Social:Romanian archaeology

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Main page: List of Romanian archaeologists
  • Alexandru Odobescu (1834—1895)
  • Grigore Tocilescu (1850–1909)
  • Vasile Pârvan (1882–1927)
  • Constantin Daicoviciu (1898–1973)
  • Gheorghe I. Cantacuzino (b. 1938)
  • Adrian Andrei Rusu (b. 1951) – medieval archaeology,[1] researcher at the Institute of Archaeology and Art History in Cluj-Napoca


  • Institute of Archaeology and Art History in Cluj-Napoca
  • Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archaeology in Bucharest


  • Archaeology Museum Piatra Neamț
  • Iron Gates Region Museum
  • Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilisation
  • National Museum of Romanian History
  • National Museum of Transylvanian History


  • Acidava (Enoşeşti) – Dacian, Roman
  • Apulon (Piatra Craivii) – Dacian
  • Apulum (Alba Iulia) – Roman, Dacian
  • Argedava (Popeşti) – Dacian, possibly Burebista's court or capital
  • Argidava (Vărădia) – Dacian, Roman
  • Basarabi (Calafat) – Basarabi culture (8th - 7th centuries BC), related to Hallstatt culture
  • Boian Lake – Boian culture (dated to 4300–3500 BC)
  • Callatis (Mangalia) – Greek colony
  • Capidava – Dacian, Roman
  • Cernavodă – Cernavodă culture, Dacian
  • Coasta lui Damian (Măerişte)
  • Dacian Fortresses of the Orăştie Mountains
  • Drobeta (ancient city) – Roman
  • Giurtelecu Şimleului
  • Histria – Greek colony
  • Lumea Noua (near Alba Iulia) – middle Neolithic to Chalcolithic
  • Napoca (Cluj-Napoca) – Dacian, Roman
  • Peștera cu Oase – the oldest early modern human remains in Europe
  • Porolissum (near Zalău) – Roman
  • Potaissa (Turda) – Roman
  • Sarmizegetusa Regia – Dacian capital
  • Sarmizegetusa Ulpia Traiana – Roman capital of province of Dacia
  • Trophaeum Traiani/Civitas Tropaensium (Adamclisi) – Roman
  • Tomis (Constanţa) – Greek colony
  • Ziridava/Şanţul Mare (Pecica) – Dacian, Pecica culture, 16 archaeological horizons have been distinguished, starting with the Neolithic and ending with the Feudal Age


  • Basarabi culture
  • Boian culture
  • Bug-Dniester culture
  • Bükk culture
  • Cernavoda culture
  • Chernyakhov culture
  • Coțofeni culture
  • Cucuteni-Trypillian culture
  • Danubian culture
  • Dudeşti culture
  • Globular Amphora culture
  • Gumelniţa-Karanovo culture
  • Hamangia culture
  • La Tène culture
  • Linear Pottery culture
  • Lipiţa culture
  • Otomani culture
  • Pecica culture
  • Tiszapolgár culture
  • Usatovo culture
  • Vinča culture
  • Wietenberg culture
  • Getae
  • Dacians
  • Roman


  • Alexandru Odobescu, Istoria arheologiei, 1877


  • Dacia by Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archaeology, published continuously since 1924

See also



Further reading

External links

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