Software:Reality Gaming Network

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The Reality Gaming Network (RG) is an international online gaming community founded in 2006 which focuses on the ARMA series of games by the Czech company Bohemia Interactive.[1]

The community of several hundred members is centered on its 'Reality Gaming Taskforce', a virtual military 'milsim' unit in which members take part in regular battlefield simulations and exercises throughout the week. Reality Gaming has held ties with the developers of the Arma series, Bohemia Interactive[2][3][4] with members of the Reality Gaming Network having sat on the jury panel for Bohemia Interactive's Make Arma Not War content creation competition[5] and hosting a Bohemia Interactive LiveStream[6]

As with many online communities Reality Gaming's website, servers and competition prizes are completely funded by PayPal donations, with a monthly goal set and special status granted to donating members. Donating members are guaranteed a position on the game server should a mission be over-subscribed.

As of 2015, Reality Gaming has been using Arma 3 for all its milsim operations, as well as hosting a variety of other games that community members play.

Reality Gaming Logo Circa 2014


Reality Gaming was founded as Operation Reality in 2006 by a group of ex-military and professional gamers with backgrounds in Bohemia Interactive's ARMA and Operation Flashpoint, as well as the Project Reality modification for Electronic Arts' Battlefield 2.

Due to the success of the new third party DayZ modification for ARMA 2, In August 2012 Reality opened its own DayZ server to the public. In September 2012 it opened the RG Official Minecraft server which is open to RG members and guests.

In July 2013 the Reality Gaming Network made the transition from ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead to ARMA 3. From then onward RG has used a heavily modified version of ARMA3 for its gaming operations.

For timetabling reasons, Reality Gaming ceased actively recruiting North American players into the Taskforce in late 2013, although North American gamers remain welcome to apply providing they meet basic attendance requirements.

Structure and Ethos

The Reality Gaming Taskforce is a fictional combined operations military unit which follows a realistic military formation. As an organisation, Reality Gaming's structure has changed since its creation in 2006. The Taskforce has always followed a generic military structure which draws influences from military forces from both the United States and Europe.[7] There have been various alterations and renditions of the taskforce, namely in the rank structure and unit organisation.


Reality Gaming offers a number of membership options that suit different play styles:

Enlisted: The main members of The Reality Gaming Network are Enlisted members. Enlisted players are expected to meet a minimum required activity of one training session and one mission a week. In order to be promoted through the rank system or take a leadership position a member must be Enlisted.

Reserve: As Reality Gaming is a mature group of professionals and servicemen, some players may not be able to meet the activity requirements to qualify as an Enlisted member. Reserve members are free to attend training sessions and operations at their leisure but are not guaranteed a slot on the server and generally do not receive promotions or any position other than that of a rifleman.

Donator: Any member who donates is given 'Donator' status that gives them various privileges, including a private section of the website and a guaranteed slot on the server should a mission be over-subscribed. Bronze, Silver and Gold memberships are awarded according to how much is donated.

Friend: Former members of Reality Gaming or close friends and family of members are permitted limited access to the TeamSpeak 3 server, the Minecraft server and the private Forums. They do not take part in any Milsim activities and are not required to possess a copy of ARMA 3.

VIP: This status is granted only to distinguished former members of Reality Gaming and to Bohemia Interactive employees. VIP members are given access to the TeamSpeak 3 server, all game servers and have their own private section of the forums. VIP members who return to the Taskforce tend to be reinstated to their previous position if possible.

Order of Battle

The RG Taskforce's ORBAT is currently centered on a generic infantry platoon of three squads and its various supporting elements. Units within the Taskforce are:

HQ 'Highroller:: The command and control element of the Taskforce consisting of a Commanding Officer (CO), Executive Officer (XO) and support staff such as combat medics. HQ 'Highroller' also contains the recruiting, training and intelligence cells of the taskforce.

1st Infantry Platoon 'Gambler': An infantry platoon of approximately 35 members. Rotating through a variety of roles since its creation, the platoon currently operates in a mechanized infantry role, utilizing Armored Fighting Vehicles (AFVs) in training and operations. It is divided into three squads and contains a small headquarters element with a Platoon Commander and support staff.

Combined Support Group 'Talon': Providing Logistics, Combat Support and Air Support to the Taskforce. Talon's air section includes players with real life flying qualifications and uses both fixed and rotary wing aircraft to provide transport and Close Air Support (CAS). The ground element includes artillery and armored vehicles.

Special Forces 'Vegas': The smallest section, tasked with conducting Reconnaissance, combat search and rescue and other special operations tasks in direct support of the Taskforce. Vegas members come from all areas of the Taskforce and undergo a rigorous selection and process.

Recruit Training and Rank Structure

In order to join Reality Gaming as a member of the Taskforce, applicants must:[8]

  1. Have a working Microphone
  2. Be fluent in English, both speaking and written
  3. Be 18 years of age or over
  4. Possess a legal copy of ARMA3
  5. Be able to attend scheduled weekly training (Wednesdays, 19:00GMT) and operations (Sundays, 18:00GMT)

Previous Milsim experience or real-life Military service is desired but is not a requirement to join. Potential recruits submit an application form, which is examined by a Candidate Support Manager (CSM). Candidates who are successful at this stage of their application are instructed to report to Reality Gaming TeamSpeak 3 server, where a senior RG Taskforce member will interview them to assess their suitability. When deemed suitable for membership in the Taskforce, the applicant is made a Recruit, given full access to the TeamSpeak server and forums. All Recruits are first assigned to 1st 'Gambler' infantry platoon, where they will remain until they complete the first phase of their Recruit training and are given the opportunity to transfer to other units within the Taskforce.[9]

Phase One typically lasts two to three weeks. In order to pass Phase One and be promoted to Private, recruits are required to complete a two- to three-hour-long induction, a Milsim abridged version of real-life Basic Training where they are taught the Taskforce's Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in Skill At Arms, patrolling and radio communication. Once completing this induction, Recruits are able to attend Sunday Operations. After participating in two Sunday operations and two Wednesday evening training sessions - and after a review by training staff - the Recruit may be promoted to Private and become a full member of the Taskforce.

Phase Two consists of the member's trade training in their specific role in the Taskforce. Members interested in flying may be able to apply as a pilot, where they are trained and assessed by Talon members who are real-life commercial or military pilots.[9] Taskforce members who wish to remain in Gambler are able to apply for a squad preference, where they may train in a specific squad role or weapon system (Light Machine Gunner, Anti-Tank etc.) or, if deemed suitable progress to Junior NCO or Officer training.

As with real-life military organisations, the Reality Gaming Taskforce has a rank system which allows its members to train and qualify for promotion. As of 2015, the Taskforce has a number of Commissioned Non-Commissioned Officer ranks which are similar to that of the US Army. Promotion within the Taskforce is subject to the dedication, competence and skill of the members and it is not uncommon for Taskforce members to move up and down in the rank structure as required.


As a Milsim organisation, Reality Gaming seeks to find a balance between realism and an enjoyable gaming experience. Reality Gaming differs from standard Virtual Military organisations in that, outside of ARMA3, the atmosphere is entirely casual. For example, an RG member who holds the rank of Private in-game may hold a senior position on the Mission Building team, where their skills can best be used to RG's benefit. While a level of respect is expected throughout the Taskforce's membership, members do not refer to each other by rank or pay military compliments, although this behavior - along with in-game saluting - may be performed during official ceremonies such as the beginning of a Deployment.

Since 2006 the Mission Statement of Reality Gaming has been:

"To create a friendly mature gaming environment with community spirit. To experience realistic operations within large scale simulations while meeting like minded individuals and having fun. We are a group of genuine gamers that have families, children and full-time professional careers."[10]

International Deployments

Once or twice a year, the Reality Gaming Taskforce take part in a monthlong dynamic campaign known as a Deployment. Set in a specific location or set of ARMA3 maps, Deployments feature an original and flexible story-line, an adaptable and realistic Opposing Force (OPFOR)) and role-playing.

Limited Edition ARMA3 Silver Collector's Coin, the prize awarded to the 'Champion of Deployment Six'

In the months leading up to the Deployment the Taskforce take part in operational-specific Pre-Deployment Training (PDT). Updates such as news articles and Warning Orders cover fictional world events such as a Civil War or humanitarian crisis, helping to develop a realistic a realistic scenario. The Deployment begins with an Opening Ceremony in which the Taskforce commander gives a speech to all Reality Gaming members, marking the Deployment officially open.[11]

Over the course of a month the Taskforce takes part in multiple missions, with the outcome of each mission influencing the events that follow. For example, the loss of critical mission assets such as helicopters in one operation may make air transport unavailable during the operation the following week. Likewise, capturing strategic points, assassinating enemy officers and disrupting supply lines may make the following operation significantly easier.[12] Using the ARMA 3 Zeus DLC feature, the mission creator is able to act as a Game Master, able to place and control enemy units, which will appear to adapt to events as the Taskforce conduct their operation. Exposed flanks are ambushed, Improvised Explosive Devices are planted and the enemy will actively seek to probe the players' weaknesses.

Throughout the Deployment Taskforce members are given the opportunity to earn military awards and decorations and battlefield promotions through exemplary conduct both in-game and out. Certain awards may feature real-life prizes such as Steam games and Bohemia Interactive merchandise such as limited edition solid-silver ARMA3 medals,[13] of which only five hundred were produced. These awards are presented during the closing ceremony at the end of the Deployment. Merits presented include medals for valor or leadership, skill in a particular area (signals, marksmanship etc.) and out-of-game contributions such as graphic design. The most coveted of these is the Champion of Deployment award which is presented to the Reality Gaming member who has made the greatest contribution to the Deployment.

Bohemia Interactive employees were invited and took part in several missions for Reality Gaming's Deployment 5 'Arctic Fox'.[12]


  1. "'About'". Reality Gaming Network. Retrieved 26 March 2015. 
  2. "ARMA3 - Community Focus". Bohemia Interactive. Retrieved 26 March 2015. 
  3. "Bohemia Interactive reveals the Make Arma Not War Jury". Steam. Retrieved 26 March 2015. 
  4. "Bohemia Interactive reveals the Make Arma Not War Jury". Gamasutra. Retrieved 26 March 2015. 
  5. "'Make Arma not War' - Jury". Retrieved 19 March 2015. 
  6. "Bohemia Interactive Live Streams". Reality Gaming Simulations. Retrieved 26 March 2015. 
  7. "Ranks and Organisation". Reality Gaming Network. Retrieved 26 March 2015. 
  8. "Joining Requirements". Reality Gaming Network. Retrieved 26 March 2015. [yes|permanent dead link|dead link}}]
  9. 9.0 9.1 "Recruit Journey". Retrieved 26 March 2015. 
  10. "About Us". Reality Gaming Network. Retrieved 26 March 2015. 
  11. "Deployment 5 'Arctic Fox' Briefing". Reality Gaming Network. Retrieved 26 March 2015. 
  12. 12.0 12.1 "Deployment 5: Operation Arctic Fox". Retrieved 26 March 2015. 
  13. "Deployment 6 Prizes". Reality Gaming Network. Retrieved 26 March 2015.