Template:ISO 4217/code-to-number

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< Template:ISO 4217
Revision as of 17:04, 18 August 2023 by MainEditor (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{ISO 4217/code-to-number/format |format={{{format|}}} |value={{#switch:{{ISO 4217/code|iso-code={{{iso-code|}}}}}<!-- All 304 existing unique alpha3-codes. Alphacode can have zero or one number (but not multiple). Numbers can repeat (eg ALL, ALK=008). No check on the codes; nocode/errorcode=return blank (As of 17 Oct 2022) --> |= |XFO= |XFU= |XRE= |ADP=020 |AED=784 |AFA=004 |AFN=971 |ALK=008 |ALL=008 |AMD=051 |ANG=532 |AOA=973 |AOK=024 |AON=024 |AOR=982 |ARA=032 |ARP=03...")
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Utilising the alpha3 ISO 4217 code. For example, the code number can be derived from the code. Based on the ISO 4217 Standfard definition (per {{ISO 4217/cite}}, (As of October 2022)).

There are 304 unique codes (ADP..ZWR). Codes are reused (as currency in history, in history with different end-date by country, in List Two funds, in entities) resulting in 452 currency definitions (data rows).



Most parameters work by {{yesno}} principle: yes, 1, true, <anytext> and no, 0, false, <blank> are recognised as T/F.

See also § maintenance-category ISO 4217
|format=-options can be comma-separated list: |format=option-none, ISO4217-cat, mono, brackets, (as announced per template)

Base: iso-code

ISO 4217/code

Returns valid ISO 4217 code or blank.

Basic: |format=<blank> returns EITHER the code as exists OR <blank> (no tracking etc)
|format=option-none, ISO4217-cat
See § maintenance-category ISO4217

Other data (ref, comment) elsewhere. Data (As of 17 October 2022), per source {{ISO 4217/cite}}

iso-code error (maintenance category)

|format=ISO4217-cat will categorise articles with ISO-codes that do not exist in ISO. Sorted under C.
(When in Template space, a wikilink to the category will show: |iso-code=ZZZTemplate:ISO 4217/maintenance-category)
See § maintenance-category ISO4217

option-none (code='None')

|format=option-none will allow |iso-code=''None'', none, no (formatting is optional).
Internally, {{ISO 4217/code-none}} returns _NONE_ or <blank>.

When code "None" is not allowed |format=option-none, |iso-code=None input is considered unrecognised code (returns blank). Will be categorised from mainspace, sorted under N.

(In Template space: |iso-code=None → None)
See § maintenance-category ISO4217


in plain is "None"? |format=option-none
|format=ISO4217-cat number minor unit
|iso-code=USD USD USD USD (840) 0.01
|iso-code=''None'' _NONE_ None
None 0.01
|iso-code=ZZZ Template:ISO 4217/maintenance-category Template:ISO 4217/maintenance-category 0.01

Derived value templates

minor unit

  • "Minor unit" in ISO 4217: number of decimals for minor unit used in currency trade. For example, USD has Minor unit=2, i.e. 0.01 (dollarcent unit).

Occurring values are: <blank>, N.A., 0, 2, 3, 4. So, incidentally, 1 (for Template:Cursign 0.1) is not present. Obsolete currency (historical, List Three): has no minor unit ("blank").

In enwiki: "<blank>", "N.A.", "0" all return blank, because "Template:Cursign 1" is not a subunit of "Template:Cursign 1".
|iso-code=, |is-obsolete=, |format=blank/default (0.001-form), exponent (N.A., <blank>, 0, 2, 3, 4)
<blank> AFA: →
N.A. XPD: →
0 KRW: →
1 (not present)
2 RUB: 0.010.01
3 OMR: 0.0010.001
4 CLF: 0.00010.0001

Ambiguous code & minor units

  • 10 codes are ambiguous: they appear both obsolete and active: '"`UNIQ--nowiki-00000015-QINU`"'.
For example, PEN refers to an obsolete and an active currency. These have different exponents.
|is-obsolete=no/yes sets the right one. Default is: |is-obsolete=no (currency PEN is active}})
PEN is ambiguous, required |is-obsolete= specifier.
USD is not ambiguous (active, |is-obsolete= is trivial)
ESA is not ambiguous (historical, List Three; |is-obsolete= is trivial)
Other not a code


|is-obsolete=1999 >< (obsolete)
|is-obsolete=no >0.01< (active)
|is-obsolete= >0.01< (active, default)
|<absent>= >0.01< (active, default)
  • USD >0.01<
  • PEN >0.01<
  • FOO >0.01<
  • blank ><
  • USD >0.01<
  • PEN ><
  • FOO ><
  • blank ><
  • USD >0.01<
  • PEN >0.01<
  • FOO >0.01<
  • blank ><
  • USD >0.01<
  • PEN ><
  • FOO ><
  • blank ><


  1. Code and number are 1:1 (code=number; number=code).
  2. Three codes defined to have no number: XFO, XFU, XRE (all obsolete)
  3. (As of 17 October 2022): 304 existing unique alpha3-codes (over Lists One, Two and Three). Alphacode can have zero or one number (but not multiple). Numbers can repeat (eg ALL, ALK=008).
  • |format=<blank>, plain [=default]; brackets

Follows from code. Unknown code=blank. No tracking.


  • 10 codes are ambiguous, they appear both obsolete and active: '"`UNIQ--nowiki-0000001E-QINU`"'.
For example, EUR is active in GERMANY, and obsolete in SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO per withdrawal-date=2006-10 (List Three). (As of 17 October 2022).
When such code is used, disambiguation may be required (is-obsolete=yes/no), to specify which currency is intended. This is relevant with minor-unit, and manually setting (clarifying)is-obsolete. Used in {{Infobox currency}}.
|format=ISO4217-cat: The article using an ambiguous code, will be categorised, sort under A (for checking, not an error indication).
|format=iso-code, ISO4217-cat |yes-text=anytext, <blank> (note: |yes-text=<blank> is counter-intuitive; useful for categorisation)
|yes-text=<blank> → no returntext (use for silent categorisation |ISOcat=yes)
Tracking: |ISOcat=yes: when ambiguous then → in Category:Pages using ISO 4217 currency to check (0) (catsort under A)
default USD → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
PEN → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
|ISOcat=yes → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
|yes-text=_YES-is-ambig_ → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
|yes-text=<blank> → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous< So status=yes, but yes-returntext is suppressed
|yes-text=<blank>, |ISOcat=yes → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous< So status=yes, but yes-returntext is suppressed
Extended content
USD → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
FOO → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
PEN → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
USD → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
FOO → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
PEN → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
USD → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
FOO → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
PEN → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
USD → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
FOO → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
PEN → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
USD → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
FOO → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous<
PEN → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous< So status=yes, but yes-returntext is suppressed
PEN → >Template:ISO 4217/code-is-ambiguous< So status=yes, but yes-returntext is suppressed


These codes are both in list-1 and list-3 (active and obsolete). So one must specify wheteher active (no |is-obsolete=<blank>, no or obsolete |withdr-date=1999, yes No tracking. Multiple witdrawal-dats possible

Used in {{ISO 4217/code-minor-unit}}

Not in mainspace

(As of 1 Nov 2022)


|iso-code, is-obsolete=

The logic

|iso-code=, determines from ISO 4217. Thew code can be ambiguous.
|is-obsolete=: yes/no (T/F), blank='unknown'
{{yesno}} is applied: |is-obsolete=no, false=no (not obsolete, so active), |is-obsolete=<any text> is yes (obsolete)
Currency is obsolete?
T=obs 01 F=act 02 unk 03

T=obs 10 OBS 11 Red XNACT 12 OBS 13
F=act 20 Red XNOBS 21 ACT 22 ACT 23
ambig 30 OBS 31 ACT 32 ACT (default) 33
unk 40 OBS 41 ACT 42 ACT (default) 43
  • Red XN Contradicting situation: Obsolete vs. Active. By default |code-priority=no, so |is-obsolete=T/F decides.

Contradiction solving

Two situations imply a contradiction: the ISO-status contradicts the entered |is-obsolete= status. This may occur when an infobox covers more than one currency. The default handling is: |is-obsolete= takes precedence. By setting |code-priority=yes gives ISO code prority (result opposite). This does not resolve the contradiction.

Currency is obsolete?
|code-priority=no (default)
T=obs 01 F=act 02
T=obs 10 OBS 11 Red XNACT 12
F=act 20 Red XNOBS 21 ACT 22
Red XNOBS 12
Red XNACT 21

Returns: when Obsolete, a text; when Active, no text (blank). On can apply this as {{#if:{{code-is-obsolete|...}}|Obsolete|Active}}.

The returntext is:

When obsolete: 1. the |is-obsolete=anytext; 2. the |withdrawal-date=, 3. |obs-text=..., 4. "OBS"
When active: 1. |act-text=... 2. <blank>
Note that, by entering a blank |obs-text=, the returntext will be a blank (so, same as default actual returntext!)

|obs-text=, |act-text= overwrites.

In {{Infobox currency}}
For |obsolete=, |obsolete= of the infobox is used: |obsolete={{{obsolete|}}}


|iso-code=, |is-obsolete=
USD, active
ATS, Austria shilling - withdrawn
PEN, PERU Nuevo Sol (ambivalent so wsdate needed)
FOO, not a code
"None", not a code


Template:ISO 4217/code-count/demo Template:ISO 4217/code-count/demo Template:ISO 4217/code-count/demo Template:ISO 4217/code-count/demo Template:ISO 4217/code-count/demo


Template:ISO 4217/code-count/demo Template:ISO 4217/code-count/demo


{{ISO 4217/code-count|iso-code=|list=}}
|list, iso-code=L1, ..., L123
Number of "XYZ" code repetition per list, and over all tyhree lsits. There are 304 unique codes, repetitions make 450 different lines (code, List, entity, end-date can be repeated).
Intended for checking and listformatting only (no new information).

See § code-entity-list for demo


{{ISO 4217/code-to-qid/format}}
{{ISO 4217/code-to-qid|iso-code=|format=}}
|format=plain, wl, wl-info, <blank>
(P498), ~265, (As of 08:58, 13 November 2022 (UTC))

Maintenance-category (ISO 4217)

Cat:ISO 4217: →

Sets Category:Pages using ISO 4217 currency to check (0), used in various templates.
Distinguishes: mainspace (=categorise), template space (=colon-link :Category:Pages using ...), all other spaces (no effect).
{{ISO 4217/maintenance-category
In template space: {{ISO 4217/maintenance-category}}
In the templates, activated by |ISO4217-cat= or by |format=.., ISO4217-cat, ..
Used by: {{ISO 4217/code}}, {{Infobox central bank}}, {{Infobox currency}} (projected as of October 2022)


The templates

Deployed in mainspace
{{/format}} · {{../testcases}}
Not yet used in / fit for mainspace


  • IB does cat eponym eg in euro

See also

Template:ISO 4217/navbox templates