Writing Strong Work Experience Descriptions

December 12, 2023 - Reading time: 3 minutes

Crafting strong work experience descriptions on your resume is crucial in catching the attention of potential employers. These descriptions go beyond listing your past positions; they showcase your skills, achievements, and the value you brought to your previous roles. A well-written work experience section can make the difference between landing an interview and being overlooked.

Understanding the Importance of Work Experience Descriptions

Your work experience descriptions provide a narrative of your professional journey. They should not only demonstrate your past responsibilities but also highlight your accomplishments and the specific skills you used or developed in each role. This section helps employers understand what you’ve done and how well you’ve done it.

How to Write Effective Work Experience Descriptions

  1. Start with the Basics: For each position, list your job title, the company’s name, location, and the dates of employment. This provides a clear timeline of your career progression.

  2. Use Action Verbs: Begin each bullet point with a strong action verb like “managed,” “developed,” or “led.” This makes your resume more dynamic and impactful.

  3. Quantify Your Achievements: Wherever possible, use numbers and data to quantify your achievements. For example, “increased sales by 20%” or “managed a team of 10.”

  4. Focus on Results, Not Just Duties: Instead of just listing your job duties, focus on what you accomplished in those roles. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them? What impact did your work have on the company?

  5. Tailor Your Descriptions to the Job You’re Applying For: Highlight the experiences and skills that are most relevant to the job. Use keywords from the job description to make your resume more relevant and appealing to hiring managers.

  6. Use a Clear, Concise Format: Avoid long paragraphs. Use bullet points to make your descriptions easy to read. Each bullet point should be a concise statement.

  7. Show Career Progression: If you’ve had multiple roles at the same company, show how you’ve advanced over time. This demonstrates loyalty and the ability to grow within an organization.

  8. Include Relevant Volunteer Work or Internships: If you have limited professional experience, include any relevant volunteer work, internships, or part-time jobs. This can be particularly important for recent graduates or those changing careers.

Examples of Strong Work Experience Descriptions

  • Sales Manager, ABC Corp (2018-2021)

    • Led a team of 15 sales associates, achieving a 30% increase in annual sales.

    • Developed and implemented a new sales strategy that expanded the customer base by 25%.

    • Trained new employees in sales techniques, resulting in a 15% increase in team performance.

  • Software Developer, XYZ Technologies (2015-2018)

    • Designed and implemented a new application that improved customer experience and increased retention rates by 20%.

    • Collaborated with a team of developers to create innovative software solutions, meeting all project deadlines.

    • Actively participated in weekly brainstorming sessions to improve product functionality and user experience.

Leveraging Online Resources for Resume Building

Creating a strong resume can be challenging, especially when it comes to writing compelling work experience descriptions. Fortunately, online resources like resume online free offer templates and guidance to help you craft an effective resume. These tools can be particularly helpful for structuring your resume, ensuring that your work experience descriptions are both clear and impactful.

Final Thoughts

Your work experience descriptions are more than just a list of past jobs; they are a testament to your professional capabilities and achievements. By using strong action verbs, quantifying your achievements, and tailoring your descriptions to the job at hand, you can create a resume that stands out. Online tools like resume online free can provide additional support, helping you to present your work history in the best possible light. With well-crafted work experience descriptions, you can significantly improve your chances of making a positive impression and advancing your career.

by A.Melnikova
