Biology:List of Lepidoptera that feed on willows
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Willows, sallows and osiers (Salix species) are used as food plants by the larvae (caterpillars) of a large number of Lepidoptera species including the following.
Monophagous species
Species that feed exclusively on Salix.
- Batrachedridae
- Coleophoridae
- Several Coleophora case-bearer species:
- C. albidella – only on S. aurita, goat willow (S. caprea), grey willow (S. cinerea) and S. repens
- C. bedella – only on S. excelsa
- C. castipennella
- C. kearfottella
- C. zelleriella
- Several Coleophora case-bearer species:
- Geometridae
- Slender pug (Eupithecia tenuiata)
- Hepialidae
- Nepticulidae
- Noctuidae
- Minor shoulder-knot (Brachylomia viminalis)
- Sesiidae
- Sallow clearwing (Synanthedon flaviventris)
- Tortricidae
Polyphagous species
Species that feed on Salix and other plants.
- Arctiidae
- Giant leopard moth (Ecpantheria scribonia)
- Batrachedridae
- Batrachedra praeangusta
- Batrachedra striolata – recorded on arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepsis)
- Bedelliidae
- Coleophoridae
- Several Coleophora case-bearer species:
- C. anatipennella
- C. atlantica
- C. currucipennella
- C. lusciniaepennella
- C. malivorella
- C. piperata
- C. pruniella – recorded on crack willow (Salix fragilis)
- C. salicivorella
- Several Coleophora case-bearer species:
- Geometridae
- Agriopis marginaria (dotted border)
- Alcis repandata (mottled beauty)
- Cabera exanthemata (common wave)
- Cabera pusaria (common white wave)
- Chloroclysta truncata (common marbled carpet)
- Colotois pennaria (feathered thorn)
- Crocallis elinguaria (scalloped oak)
- Ectropis crepuscularia (engrailed)
- Epirrita autumnata (autumnal moth)
- Eupithecia pusillata (juniper pug) – Americas only
- Eupithecia subfuscata (grey pug)
- Eupithecia vulgata (common pug)
- Hemithea aestivaria (common emerald)
- Lomaspilis marginata (clouded border)
- Odontopera bidentata (scalloped hazel)
- Operophtera brumata (winter moth)
- Opisthograptis luteolata (brimstone moth)
- Hepialidae
- Lymantriidae
- Euproctis chrysorrhoea (brown-tail)
- Euproctis similis (yellow-tail)
- Lymantria dispar (gypsy moth)
- Nepticulidae
- Stigmella salicis – also found on Myrica gale [2]
- Noctuidae
- Acronicta leporina (miller)
- Acronicta megacephala (poplar grey)
- Acronicta psi (grey dagger)
- Acronicta tridens (dark dagger)
- Agrochola circellaris (brick) – recorded on common osier (S. viminalis)
- Amphipyra berbera (Svensson's copper underwing)
- Amphipyra tragopoginis (mouse moth)
- Antitype chi (grey chi)
- Catocala cara (darling underwing) – prefers black willow (S. nigra)
- Catocala delilah (Delilah underwing)
- Catocala junctura (joined underwing)
- Cosmia trapezina (dun-bar)
- Diarsia mendica (ingrailed clay)
- Diarsia rubi (small square-spot)
- Eugnorisma glareosa (autumnal rustic)
- Euplexia lucipara (small angle shades)
- Eupsilia transversa (satellite)
- Melanchra persicariae (dot moth)
- Naenia typica (gothic)
- Noctua comes (lesser yellow underwing)
- Noctua janthina (lesser broad-bordered yellow underwing)
- Ochropleura plecta (flame shoulder)
- Orthosia cerasi (common Quaker)
- Orthosia gothica (Hebrew character)
- Xestia triangulum (double square-spot)
- Xestia xanthographa (square-spot rustic)
- Notodontidae
- Furcula bifida (poplar kitten)
- Nadata gibbosa (rough prominent)
- Phalera bucephala (buff-tip)
- Ptilodon capucina (coxcomb prominent)
- Nymphalidae
- Limenitis archippus (viceroy butterfly)
- Limenitis arthemis (American white admiral/red-spotted purple) – recorded on beaked willow (S. bebbiana) and others
- Pyralidae
- Saturniidae
- Automeris io (Io moth)
- Pavonia pavonia (emperor moth)
- Sesiidae
- Red-tipped clearwing (Synanthedon formicaeformis)
- Sphingidae
- Laothoe populi (poplar hawk-moth)
- Smerinthus jamaicensis (twin-spotted sphinx)
- ↑ "4.082 Ectoedemia intimella (Zeller, 1848)". Retrieved 23 June 2018.
- ↑ "4.035 Stigmella salicis (Stainton, 1854)". Retrieved 24 June 2018.
External links
- Robinson, Gaden S.; Ackery, Phillip R.; Kitching, Ian J.; Beccaloni, George W.; Hernández, Luis M. (2010). "Hostplant Genus: Salix". Natural History Museum, London.