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- [math]\displaystyle{ H = \begin{bmatrix} -P^{\top} | I_{n-k} \end{bmatrix} }[/math], where [math]\displaystyle{ P^{\top} }[/math] is the transpose of the matrix6 KB (810 words) - 16:46, 6 February 2024
- image with six bitplanes. The HAM technique was also implemented on the HAM256 and HAM8x1 modes of ULAplus / HAM256 / HAM8x1 for the ZX Spectrum, where32 KB (3,914 words) - 17:51, 6 February 2024
- Hamming code (section Codes predating Hamming)extended Hamming codes are single-error correcting and double-error detecting, abbreviated as SECDED. Richard Hamming, the inventor of Hamming codes, worked29 KB (3,865 words) - 15:41, 6 February 2024
- Window function (section Hann and Hamming windows)com/books?id=duBQAAAAMAAJ&q=%22hamming+window%22+date:0-1970. "Hamming Window". "A digital quadrature72 KB (7,958 words) - 23:26, 6 February 2024
- hexadecimal) the file expects to make use of the HAM (Hold-And-Modify) mode of the Amiga chipset. In HAM6 format the colour map will have up to 16 entries22 KB (2,360 words) - 23:19, 6 February 2024
- example, the set of 100-character Unicode strings can be equipped with the Hamming distance, which measures the number of characters that need to be changed80 KB (10,465 words) - 15:31, 6 February 2024
- the length of the codewords, the dimension of the code, and the minimum Hamming distance between two codewords, respectively. In mathematical terms, the15 KB (1,970 words) - 21:08, 6 February 2024
- RAM usually uses Hamming error correction. Some ECC memory uses triple modular redundancy hardware (rather than the more common Hamming code), because triple14 KB (1,469 words) - 19:48, 6 February 2024
- mathematically formalized in several different ways such as: Levenshtein distance Hamming distance Lee distance Jaro–Winkler distance In mathematics, a metric space26 KB (3,309 words) - 20:10, 6 February 2024
- less pink to tan or white. Ham, though it contains myoglobins like beef, undergoes a different transformation. Traditional hams, such as prosciutto, are71 KB (8,675 words) - 19:53, 6 February 2024
- Cyclic code (section Hamming code)code of the form Ham(r, 2) is equivalent to a cyclic code, and any Hamming code of the form Ham(r,q) with r and q-1 relatively prime is also equivalent to26 KB (4,779 words) - 23:14, 6 February 2024
- documents, and so typically a technique called pooling is used — only the top few documents, retrieved by some existing ranking models are checked. This47 KB (3,525 words) - 16:36, 8 February 2024
- correction Gray code Hamming codes Hamming(7,4): a Hamming code that encodes 4 bits of data into 7 bits by adding 3 parity bits Hamming distance: sum number71 KB (7,859 words) - 16:40, 6 February 2024
- three letters. At the top of the plate, "BOLIVIA" is spelled out. At the top left corner, the Bolivian flag may be present, and at the top right corner, a letter126 KB (16,309 words) - 15:47, 6 February 2024
- Computing" (in en-GB). Hamer, David; Enigma machines – known locations* Hamer, David; Selling prices of Enigma and NEMA – all95 KB (11,655 words) - 22:58, 6 March 2023
- depth at most t with an AND-gate on top, and a number k. Question: Does the formula have a satisfying assignment of Hamming weight exactly k? W[P] is the class18 KB (2,657 words) - 19:55, 8 February 2024
- Four scalable playfields, each with their own graphics mode (e.g. 16bpp, HAM-8) 512 25-bit color look up tables (24-bit color + 1 bit for genlock) 3D texture10 KB (1,157 words) - 14:30, 6 February 2024
- Galil Named a Top 10 Most Influential Computer Scientist in the Past Decade" (in en). KB (4,912 words) - 18:25, 6 February 2024
- specific criteria. Top quartile citation count (TQCC) – reflecting the number of citations accrued by the paper that resides at the top quartile (the 75th21 KB (2,365 words) - 16:46, 8 February 2024
- Johnson–Lindenstrauss lemma. The TopSig technique extends the random indexing model to produce bit vectors for comparison with the Hamming distance similarity function5 KB (593 words) - 23:28, 6 February 2024