Chemistry:Atomistix ToolKit

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Atomistix ToolKit (ATK) is a commercial software for atomic-scale modeling and simulation of nanosystems. The software was originally developed by Atomistix A/S, and was later acquired by QuantumWise following the Atomistix bankruptcy.[1] QuantumWise was then acquired by Synopsys in 2017.[2] Atomistix ToolKit is a further development of TranSIESTA-C, which in turn in based on the technology, models, and algorithms developed in the academic codes TranSIESTA,[3] and McDCal,[4] employing localized basis sets as developed in SIESTA.[5]


Atomistix ToolKit combines density functional theory with non-equilibrium Green's functions for first principles electronic structure and transport calculations of

  • electrode—nanostructure—electrode systems (two-probe systems)
  • molecules
  • periodic systems (bulk crystals and nanotubes)

The key features are

  • Calculation of transport properties of two-probe systems under an applied bias voltage
  • Calculation of energy spectra, wave functions, electron densities, atomic forces, effective potentials etc.
  • Calculation of spin-polarized physical properties
  • Geometry optimization
  • A Python-based NanoLanguage scripting environment

See also


  1. "QuantumATK Atomic-Scale Modeling for Semiconductor & Materials". 
  2. "Synopsys Strengthens Design-Technology Co-Optimization Solution with Acquisition of QuantumWise". 
  3. Brandbyge, Mads; Mozos, José-Luis; Ordejón, Pablo; Taylor, Jeremy; Stokbro, Kurt (2002). "Density-functional method for nonequilibrium electron transport". Physical Review B 65 (16): 165401. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.65.165401. Bibcode2002PhRvB..65p5401B. 
  4. Taylor, Jeremy; Guo, Hong; Wang, Jian (2001). "Ab initiomodeling of quantum transport properties of molecular electronic devices". Physical Review B 63 (24): 245407. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.63.245407. Bibcode2001PhRvB..63x5407T. 
  5. Soler, José M.; Artacho, Emilio; Gale, Julian D.; García, Alberto; Junquera, Javier; Ordejón, Pablo; Sánchez-Portal, Daniel (2002). "The SIESTA method forab initioorder-Nmaterials simulation". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 (11): 2745–2779. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/14/11/302. Bibcode2002JPCM...14.2745S. 

External links