European hazard symbols

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European hazard symbols for chemicals are pictograms defined by the European Union for labelling chemical packaging (for storage and workplace) and containers (for transportation). They are standardised currently by the CLP/GHS classification.

GHS hazard pictograms

  • The European Union CLP Regulation (for "Classification, Labelling and Packaging") was introduced as EC Regulation 1272/2008. It is based on the GHS system, to secure for "physical, health and environment hazards".
ADR European hazard sign, meaning highly flammable (33) — gasoline (1203)
  • The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) fixed harmonised pictograms for transportation. Vehicles carrying dangerous goods have to be fitted with orange signs, where the lower number identifies the substance, while the upper number is a key for the threat it may pose. See former pictograms below.

Former hazard pictograms (1999–2007)

The hazard symbols for chemicals were defined in Annex II of Directive 67/548/EEC. A consolidated list with translations into other EU languages was found in Directive 2001/59/EC (see § References).

Europe standard hazard pictograms for labelling – Europe UE 67/548/EEC, 1999/45/EC
Hazard pictogram & mention, code Substances examples
Hazard E.svg Explosive (E) TNT, acetone peroxide, nitroglycerin, picric acid
Hazard FF.svgExtremely Flammable (F+) Hydrogen, acetylene, propane, butane, diethyl ether, carbon disulfide, acetaldehyde
Hazard F.svgHighly Flammable (F) Ethanol, acetone, gasoline, hexamine, methanol
Hazard O.svgOxidizing (O) Oxygen, potassium nitrate, hydrogen peroxide, nitric acid, potassium permanganate
Hazard T.svgToxic (T) Sulfuric acid, TNT, Nitroglycerin, carbon disulfide, methanol, ammonia, formaldehyde
Hazard TT.svgVery toxic (T+) Prussic acid, nicotine, carbon monoxide, white phosphorus
Hazard X.svgHarmful (Xn) Hexamine, butane, naphtha, acetaldehyde
Hazard Xi.svgIrritant (Xi) Sodium hypochlorite, acetone, ethanol
Hazard C.svgCorrosive (C) Sulfuric acid, Nitric acid, sodium hydroxide, ammonia, White phosphorus
Hazard N.svgDangerous for the environment (N) Sulfuric acid, turpentine, lead, mercury, Crude oil

The 'n' in Harmful (Xn) stands for the French word nocif (harmful) and the Italian word nocivo (noxious).

German standard DIN 4844-2 (pre-1999)
Block magnet.svg
Block magnet
D-W002 Warnung vor explosionsgefaehrlichen Stoffen ty.svg
D-W003 Warnung vor giftigen Stoffen ty.svg
D-W005 Warnung vor radioaktiven Stoffen oder ionisierenden Strahlen ty.svg
D-W006 Warnung vor schwebender Last.svg
Suspended load
D-W007 Warnung vor Flurfoerderzeugen.svg
Truck driving
D-W011 Warnung vor brandfoerdernden Stoffen ty.svg
Self ignition
D-W012 Warnung vor nicht ionisierender elektromagnetischer Strahlung ty.svg
D-W014 Warnung vor Stolpergefahr ty.svg
Tripping danger
D-W015 Warnung vor Absturzgefahr ty.svg
Falling hazard
D-W016 Warnung vor Biogefaehrdung ty.svg
D-W018 Warnung vor gesundheitsschaedlichen oder reizenden Stoffen ty.svg
Health danger and irritant
D-W020 Warnung vor Gefahren durch Batterien ty.svg
Dangerous batteries
D-W021 Warnung vor explosionsfaehiger Atmosphaere ty.svg
Explosive atmosphere
D-W023 Warnung vor Quetschgefahr ty.svg
D-W024 Warnung vor Kippgefahr beim Walzen.svg
Can tip over when moving
D-W025 Warnung vor automatischem Anlauf ty.svg
Automatic Startup
D-W027 Warnung vor Handverletzungen.svg
Hand pinching
D-W028 Warnung vor Rutschgefahr.svg
Driven by conveyor belt inside the track
W30 - Warnung vor Einzugsgefahr.svg
Entanglement hazard
DIN 4844-2 Warnung vor Aetzenden Stoffen D-W004.svg
DIN 4844-2 Warnung vor Gasflaschen D-W019.svg
Gas bottle
DIN 4844-2 Warnung vor Kaelte D-W017.svg
DIN 4844-2 Warnung vor Laserstrahl D-W010.svg
Laser radiation
DIN 4844-2 Warnung vor einer Gefahrenstelle D-W000.svg
Potential danger
DIN 4844-2 Warnung vor feuergefaehrlichen Stoffen D-W001.svg
DIN 4844-2 Warnung vor gef el Spannung D-W008.svg
Electrical danger
DIN 4844-2 Warnung vor heisser Oberflaeche D-W026.svg
Hot surface
DIN 4844-2 Warnung vor magnetischem Feld D-W013.svg
Magnetic field
DIN 4844-2 Warnung vor optischer Strahlung D-W009.svg
Optical radiation


External links
