Biography:Albert Grunow

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Albert Grunow (3 November 1826, Berlin – 17 March 1914, Berndorf, Lower Austria) was a German-Austrian chemist and phycologist. He specialized in the study of diatoms.

From 1851 he worked as a chemist in a metal works factory in Berndorf. In 1857-59 he participated in the Austrian "Novara Expedition", and was tasked with analysis of its algal collections. Also, he served as a collector, preparator and determiner of specimens towards the development of Gottlob Ludwig Rabenhorst's diatom exsiccatae.[1]

In 1901 he donated his collection of extant and fossil diatoms to the Natural History Museum of Vienna. He was a corresponding member of the Geologischen Reichsanstalt.[2]

Selected works

  • Diatomaceen, Familie Navuculaceen, 1860 - Diatomaceae, family Naviculaceae.
  • Ueber neue oder ungenügend gekannte Algen, 1860 - On new or largely unknown algae.
  • Die Österreichischen Diatomaceen, etc. 1862 - Diatomaceae of Austria.
  • Reise seiner Majestät Fregatte Novara um die Erde : Botanischer Theil. I Band, Algen, 1867 - Journey of the frigate Novara and its circumnavigation of the Earth.
  • "New diatoms from Honduras"; published in English (1877).
  • Beiträge zur Kenntniss der fossilen Diatomeen Österreich-Ungarns, 1882 - Contribution to the understanding of fossil diatoms of Austria-Hungary.
  • Die Diatomeen von Franz Josefs-Land, 1884 - Diatoms from Franz Josef Land.
  • "Additamenta ad cognitionem Sargassorum", 1913.[3][4]


External links