Finance:Business registration in Albania

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Foreign and domestic investors have a range of opportunities to organize their business in Albania. They can either establish and register a business organization or establish and register a branch or representative office.[1] The registration of foreign entities, since 1 September 2007, had been carried out at the National Registration Center, which aimed to implement the "one stop shop" system. Law No. 131/2015 dated 26 November 2015[2] made possible the creation of the National Business Center (QKB), whose purpose was to simplify the procedures of doing business in the country by enabling registration and licensing procedures in a single institution. As a result, the National Registration Center and the National Licensing Center were abolished.[3]

Types of business entities


Shoqëri me përgjegjësi të kufizuar (English: Limited liability company) is a business entity established by one or several natural or legal persons, who are not responsible for the company's business liabilities and only cover the losses of the company up to the unsettled portion of their subscribed contributions. Those contributions constitute the registered capital within the company which cannot be less than ALL 100.


Shoqëri Aksionere (English: Joint-stock company) is a company whose capital is divided into shares signed by its founders. Such a company is established by one or several natural or legal persons, who are not responsible for the company's business liabilities and handle its losses only by covering the oustanding value of the company's shares. A joint-stock company may also act as a public or private offering company, in accordance with the Law on Securities No.9787, dated 21 February 2008[4]. A joint-stock company with a private offering may not have a capital of less than ALL 3,500,000. A joint-stock company with a public offering may not have a capital of less than ALL 10,000,000.

Shoqëri Kolektive

Shoqëri Kolektive (English: General partnership) is a corporation which carries its business activities under a joint corporate name. The liability of the company's partners before its creditors is unlimited.

Shoqëri Komandite

Shoqëri Komandite (English: Limited partnership) is a company in which the liability of at least one partner is limited to the value of their contribution, while the liability of other partners is not limited.


Degët (English: Branches) are entities created by the parent company that carry the same legal presence as the company. They operate in a sustainable manner, are organized and administered on their own and manage their activities with other third parties on behalf of the company.

Zyrat e përfaqësimit

Zyrat e përfaqësimit (English: Representative offices) are business offices where a company's activities can operate from. They are not intended to generate revenue but rather to promote the company and its business.

The registration of branches and representative offices is done at the commercial register, inside the National Business Center, within 15 days from the commencement of the company's activities.
