Biography:Aleksandar Bačko

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Aleksandar Bačko is writer, journalist and genealogist from Belgrade, Serbia.


Aleksandar Bačko (Serbian Cyrillic: Александар Бачко) was born in Belgrade, Serbia, on August 15, 1972. His father is Vladimir Bačko, and mother Zorica (born Cakić). Aleksandar's daughters are Katarina Bačko and Jovana Bačko. His family came to Belgrade from Knin in 1931. Aleksandar Bačko is a collateral descendant of Nikanor Grujić, Orthodox Bishop of Pakrac and locum tenens Serbian Patriarch, by his brother Dragutin Grujić, archpriest of Mohacs, parish priest of Kacsfalu and assessor of Buda bishopric consistory.[1]

Primary and high school Aleksandar Bačko graduated in Belgrade, where he studied at the University of Belgrade's Faculty of Philosophy (department of history). He was president of former Association of citizens "Serbian despot" (Serbian Cyrillic: Удружење грађана „Српски деспот“). He is founding member of Society for economic history studies (Друштво за привредну историју), member of Association of Journalists of Serbia (Удружење новинара Србије) since 2003. and member of Mensa (Mensa Serbia) since 2009. He is founder and editor of edition Series of Serbian ethnography and history (Зборник за српску етнографију и историју), editor of internet presentation Serbian despot (Српски деспот) and member of editorial board of site Maleševci (Малешевци). He writes monographies and texts about history of certain settlements, origin of population and families. His works consider ethnographical, historical and genetic genealogy research.[1]

Aleksandar Bačko is laureate of "Mile Nedeljković" award, issued for best contemporary folkloristics book in Serbian in 2010.


Bačko has published eight books:

  • Mali Mokri Lug, Faculty of philosophy, Department for ethnology and anthropology, Ethno – anthropological issues – monography, vol. 28, Belgrade 2005, pages 1–187 (in Serbian: Мали Мокри Луг)
  • Žegar – origin of inhabitants, Faculty of philosophy, Department for ethnology and anthropology, Ethno – anthropological issues – monography, vol. 29, Belgrade 2005, pages 1–226 (in Serbian: Жегар – порекло становништва)
  • Maleševci – clan with family feast on st. Ignatius day, Association of citizens “Serbian despot”, Series of Serbian ethnography and history, vol. 1, Belgrade 2007, pages 1–224 (in Serbian: Малешевци – род који слави св. Игњатија)
  • Dalmatian Serb families, Association of citizens “Serbian despot”, Series of Serbian ethnography and history, vol. 2, Belgrade 2008, pages 1–513 (in Serbian: Породице далматинских Срба)
  • About history of the Sentandrejan families, Series of Serbian ethnography and history, vol. 3, Belgrade 2009, pages 1–248 (in Serbian: Из прошлости сентандрејских породица)
  • Krupa and Golubić in Dalmatia, Series of Serbian ethnography and history, vol. 4, Belgrade 2010, pages 1–355 (in Serbian: Крупа и Голубић у Далмацији), coauthor Veljko Kubat
  • Clans with family feast on Saint Thomas day – Genetic and ethnographical research, Series of Serbian ethnography and history, vol. 5, Belgrade 2010, pages 1–282 (in Serbian: Родови који славе св. Тому – Генетичка и етнографска истраживања), coauthor Dragiša Maksimović
  • Beomužević and Stapar near Valjevo – About some families in Tamnava, Podgorina and Kolubara regions, Series of Serbian ethnography and history, vol. 6, Belgrade 2011, pages 1–214 (in Serbian: Беомужевић и Стапар код Ваљева – О појединим породицама тамнавског, подгорског и колубарског краја), coauthor Milorad Ćustić

Bačko is also author of certain number of texts, which are published in different media. Among them are: Relatives of Karađorđević family (in Serbian: Сродници Карађорђевића), Ancestry of bishop Nikolaj Velimirović (in Serbian: Порекло владике Николаја Велимировића) and other.

See also

  • Maleševci (Internet presentation)
  • Nikanor Grujić
  • List of Mensans


  1. 1.0 1.1 Biography at the Centre for Research of Orthodox Monarchism web site.

External links