only if TP i ...
  147. Gleason's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Probability theorems] [Quantum measurement] Theorem in quantum mechanics ...
  148. Goldstine theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] [Banach spaces] ...
  149. Hadwiger's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Probability theorems] [Theorems in convex geometry] [Integral geometry] ...
  150. Harcourt's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in plane geometry] [Triangle geometry] [Circles] Area of a triangle from its sides and vertex distances to ...
  151. Hinge theorem [62%] (Computing) [Elementary geometry] Geometry theorem relating to triangles ...
  152. Jacobi's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Triangle geometry] Geometry; ...
  153. James's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] ...
  154. Kachurovskii's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] [Convex analysis] ...
  155. Kharitonov's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in dynamical systems] [Control theory] Kharitonov's theorem is a result used in control theory to assess ...
  156. Lagrange's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems about prime numbers] Number theory; It is easy to see . To prove (1), first note ...
  157. Lauricella's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] Orthogonal functions theorem ...
  158. Lester's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in plane geometry] [Circles] [Triangle geometry] Several points associated with a scalene triangle lie on the same ...
  159. Marden's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in complex geometry] [Conic sections] On zeros of derivatives of cubic polynomials ...
  160. Matsumoto's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Braid groups] [Theorems in group theory] Group theory; ...
  161. Maxwell's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Probability theorems] Concept in probability theory ...
  162. Mercer's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] Then essentially the same result holds: Theorem . Suppose K is ...
  163. Minlos's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems regarding stochastic processes] [Theorems in functional analysis] ...
  164. Modularity theorem [62%] (Computing) [Arithmetic geometry] [Conjectures that have been proved] [Theorems in algebraic geometry] Relates rational elliptic curves to modular forms ...
  165. Moreau's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] [Convex analysis] ...
  166. Napoleon's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in plane geometry] [Triangle geometry] On lines connecting the centres of equilateral triangles built on the ...
  167. PACELC theorem [62%] (Computing) [Database theory] [Distributed computing] This guarantee does not apply to "Global Tables " across regions ...
  168. PCP theorem [62%] (Computing) [Quantum information theory] [Theorems in computational complexity theory] [Randomized algorithms] Theorem in computational complexity theory ...
  169. Plancherel theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in Fourier analysis] [Theorems in harmonic analysis] [Theorems in functional analysis] Theorem in harmonic analysis ...
  170. Raikov's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in statistics] [Probability theorems] [Characterization of probability distributions] Raikov’s theorem, named for Russian mathematician Dmitrii Abramovich Raikov, is a ...
  171. Reuschle's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Elementary geometry] Describes a property of the cevians of a triangle intersecting in ...
  172. Ribet's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in algebraic geometry] [Theorems in number theory] [Modular forms] Result concerning properties of Galois representations associated with modular forms ...
  173. Routh's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Affine geometry] [Area] Area ratio of one triangle and the triangle formed by the ...
  174. Sanov's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Probabilistic inequalities] [Information theory] Let A be a set of probability distributions over an alphabet ...
  175. Schilder's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Large deviations theory] [Theorems regarding stochastic processes] [Asymptotic analysis] ...
  176. Schur's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in functional analysis] [Theorems in linear algebra] [Theorems in differential geometry] One of several theorems in different areas of mathematics ...
  177. Sklar's theorem [62%] (redirect)
  178. Slutsky's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in statistics] [Probability theorems] [Asymptotic theory (statistics)] Theorem in probability theory ...
  179. Thomsen's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in plane geometry] [Triangle geometry] A certain path of line segments parallel to a triangle's edges ...
  180. Tonelli's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Variational analysis] [Theorems in functional analysis] [Measure theory] Functional analysis; In mathematics, Tonelli's theorem in functional analysis is a fundamental result ...
  181. Torelli theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in algebraic geometry] [Theorems in complex geometry] [Abelian varieties] Describes when a compact Riemann surface is determined by its Jacobian ...
  182. Trillium theorem [62%] (Computing) [Mathematical theorems] [Triangle geometry] A statement about properties of inscribed and circumscribed circles ...
  183. Weber's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in algebraic geometry] [Algebraic curves] ...
  184. Wendel's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in geometry] [Probability theorems] ...
  185. 2π theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in geometry] [3-manifolds] Gives sufficient condition for Dehn filling to result in a negatively ...
  186. Barbier's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Length] [Theorems in plane geometry] Any two curves that have the same constant width are crossed ...
  187. Bloch's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in complex analysis] [Unsolved problems in mathematics] Complex variables; Bloch's theorem tells us B  ≥ 1/72, but the exact value of ...
  188. Busemann's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in convex geometry] [Geometric inequalities] [Euclidean geometry] ...
  189. Cantor's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Cardinal numbers] [Theorems in the foundations of mathematics] [Set theory] Every set is smaller than its power set ...
  190. Cauchy's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in convex geometry] [Euclidean geometry] [Mathematics of rigidity] Geometry; Convex polytopes in R³ with congruent corresponding faces must be congruent ...
  191. Commandino's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Euclidean geometry] [Theorems in geometry] The four medians of a tetrahedron are concurrent ...
  192. Crossbar theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in plane geometry] [Euclidean plane geometry] Geometric theorem ...
  193. Desargues's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Euclidean plane geometry] [Theorems in projective geometry] Two triangles are in perspective axially if and only if they ...
  194. Diaconescu's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Axiom of choice] [Set theory] [Constructivism (mathematics)] If holds, then and . So in that case , and ...
  195. Easton's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Forcing (mathematics)] [Cardinal numbers] [Theorems in the foundations of mathematics] Mathematic theorem ...
  196. Gram's theorem [62%] (Computing) [Theorems in algebraic geometry] [Invariant theory] ...
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