Biography:Thierry Poinsot

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Short description: French researcher

Thierry Poinsot, born 22 March 1958, is a French researcher, research director at the CNRS, researcher at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics in Toulouse, scientific advisor at CERFACS[1] and senior research fellow at Stanford University. He has been a member of the French Academy of sciences since 2019.[2]


Engineer from École Centrale de Paris (1980, now Centralesupelec), he obtained a doctorate in engineering in 1983 and a state thesis in 1987 before working at Stanford for two years (1988-1990). He currently works in Toulouse. His areas of expertise are fluid mechanics, combustion, propulsion, acoustics, high performance computing.

Professional positions

Poinsot has taught since 1980 at Ecole Centrale Paris, Stanford, ISAE and ENSEEIHT in Toulouse, Princeton, Tsinghua, Kanpur, CISM,[3] and the von Karmann Institute. He was head of the MIR group (reactive media) at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics in Toulouse from 2010 to 2017 and member of the scientific council of PRACE[4] from 2008 to 2013.

He has been a consultant for IFP Energies Nouvelles, Air Liquide, Siemens, Daimler, and John Zink, Senior research fellow at the Center for Turbulence Research at Stanford[5] since 1990, scientific advisor at CERFACS[1] since 1992, chief editor (with Pr F. Egofopoulos, University of Southern California) of Combustion and Flame[6] since 2013, expert at the European Commission for the ERC (European Research Council) programmes since 2014 and member of the Board of Directors of the Combustion Institute[7] since 2016.

Scientific contributions

His work focuses mainly on combustion, fluid mechanics and energy. To do this, he uses experiments and theoretical methods. In addition, he relies on high performance numerical simulation[8] which consists in creating 'virtual' digital twins of real systems (such as an airplane or helicopter engine) thanks to supercomputers now comprising several million processors (see Top500[9]).

After his PhD thesis on the physical mechanisms controlling the cooking of tyres (for Michelin), he developed experimental and theoretical studies of combustion instabilities[10] and their control[11][12] in aeronautical engines under the direction of Sébastien Candel at the EM2C laboratory at Centrale Paris. He has also developed models for turbulent combustion.[13]

During his two-year postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford, he set up the first direct simulations of turbulent flames.[14][15][16][17] These first academic simulations[18] paved the way for numerical simulation tools for real combustion chambers[19][20] which use the largest computers available today and are used to calculate French aeronautical combustion chambers (rockets, helicopters, aircraft, furnaces).[21][22][23][24] In addition to this numerical simulation work, he has also developed theoretical[25][26][27] and experimental[28][29][30] activities on combustion at the IMFT.

He is currently interested in aeronautical engines and the energy generation systems of the future as well as in the storage of renewable energies using hydrogen.[31] He has made a major contribution to the pooling of major numerical simulation codes for fluid mechanics in France and Europe and his codes are used by hundreds of researchers and engineers. His work has been supported since 2013 by two European ERC (European Research Council) projects: INTECOCIS[8] and SCIROCCO.[31]

He is the author or co-author[32] of Theoretical and numerical combustion with D. Veynante, a textbook on combustion,[33] and 220 articles in peer-reviewed journals


  •    CNRS Bronze medal in 1988.
  •    Best DRET researcher in 1991.
  •    First Cray prize in 1993.
  •    Edmond Brun Prize of the French Academy of sciences in 1996.
  •    First BMW prize for the supervision of B. Caruelle's thesis in 2002.
  •    Grand Prix de l'Académie des sciences, Paris, 2003.
  •    AIAA Associate Fellow in 2003.
  •    CNRS 'Prime d'excellence scientifique' in 2009–2013.
  •    ERC advanced grant[34] in 2013 on thermoacoustic instabilities.[35]
  •    ERC advanced grant in 2019 on hydrogen storage of renewable energy[31]
  •    Hottel plenary lecture at the 36th Symp.(Int.) Comb. 2016 (Seoul).
  •    Zeldovich Gold medal of the Combustion Institute, 2016.
  • Fellow of the Combustion Institute in 2018.
  • EPSC Award in 2021[36]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "CERFACS". 
  2. "Communiqué de presse". 
  3. "CISM". 
  4. "PRACE". 
  5. "CTR Stanford". 
  6. "Combustion and flame". 
  7. "Combustion Institute". 
  8. 8.0 8.1 [ "Intercocis"]. 
  9. "Top 500". 
  10. Poinsot T., Trouvé A., Veynante D., Candel S. et Esposito E., « Vortex driven acoustically coupled combustion instabilities », Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1987, 177, p. 265-292
  11. Poinsot T., Lang W., Bourienne F., Candel S. et Esposito E., « Suppression of combustion instability by active control », Journal of Propulsion and Power, (1989) 5, 1, p. 14
  12. McManus K., Poinsot T. et Candel S., « A review of active control methods for combustion instabilities », Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, (1992) 19, p. 1-29
  13. Candel S.M. et Poinsot T., « Flame stretch and the balance equation for the flame area », Comb. Sci. and Tech., (1990), 70, p. 1-15
  14. Meneveau C. et Poinsot T., « Stretching and quenching of flamelets in premixed turbulent combustion », Comb. and Flame, (1991), 86, p. 311-332
  15. Poinsot T., Veynante D. et Candel S., « Quenching processes and premixed turbulent combustion diagrams », Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (1991), 228, p. 561-606
  16. Poinsot T. et Lele S., « Boundary conditions for direct simulations of compressible reacting flows », Journal of Computational Physics, (1992), 101, 1, p. 104-129
  17. Poinsot T., Echekki T. et Mungal M.G., « A study of the laminar flame tip and implications for premixed turbulent combustion », Combustion Science and Technology, (1991), 81, 1-3, p. 45
  18. Vervisch, L. et Poinsot T., « Direct Numerical Simulation of non-premixed turbulent combustion », Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, (1998), 30, p. 655-692
  19. Moureau, V., Lartigue, G., Sommerer, Y., Angelberger, C., Colin, O. et Poinsot, T., « High-order methods for DNS and LES of compressible multi-component reacting flows on fixed and moving grids », J. Comp. Phys., (2005), 202, p. 710-736
  20. G. Daviller, G. Oztarlik et T. Poinsot, « A generalized non-reflecting inlet boundary condition for steady and forced compressible flows with injection of vortical and acoustic waves », Comp. Fluids, (2019), 190, p. 503-513
  21. Boudier G., Gicquel L., Poinsot T., Bissières D. et Bérat C., « Comparison of LES, RANS and Experiments in an Aeronautical Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber », Proc. Comb. Institute, (2007), 31, p. 3075-3082
  22. M. Boileau, G. Staffelbach, B. Cuenot, T. Poinsot, and C. Bérat, « LES of an ignition sequence in a gas turbine engine », Combustion and Flame, (2008), 154, 1-2, p. 2-22
  23. M. Leyko, F. Nicoud, S. Moreau et T. Poinsot, « Numerical and analytical investigation of the indirect noise in a nozzle », Compte Rendus de Mécanique, (2009) 337, 6-7, p. 415-425
  24. L.Y.M. Gicquel, G. Staffelbach et T. Poinsot, Large Eddy Simulation of Gaseous Flames in Gas Turbine Combustion Chambers in "Progress in Energy and Combustion Science", (2012), 38, Article de revue sur la LES dans les turbines. 80 pages, p. 782-817
  25. M. Bauerheim, P. Salas, F. Nicoud et T. Poinsot, « Symmetry breaking and control of azimuthal thermoacoustic modes in annular chambers », J. Fluid Mech., (2014), 760, p. 431-465
  26. Nicoud F. and Poinsot, T., « Thermoacoustic instabilities:  should the Rayleigh criterion  be extended to include entropy changes ? », Comb. Flame, (2005), 142, p. 153-159
  27. F. Thiesset, F. Halter, C. Bariki, C. Lapeyre, C. Chauveau, I. Gokalp, L. Selle et T. Poinsot, « Isolating strain and curvature effects in premixed flame/vortex interactions », J. Fluid Mech., (2017), 831, p. 618-654
  28. T. Kaiser, G. Oztarlik, L. Selle, T. Poinsot, « Impact of symmetry breaking on the flame transfer function of a laminar premixed flame », Proc. Comb. Inst., (2019), 37, 2, p. 1953-1962
  29. D. Mejia, M. Miguel-Brebion, A. Ghani, T. Kaiser, F. Duchaine, L. Selle et T. Poinsot, « Influence of flame-holder temperature on the acoustic flame transfer functions of a laminar flame », Combustion and Flame, ( 2018), 188, p. 5-12
  30. P. Xavier, A. Ghani, D. Mejia, M. Miguel-Brebion, M. Bauerheim, L. Selle, L. et T. Poinsot, « Experimental and numerical investigation of flames stabilised behind rotating cylinders: interaction of flames with a moving wall », Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (2017), 813, p. 127–151
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 "Stockage des énergies renouvelables par l'hydrogène". 
  32. "Google Scholar". 
  33. [ "Livre combustion"]. 
  34. "ERC". 
  35. "Intercocis". 

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