Religion:Kiril, Metropolitan of Belgrade

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Kiril or Cyril (Greek: Κύριλλος) was the Metropolitan of Belgrade of the Serbian Orthodox Church from 1825 to 1827. He succeeded Agathangelus of Constantinople. He belonged to the hierarchy of the Patriarchate of Constantinople and previously served as the Metropolitan of Mesembria.


He was born in Kriva Palanka, and was educated in Constantinople. When the then Metropolitan of Belgrade Agathangelus was elected Metropolitan of Chalcedon in 1825, the Synod of Bishops in Constantinople elected Cyril the Greek as his successor in the Belgrade Diocese in August of the same year.[1] The new Metropolitan of Belgrade cooperated closely with the Serbian Prince Miloš,[2] but he was in poor health and died in Belgrade on 26 February 1827.

In the same year, the Metropolitan Antim was elected in his place.[3][4][5][6]


  1. "Сион", Београд 31. децембар 1875.
  2. Недељко Радосављевић: "Православна црква у Београдском пашалуку 1766-1831. године", Београд 2007.
  3. Вуковић 1996, p. 279.
  4. Радосављевић 2007, p. 206-207.
  5. Радосављевић 2011, p. 57-58.
  6. Радосављевић 2017, p. 299-315.