Earth:Stone laterite Borneo

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Laterite Borneo

Stone laterite Borneo is a stone resembling hardened soil from the deposition of substances such as nickel and iron. Laterite itself naturally formed therein contained many elements and substances that make up the nutrients of the soil layer hardens like a rock. Long ago laterite stone often used as materials for laterite bricks because when moist easily cut, but once exposed to air for a long time will harden like stone.

Laterite stone composition

Laterite mostly found in tropical regions are hot and humid. as a result of the content of iron oxide and nickel are so many that make laterite soil hardens like stone. Mineral and chemical composition in the stone laterite very influential in the parent rocks, laterite generally contains large amounts of quartz and oxide of titanium, zirconium, iron, lead, manganese and aluminum, which lags behind the wear process.

Characteristics laterite Borneo

Borneo has a typical laterite: colored red, sharply angled, light density.

However, generally speaking, laterite stone Borneo has an index properties:

  • Has solum 10-20 meters
  • PH of acid soils
  • BO low levels
  • CH intensive
  • High clay levels


For coarse aggregate concrete

Laterite stone Borneo after passing test results in laboratory Polytechnic Of Samarinda, get results where its density approaches the density of rocks for coarse aggregate concrete. From these results the stone laterite can be used for the purposes of:

  • Making concrete
  • Creation paving blocks
  • Light brick
  • Concrete light
  • Layer of pavement base
  • Heap leaching

New laterite mining taken from mountain lateritic is usually used by people of Borneo, especially East Kalimantan, as a cheap street pavement and also powerful for large vehicle passed once.

Location existence of laterite

Laterite processing location

According to Yves Tardy, researchers from the French Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse And The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique , estimates that this type of laterite cover about one-third of all land in the world. This layer is a sublayer of the forests in the equator, savannah-savanna in the humid tropics. Countries that are rich in the type of laterite is Brazil, Australia, Guatemala, Colombia, Central Europe, Burma, Cuba, Indonesia and the Philippines. Some geographical discoveries show that the row of laterite stones used as the foundation of the temples in Cambodia in the 9th century and 12th. Indonesia is one of the world's largest producer of laterite with a total of 1,063,843,000 tons of mapping results in 2004 of which 50% are in Borneo. Predicted almost 70% laterite stone types in Borneo is the good quality and can be used for making materials construction elements building so it can be economically viable and can be used as the livelihood of local people who have a mountain of laterite.



Ahira, Anne (2014), Tanah laterit kaya akan logam,, retrieved 2015-04-01 

Ahli, Pengertian (2013), Pengertian batuan dan jenis batuan,, retrieved 2015-04-01 

Tandiarrang, Santho (2011). KOMPOSISI KIMIA BATUAN ULTRAMAFIK DAN PETA SEBARAN LATERITT. Makassar: Universitas Hassanudin. pp. 1–3.