Social:International Libertarian Solidarity

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International Libertarian Solidarity was an international anarchist network with over 20 participating organizations from North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

According to their website, "International Libertarian projects are open to anarchist, anarcho-syndicalist, revolutionary syndicalist, and clearly anti-Statist, non-party aligned social organisations which run along libertarian principles". The projects mostly consisted of supporting various practical initiatives in South America such as funding printshops and communal halls, and, more broadly, the struggle against corporate globalization.

Its creation was rejected by the International Workers Association, who accused the initiators of being reformist and bearing confusion and division among anarchists.

Its former website has since disappeared and the network is no longer active. Many of the anarchist political organizations that were members now co-operate in the project.

Member organisations

  • Auca - Socialismo Libertario (Argentina )
  • Organización Socialista Libertaria (Argentina)
  • Luta Libertaria (Brazil )
  • Federação Anarquista Gaúcha (Brazil)
  • North-Eastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (Canada & United States)
  • Ora-Solidarita (Czech Republic)
  • Section carrément anti-Le Pen (France)
  • Offensive Libertaire Et Sociale (France)
  • Alternative Libertaire (France)
  • Libertarian Communist Organization (France)
  • Workers Solidarity Movement (Ireland)
  • Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici (Italy)
  • Confederazione Italia di Base Unicobas (Italy)
  • Al Badil Al Taharouri (Lebanon)
  • Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flores Magon" (Mexico)
  • Confederación General del Trabajo (Spain)
  • Red Libertaria Apoyo Mutuo (Spain)
  • SAC (Sweden)
  • Organisation Socialiste Libertaire (Switzerland)
  • Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Federation (South Africa )
  • Federación Anarquista Uruguaya (Uruguay)

Other anarchist internationals and international networks

  • Anarchist St. Imier International (1872–1877)
  • International Working People's Association (1881–1887)
  • International Workers Association (1922–)
  • International of Anarchist Federations (1968–)
  • Black Bridge International (2001–2004)
  • (2005–)
  • International Union of Anarchists (2011–)

See also

External links