From HandWiki
Please contact handwiki[AT]jwork.org for any questions related to technical support and spam removal. Requests to add or edit articles will not be processed since HandWiki does not have editors who correct all articles. If you need to change an article, create account and edit it. You can also add articles using the Create a new entry link. The user manual of HandWiki can be found below.
Table of contents
- Policies of HandWiki
- Creating articles and books in HandWiki
- Dispute resolution and alternative opinions
- Internal and external links
- Math and Equations in HandWiki
- Chemical Symbols in HandWiki
- Showing source code and documentation
- Tables in HandWiki
- Referencing articles and books
- Showing images
- Various boxes
- Status indicators and voting
- Using HTML
- Access control
- Conversion to LaTeX and other formats
- Export to Encyclosphere
- Searches in HandWiki
- General MediaWiki help
HandWiki is a documentation platform for professionals. It does not have editors who accept or reject articles. HandWiki has only AI bots that fix syntax and grammatical mistakes. To edit HandWiki articles, the registered users need to know the basics of article formatting using Wikitext.
HandWiki is based on MediaWiki, thus one can use the standard WikiText syntax, similar to Wikipedia. In addition, HandWiki has several syntax enhancements discussed in this manual.
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