Religion:Komeit ibn Ziyad al-Asadi

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Komeit ibn Ziyad al-Asadi is one of the most prominent Shia Arab poets. He was born in 680 AD, the same year that the battle of Karbala was happened. He was graced by three Shai Imams: Ali ibn Husayn Zayn al-Abidin, Muhammad al-Baqir, Ja'far al-Sadiq. Komeit was a Hafiz and read and memorized the entire Quran. He was well-versed in the knowledge of genealogy. Komeit ibn Ziyad al-Asadi was a Shia scholar, Jurisprudent and expert in Ilm al-Kalam and in debate with opponents.Scholars believe that Komeit is the first one how talk about loving the Ahl al-Bayt and Al-Jahiz and said "Komeit is the first one who opened the door of religious debate (in Islamic history)." In addition he was a powerful lecturer, calligrapher, archer and equestrian. He also is known for his courage and generosity. One of his famous poems is an ode called "Hashemiat". This long poet was propagated rapidly everywhere in that time, because it had revealed oppressions and tyrannies of Umayyad Caliphate. He was killed due to this poetry. The two-volume collection of his poems, called "She’r al-Komeit ibn Zeid al-Asadi" is compiled and published.[1][2][3][4][5]


  1. ادبیات سیاسی تشیع؛ آیینه وند، صادق؛ تهران، نشر علم، 1387، صص 90-95
  2. تاریخ تشیع از پیدایش تا پایان غیبت صغری؛ محرمی، غلامحسین؛ قم، مرکز نشر هاجر، 1386؛ صص 247-272
  3. میراث ماندگار ادب شیعی؛ مختاری، قاسم؛ اراک، دانشگاه اراک، 1384؛ صص 77-87
  4. سیری در تاریخ تشیع؛ الهامی، داود؛ قم، مکتب اسلام، 1375؛ صص 350-352
  5. شعر الکمیت بن زیادالأسدی؛ کمیت بن زیاد؛ داود، سلوم؛ بیروت، عالم الکتب