Religion:Pure Heart

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Pure Heart is a term used by many different spiritual beliefs.

The Catholic Church and other Christians use the term to name a condition near to Salvation. The Roman Catholic Church urges its members to seek it and codifies the required knowledge and practices within the Liturgy of the Eucharist – which serves other purposes as well. Teachings are provided in the Liturgy of the Word which involves reading and singing.

Catholic Purity of Heart may be achieved following the practices of a devout Catholic. Although effort and persistence is required, the fundamental assumption is that we all harbor resistance to God in our hearts. Overcoming it requires effort and assistance, which is granted through prayer.

Catholic Practices

  • Performance of those devotions promising final penitence, such as the First Friday devotion. Private revelation to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque stipulates that one attends Holy Mass on the first Friday of a month, receives the sacrament of penance if necessary, and piously receives communion in a state of grace in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. After doing this for 9 consecutive months, practitioners are promised the grace of final penitence and receiving the sacraments at the time of death, though this is not an excuse for lukewarmness or presumption, as one can only attain salvation if they persevere in a state of grace. Many continue the devotion after completing the 9th month, helping to develop a lifelong habit of attending Holy Mass several times weekly. The First Saturdays devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is often done alongside it.
  • Frequent confession and communion.
  • Trying to understand the Mysteries of the Faith
  • Keep constant attention on God, (Avoid excessive attention on oneself and external matters): "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. 23 But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! Gospel of Matthew 6:22
  • Constant prayer and acts of perfect charity.
  • Prayer to the Holy Spirit
  • "Show" God the faults, weakness or elements susceptible for improvement when it's said: "Let us lift up our heart"
  • Carry holy and blessed objects close to the heart.
  • Put others before ourselves/ Forget ourselves.
  • Related to a Pure Heart, it should be considered "unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed" Gospel of John 24.
  • Remember the Beatitudes.


The process of achieving a Pure Heart is compared with the exodus from Egypt of the Jewish people.

Some have considered the mentioned and other parts of the "Liturgy of the Word" to contain esoteric teachings. In this context the mass acts as a continual Exorcism. Some compare these beliefs with the Upanishads of Hindu Literature. The related Practices recommended in the Yoga Pradipika mention to restrain from bad company, sexual relations, exhaustion and very cold baths.

References to the heart in this context are abundant in the Bible.

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