How Schools are Leveraging Technology to Set Examinations

March 3, 2023 - Reading time: 3 minutes

The education sector has undergone a major transformation in recent years, with technology playing a significant role in the process. The incorporation of technology has allowed schools to simplify many of the processes involved in setting and conducting exams. Technology has made it much easier and more efficient, from creating question papers to grading and analysing student performance. This article will discuss how schools are leveraging technology to set examinations.

Digitization of Examination Papers

One of the primary ways in which schools are leveraging technology is by digitising examination papers. Gone are the days of hand-written question papers and manually graded answers. Today, schools can create, store, and distribute examination papers electronically. This saves time, eliminates the possibility of human error, and increases security. Additionally, digital question papers can be easily modified, making it easier for schools to update their question papers with the latest information.

Online Exam Platforms

Another way in which schools are leveraging technology is by conducting online exams. With the rise of online learning, it has become easier for schools to set and conduct exams remotely. Online exam platforms such as Janison Insights provide a secure and efficient way for schools to set and conduct exams. These platforms allow schools to create, store and distribute examination papers electronically and provide features for conducting online proctored exams. The use of online exam platforms ensures that the exams are conducted without any hassle, as the platform tracks and records all student actions during the exam.

Automated Grading and Analysis

Another major advantage of leveraging technology in exams is the automated grading and analysis of student performance. With technology, schools can grade multiple-choice questions automatically and provide instant feedback to students. This saves a considerable amount of time for teachers, who would otherwise have to spend hours grading papers manually. Additionally, the use of technology also allows for a more accurate grading system, as it eliminates the possibility of human error. Furthermore, schools can use data analytics to gain insights into student performance and identify areas that need improvement.

Real-time Monitoring and Supervision

Online exams also allow real-time monitoring and supervision of the exams. With features like remote proctoring and screen sharing, schools can monitor student activities during the exam and ensure that the exam is being conducted fairly. This also helps to prevent cheating, as the school can take appropriate action if they detect any suspicious activity.

Personalised Learning

In addition to simplifying the examination process, technology has also made it easier for schools to provide personalised learning experiences to students. Using technology, schools can track student progress and identify areas where they need improvement. This information can then be used to create personalised learning plans that cater to the specific needs of each student. This allows schools to provide a more tailored learning experience, which can lead to improved student performance and engagement.


The integration of technology into the examination process has made it easier, more efficient, and more secure. Technology has revolutionised the way schools set and conduct exams, from digitisation of examination papers to online exams and automated grading. With technology, schools can ensure that the exams are promptly conducted and provide students with personalised learning experiences that cater to their specific needs. As technology evolves, schools can be expected to adopt more innovative ways to leverage technology to set examinations.

by S.Xavier
