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The Idjaza (plural: Idjāzates) is a certification from the Sheikh for the legal Talibe that he had recited the entire Quran from him by heart with intonation, mastery and differentiation between similarities, and became qualified for recitation. Some Qāriʾs are lenient in memorizing, so they do not require memorization by qalb.[1]

Idjaza types

The types of Idjazates that are awarded to Hafiz are:[2]

  • Permission with one narration, such as the authorization with the Warsh recitation.
  • Certification in the Seven Ahruf from Matn Al-Shatibiya [ar].[3]
  • The authorization in the three Qira'ates that complement the Ten recitations through the book Al-Durra al-Madhiyya [ar], and the Ten recitations from the path of Al-Shatibiya and Al-Durrah are called the Minor Ten recitations.[4]
  • Certification in the ten major readings through Taybat al-Nashr [ar].[5]

By obtaining an Idjaza, the reciter would have connected his Silsila of transmission to Muhammad and became part of the chain of transmitters of the Quran with the connected Isnād.

There are licenses of another kind, such as those that hadith scholars used to grant to their students or their peers, and it means witnessing to the metaphor of mastery of the knowledge that was permitted in it and its eligibility to teach others. And it has multiple ways to refer to it in the books of the Hadith terminology.

Steps of certification

The steps to obtaining an Idjaza are:[6]

  1. Memorizing the entire sixty Hizbs of the Quran perfectly.[7]
  2. Study a matn or a book on Tajwid, preferably the one of Ibn al-Jazari called Taybat al-Nashr [ar].[8]
  3. Obtaining a license with one Qira'at, such as Warsh recitation.[9]
  4. Memorizing the text of Matn Al-Shatibiya [ar] for the Seven readers and Al-Durra al-Madhiyya [ar] with him for those who want the minor ten, or preserving the good publication of those who want the major ten recitations.[10]
  5. Understanding the text of the matn and studying it fully.
  6. Reading a complete Khatma in memory with a skilled Sheikh, taking care of the different aspects and their edits, and taking care to link the readers differences with their evidence from the text adopted in reading.[11]

Example of a Quran Ijazah

Ra'ad bin Mohammed Al-Kurdi

For example the famous reciter of the Quran in our modern era: Sheikh Ra'ad bin Muhammad Al-Kurdi,[12] from his teacher Sheikh Sherzad Abdulrahman bin Tahir, and his Ijazah is as follows:[13]

The example of the following Quran Ijazah has the chain of Quran recitation (Qi'raa of Hafs) from the present day tracing all the way back to the prophet Muhammad.

Quran Ijazah
Level Reciter(s) of the Quran
30 Ra'ad bin Mohammed Al Kurdi
29 Sherzad Abdulrahman bin Tahir
28 Bakri bin Abdul Majeed bin Bakri bin Ahmed Al-Tarabishi Al-Dimashqi
27 Mohammed Salim bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Ali bin Mohammed al-Husseini Al-Dimashqi
26 Abu Al-Fawz Ahmed bin Ramadan bin Mansour bin Mohammed Al-Marzouki Al-Husni al-Malki Al-sanbati Al-Qayumi Al-Masri
25 Ibrahim al-Obaidi Al-Hassni al-Maliki al-Azhari of Moroccan origin and Egyptian citizen
24 Abi al-Latif Abdulrahman bin Abdullah bin Hassan Bin Omar al-Ajhouri al-Maliki al-Azhari
23 Shihab al-Din Abu al-Samah Ahmed bin Ahmed Al-Baqri Al-Shafi'i Al-Azhari al-Masri
22 Shams al-Din Muhammad Bin Qasim bin Ismail Al-Baqri al-Kabir Al-Shenawi Al-Qahiri Al-Shafi'i Al-Azhari
21 Zainuddin Abdul Rahman bin Shehada Al-Yemeni Al-Shafi'i al-Masri
20 Noor al-Din Ali bin Mohammed bin Ali bin Khalil bin Ghanem Al-khazarji Al-Saadi Al-Abadi Al-Maqdisi
19 Shams al-Din Abu and Abu al-Fath Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Ahmed Bin Makhlouf bin Ghali bin Abdul Al-Zaher al-samdisi al-Masri
18 Shihab al-Din Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Asad-Din ibn Abdul Wahid bin Ahmad Al-Amyoti Al-Iskandari Al-Qaihri Al-Shafi'i
17 Abu al-Khayr Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Yusuf al-Jazari
16 Taqi al-Din Abu Muhammad Abd al-Rahman bin Ahmed bin Ali bin Al-Mubarak bin Ma'ale al-Baghdadi Al-Masri Al-Shafi'i
15 Taqi al-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Abdul Khaliq bin Ali Bin Salem Bin Maki al-Masri al-Shafi'i
14 Kamal al-Din Abu al Hassan Ali ibn Abi Al-fuwares Shuja bin Salem Bin Ali bin Musa Bin Hassan bin Touq bin Sanad bin Ali bin al-Fadl bin Ali bin Abdulrahman bin Ali bin Musa bin Isa bin Musa bin Muhammad Bin Ali bin Abdullah bin Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim al-Hashimi al-Abbasi al-Masri al-Shafi'i
13 Abu Al-Qasim Al-Qasim bin Fayrah bin Khalaf bin Ahmed Al-Raini Al-Andalusi Al-Shatibi
12 Abu al-Hassan Ali bin Mohammed bin Ali bin Hathil Al-Balansi
11 Abu Dawood Suleiman ibn Abu Al-Qasim Najah al-Umawi Al-Andalusi, sire of the Emir of Al-Andalus Al-muayyad Billah Ibn al-Mustansir
10 Abū ʿAmr ad-Dānī known in his time as Ibn al-Ṣayrafī
9 Abi-Al-Hassan Tahir bin Abdul Moneim bin Obaidullah bin Ghalboun bin Al-Mubarak Al-Halabi
8 Abu Al-Hasan Ali bin Muhammad Bin Saleh Bin Dawood Al-Hashimi al-Ansari al-Basri Al-Darir
7 Abi Al-Abbas Ahmad bin Sahl bin Al-Fairzan Al-ashnani al-Baghdadi
6 Abi Mohammed Obaid Bin Al-Sabah bin Sabeeh Al-Nahashali
5 Abū ʽAmr Ḥafṣ ibn Sulaymān ibn al-Mughīrah ibn Abi Dawud al-Asadī al-Kūfī
4 Aasim ibn Abi al-Najud
3 Abu 'Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami
2 Uthman ibn Affan, Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib, Zayd bin Thabit, Ubayy ibn Ka'b, Abdullah ibn Masud
1 Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim

See also


  1. مقالات في علوم القرآن وأصول التفسير - المجلد الأول. 20 December 2020. ISBN 9786039055471. 
  2. الإجابات الواضحات لسؤالات القراءات - القراءات العشر المتواترة أصولا وفرشا. January 2007. ISBN 9782745133113. 
  3. الشاطبي, الإمام. حرز الأماني (متن الشاطبية) في القراءات. ISBN 9789776690257. 
  4. شرح الدرة المضية في القراءات الثلاث المروية (وهو شرح لمنظومة الإمام ابن الجزري). January 2011. ISBN 9782745166807. 
  5. النشر في القراءات العشر. January 2016. ISBN 9782745136954. 
  6. شرح الشاطبية. January 2011. ISBN 9782745163769. 
  7. قطب الإرشاد. January 2019. ISBN 9782745183415. 
  8. كتاب التيسير في القراءات السبع. January 2016. ISBN 9782745106445. 
  9. الحجة في علل القراءات السبع 1-4 ج1. January 2007. ISBN 9782745133069. 
  10. "الكافي في القراءات السبع". 
  11. "متن الجزرية في معرفة تجويد الآيات القرآنية". 
  12. (in en) حصول الشيخ رعد الكردي على الاجازة بـ" السند العالي" برواية حفص عن عاصم من الشيخ شيرزاد عبدالرحمن,, retrieved 2021-03-23 
  13. (in en) إجازة الشيخ المقرئ شيرزاد بن عبدالرحمن بن طاهر للقارئ الشيخ رعد بن محمد الكردي,, retrieved 2021-03-23