Physics:Rivet framework

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Rivet framework is Monte Carlo analysis framework [1][2] used in particle physics. The framework is used for preservation and reinterpretation of particle collider analyses, suitable for comparison with Monte Carlo event generator predictions, and an enabler of physics model development, validation, and optimisation in both Standard Model (SM) and physics beyond the SM (BSM).

Rivet is built on the dual concepts of analyses – routines which implement published experiment analyses – and projections – routines which compute observables from MC event records. It is designed to be efficient via automatic caching of projection results for each event, and very "physicist friendly" with analysis codes containing minimal boilerplate code and maximum physics.

Rivet is implemented in C++ and Python.


  1. Rivet — the particle-physics MC analysis toolkit, Official web site
  2. C. Bierlich et al, Robust Independent Validation of Experiment and Theory: Rivet version 3, SciPost Phys. 8, 026 (2020),, arXiv:1912.05451