A guide to troubleshooting common MacBook problems

April 4, 2023 - Reading time: 4 minutes

MacBooks are famous for their power and reliability, but they can sometimes have problems like any computer. These can be errors caused by both hardware and software. Any technique has its common issues that people who purchase it may encounter. The only advantage of the MacBook is that the number of these issues is much less than its analogs. Fortunately, for the most common errors, there is already a solution to fix them.

Keyboard issues

Users sometimes encounter a common problem their keyboard stops working. This may be related to the software or hardware of the computer. To resolve the issue, it is recommended that you restart the SMC. If this does not help, fortunately, there are many other tips for fixing this error. It is enough to search the Internet for what to do if my mac keyboard is not working and take advantage of the tips. If none of the methods help, you must contact an Apple Authorized Service Center.

Performance issues

Performance is a crucial advantage of the MacBook among computers. Sometimes users face difficulty when their equipment starts to work more slowly. Different factors can affect work speed, mainly too many open programs that run in the background and consume performance. To do this, close all third-party applications that are not needed.

Lack of space

Also, the amount of free disk space can significantly influence performance. If it is not enough, then the computer begins to slow down its speed. To resolve this problem, you should first check the status of the disk and then, if a shortage is detected, clean up. If the issue is not resolved by closing third-party programs and cleaning the disk, then it is recommended to reinstall the operating system. This will significantly improve the speed of the computer.

MacBook won't turn on

Users sometimes encounter the problem that their MacBook won't turn on, which can significantly annoy them. There are many reasons why such a failure might occur. To begin with, it is recommended to check that the computer is correctly connected to the network. Next, if there are no problems with the energy supply to the computer, you can reset the SMC. If the MacBook still does not show signs of life, then it may be a concern with the technical part, such as the battery, in which case it is recommended to contact Apple support.

Battery problems

A common mistake among MacBook users is battery issues. If the computer takes a long time to charge, or vice versa, it quickly discharges or turns off when it is set, then most likely, these are problems with the battery. To eliminate this error, it is recommended to diagnose initially. This can be done by going to the main menu in the power tab. If the battery condition is low, then it needs to be replaced. You can also reset the system management controller, which may help temporarily solve the problem.

Wi-Fi connection issues

Sometimes, when using your MacBook for a long time, you may experience difficulties connecting to a Wi-Fi network. To fix this issue, you can try several methods. First, you need to ensure that Wi-Fi is turned on and in the action point. Next, you can reset the network. For this, you need to visit the system settings. If this does not help, you can restart the modem or router.

Frozen picture

If your computer screen is not responding and you see a frozen image, there are many ways to fix it. The most basic method is a forced reboot, but before that, it is recommended that you try to eliminate the application that may be causing the error. If open programs cannot be closed, then to reset the system, you have to hold the power button for a few seconds and then press it again. If the reboot does not help and the screen freezes, you need to try resetting the SMC or contact technical support.


MacBooks are great devices with relatively few issues compared to other computers. However, nothing is protected from errors, failures can happen with any technique. Fortunately, the most common problems are already known, and if you have one of these problems, then with the help of the above guide, you can deal with it. If you stumble upon your error and you are unable to resolve it yourself, it is recommended that you visit Apple Support.

Amber Walter
Journalist and writer,
