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A Verdade Sufocada
A Verdade Sufocada.jpg
AuthorCarlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra
SubjectHistorical revisionism
Published2006 by Editora Ser[1][2]

A Verdade Sufocada - A História que a Esquerda não quer que o Brasil conheça (in English: The Suffocated Truth - The story that the left does not want Brazil to know) (2006) is the second memoir[3] of the retired colonel of the Brazilian Army, Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, the first Brazilian military man convicted of practicing torture during the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985).[4]

The book presents Ustra's version of the left-wing armed struggle in Brazil during the military dictatorship, as well as recounting his experiences as head of DOI-CODI, one of Organs executing agencies of political repression, in which opponents of the dictatorship were tortured and murdered.[5][6][7][8] According to Ustra and his family, the book was boycotted by bookstores at the time of release and the family needed to finance their print runs because of publishers' denials.[9] The book received attention after being quoted by Jair Bolsonaro during his vote for Dilma Rousseff's Impeachment in 2016.[10] In the weekly ranking of Folha de S.Paulo on June 4, 2016, the work was the sixth best-selling nonfiction book in Brazil.[9] In 2018, it reached its 14th edition.[10] The book received criticism from the academic world. Historians and sociologists warned of the book's unreliability as a historical document.[7]

The book

The book brings the military version of what happened during the dictatorship, with a greater focus on the attacks by leftist groups during that period. He counted on the collaboration of the author's wife, who is a historian, giving focus to the context of the Cold War.[10]


For UFPE sociology professor Luciano Oliveira, "as a history book, 'A Verdade Sufocada' is null. As a historical document, it serves a purpose: it is yet another confirmation that, within what I usually call modern sensibility, torture is an action that, regardless of its results, disgraces the person who employs it."[11]

Neusah Cerveira, PhD in Social History from FFLCH/USP, draws attention to the absence of explicit bibliographic citations in the body of the text. She also says that "it is an extensive book, although superficial. With a strong title, but not very deep".[7]


See also

  • Torture Never Again
  • List of people killed by and disappeared during the Brazilian military dictatorship
  • Securing Sex
  • Sérgio Paranhos Fleury
  • Ternuma
  • Vladimir Herzog


  1. Luciano (2006). A Verdade Sufocada: A Historia Que A Esquerda N~Ao Quer Que O Brasil Conheca (Portuguese ed.). Editora Ser. ISBN 9788586662577. 
  2. Ustra, Carlos Alberto Brilhante (2007) (in pt-BR). A verdade sufocada: a história que a esquerda não quer que o Brasil conheça. Brilhante Ustra. ISBN 978-85-86662-60-7. https://books.google.com/books?id=fiQdAQAAIAAJ. 
  3. Cardoso, Lucileide Costa (2011). "Os Discursos de Celebração da "Revolução de 1964"". Revista Brasileira de História 31 (62): 117–140. doi:10.1590/S0102-01882011000200008. http://www.scielo.br/pdf/rbh/v31n62/a08v31n62. 
  4. "Juiz condena coronel Ustra por sequestro e tortura". Notícias do Conselho Federal da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil. 10 October 2008. http://www.oab.org.br/Noticia/14836/juiz-condena-coronel-ustra-por-sequestro-e-tortura. 
  5. Camila Moraes (2015-10-15). "Brilhante Ustra, ícone da repressão da ditadura brasileira". El País. http://brasil.elpais.com/brasil/2015/10/15/politica/1444927700_138001.html. 
  6. Cardoso, Lucileide Costa (1994). "Construindo a memória do regime de 64". Revista Brasileira de História 14 (27): 179–196. http://www.anpuh.org/arquivo/download?ID_ARQUIVO=3750. 
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 7.2 Cerveira, Neusah (2007). "Qual verdade?". Projeto História (PUC-SP) 34 (1): 381–383. ISSN 2176-2767. https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/revph/article/viewFile/2489/1584. 
  8. Grahl Santos, Clarissa (23 May 2017). "Das armas às letras: os militares e a constituição de um campo memorialístico de defesa à ditadura empresarial-militar" (in es). Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. https://repositorio.ufsc.br/handle/123456789/175898. 
  9. Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 "Brilhante Ustra é o sexto autor de não ficção mais vendido do país". Folha de S. Paulo. 2016-06-03. http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/ilustrada/2016/06/1777921-brilhante-ustra-e-o-sexto-autor-de-nao-ficcao-mais-vendido-do-pais.shtml. 
  10. Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 10.2 Umpieres, Rodrigo Tolotti. "Conheça o livro de cabeceira de Jair Bolsonaro: "A Verdade Sufocada"". www.infomoney.com.br. https://www.infomoney.com.br/mercados/politica/noticia/7540801/conheca-livro-cabeceira-jair-bolsonaro-verdade-sufocada. 
  11. Oliveira, Luciano (2016-07-29). "Brilhante Ustra e a verdade mais uma vez sufocada". Revista Amálgama. https://www.revistaamalgama.com.br/07/2016/brilhante-ustra-a-verdade-mais-uma-vez-sufocada/. 

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