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Short description: Extinct superfamily of trilobite

Temporal range: Ordovician–Lopingian
Gerastos tuberculatus 20170317.jpg
Gerastos tuberculatus
Scientific classification e
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Trilobita
Order: Proetida
Superfamily: Proetoidea

Proetoidea is a superfamily of trilobites in the order Proetida.[1][2]


The Proetoidea are closely related to the Aulacopleuroidea.[3]

Internal taxonomy

The Proetoidea are divided into three families. They are the: Phillipsiidae, Proetidae, and the Tropidocophyridae.[1]

Phillipsiidae is not listed in some publications (e. g. Adrain, 2011) but is instead listed as a subfamily of the proetidae.[4]

Family Phillipsiidae

Family Proetidae

  • Aayemenaytcheia
  • Aceroproetus
  • Alaskalethe
  • Altajaspis
  • Anambon
  • Anglibole
  • Angustibole
  • Anujaspis
  • Appendicysta
  • Aprathia
  • Archaeocoryphe
  • Ascetopeltis
  • Astroproetus
  • Australokaskia
  • Bailielloides
  • Bapingaspis
  • Basidechenella
  • Beleckella
  • Belgibole
  • Benesovella
  • Bitumulina
  • Blodgettia
  • Bohemiproetus
  • Bolivicrania
  • Boliviproetus
  • Bollandia
  • Bonnaspidella
  • Borealia
  • Brevibole
  • Burgesina
  • Calybole
  • Camsellia
  • Carbonoproetus
  • Carlopsia
  • Carniphillipsia
  • Ceratoproetus
  • Chauffouraspis
  • Chaunoproetoides
  • Chaunoproetus
  • Chiides
  • Chiops
  • Chlupacula
  • Chuanqianoproetus
  • Clavibole
  • Comptonaspis
  • Coniproetus
  • Conophillipsia
  • Constantina
  • Coombewoodia
  • Craspedops
  • Crassibole
  • Crassiproetus
  • Cyphinioides
  • Cyphoproetus
  • Cyrtodechenella
  • Cyrtoproetus
  • Cyrtosymbole
  • Cystispina
  • Daihuaia
  • Dayinaspis
  • Dechenella
  • Dechenelloides
  • Dechenellurus
  • Deinoproetus
  • Deltadechenella
  • Diabole
  • Diacoryphe
  • Drevermannia
  • Dudu
  • Dushania
  • Effops
  • Ejinoproetus
  • Elegenodechenella
  • Elimaproetus
  • Elliptophillipsia
  • Endops
  • Engelomorrisia
  • Ensecoryphe
  • Eocyphinium
  • Eocyrtosymbole
  • Eodrevermannia
  • Eomicrophillipsia
  • Eopalpebralia
  • Eosoproetus
  • Eowinterbergia
  • Erbenaspis
  • Erbenites
  • Evagena
  • Exochops
  • Flexidechenella
  • Formonia
  • Francenaspis
  • Franconicabole
  • Frithjofia
  • Fuscinipyge
  • Ganinella
  • Gapeevella
  • Geigibole
  • Georhithronella
  • Gerastos
  • Gitarra
  • Globusia
  • Globusiella
  • Globusoidea
  • Gomiites
  • Gracemerea
  • Hassiabole
  • Hedstroemia
  • Helioproetus
  • Helmutia
  • Helokybe
  • Humeia
  • Humilogriffithides
  • Hunanoproetus
  • Hypaproetus
  • Jinia
  • Karginella
  • Kaskia
  • Kathwaia
  • Kerpenella
  • Khalfinella
  • Kolymoproetus
  • Kosovoproetus
  • Krambedrysia
  • Kulmiella
  • Kulmogriffithides
  • Lacunoporaspis
  • Laevibole
  • Langgonbole
  • Latibole
  • Latiglobusia
  • Latiproetus
  • Lauchellum
  • Lichanocoryphe
  • Linguaphillipsia
  • Liobole
  • Liobolina
  • Longilobus
  • Longiproetus
  • Lophiokephalion
  • Lugalella
  • Luojiashania
  • Macrobole
  • Mahaiella
  • Malayaproetus
  • Malchi
  • Mannopyge
  • Megaproetus
  • Menorcaspis
  • Merebolina
  • Metaphillipsia
  • Mezzaluna
  • Microspatulina
  • Mirabole
  • Monodechenella
  • Moravocoryphe
  • Moschoglossis
  • Myoproetus
  • Namuraspis
  • Neogriffithides
  • Neokaskia
  • Nitidocare
  • Nodiphillipsia
  • Oehlertaspis
  • Oidalaproetus
  • Orbitoproetus
  • Ormistonaspis
  • Omlistonia
  • Ormistoniella
  • Osmolskia
  • Otodechenella
  • Paladin
  • Palaeophillipsia
  • Paleodechenella
  • Palpebralia
  • Panibole
  • Parachaunoproetus
  • Paradechenella
  • Parafrithjofia
  • Paraglobusia
  • Paragriffithides
  • Paramirabole
  • Parangustibole
  • Parapalpebralia
  • Paraproetus
  • Parawarburgella
  • Particeps
  • Parvidumus
  • Paryfenus
  • Pedinocoryphe
  • Pedinodechenella
  • Perexigupyge
  • Perliproetus
  • Phillibolina
  • Philliboloides
  • Phyllaspis
  • Planilobus
  • Planokaskia
  • Plesiowensus
  • Podoliproetus
  • Pontipalpebralia
  • Praedechenella
  • Pragoproetus
  • Prantlia
  • Prodiacoryphe
  • Proetocephalus
  • Proetus
  • Pseudobollandia
  • Pseudocyrtosymbole
  • Pseudodechenella
  • Pseudodudu
  • Pseudogerastos
  • Pseudoproetus
  • Pseudosilesiops
  • Pseudospatulina
  • Pseudowaribole
  • Pudoproetus
  • Pulcherproetus
  • Pusillabole
  • Raerinproetus
  • Reediella
  • Rhenocynproetus
  • Rhenogriffides
  • Richterella
  • Rijckholtia
  • Rosehillia
  • Rugulites
  • Schaderthalaspis
  • Schizophillipsia
  • Schizoproetina
  • Schizoproetoides
  • Schizoproetus
  • Semiproetus
  • Sevillia
  • Silesiops
  • Simaproetus
  • Sinobole
  • Sinocyrtoproetus
  • Sinopaladin
  • Sinoproetus
  • Sinosymbole
  • Skemmatocare
  • Skemmatopyge
  • Spatulata
  • Spergenaspis
  • Spinibolops
  • Struveproetus
  • Sulcubole
  • Tawstockia
  • Taynaella
  • Tcherkesovia
  • Tetinia
  • Thaiaspella
  • Thalabaria
  • Thebanaspis
  • Tropidocare
  • Tschernyschewiella
  • Typhloproetus
  • Unguliproetus
  • Vandergrachtia
  • Vittaella
  • Wagnerispina
  • Waideggula
  • Waigatchella
  • Warburgella
  • Waribole
  • Weberiphillipsia
  • Westropia
  • Weyeraspis
  • Winiskia
  • Winterbergia
  • Witryides
  • Xenadoche
  • Xenoboloides
  • Xenocybe
  • Xenodechenella
  • Xiangzhongella
  • Xiushuiproetus
  • Yanshanaspis
  • Yichangaspis
  • Yishanaspis
  • Yuanjia
  • Zhegangula
  • Zhejiangoproetus

Family Tropidocoryphidae

  • Alberticoryphe
  • Astycoryphe
  • Bojocoryphe
  • Buchiproetus
  • Centriproetus
  • Cornuproetus
  • Cyrtosymboloides
  • Dalarnepeltis
  • Dalejeproetus
  • Decoroproetus
  • Denemarkia
  • Diademaproetus
  • Dipharangus
  • Eopiriproetus
  • Erbenicoryphe
  • Eremiproetus
  • Galbertianus
  • Gracilocoryphe
  • Gruetia
  • Guilinaspis
  • Ignoproetus
  • Interproetus
  • Koneprusites
  • Krohbole
  • Lardeuxia
  • Laticoryphe
  • Lepidoproetus
  • Linguaproetus
  • Lodenicia
  • Longicoryphe
  • Macroblepharum
  • Miriproetus
  • Nagaproetus
  • Paraeremiproetus
  • Paralardeuxia
  • Paralepidoproetus
  • Parvigena
  • Perakaspis
  • Phaetonellus
  • Phaseolops
  • Piriproetoides
  • Piriproetus
  • Pribylia
  • Prionopeltis
  • Prodrevermannia
  • Proetina
  • Proetopeltis
  • Pterocoryphe
  • Pteroparia
  • Quadratoproetus
  • Rabuloproetus
  • Ranunculoproetus
  • Remacutanger
  • Richteraspis
  • Rokycanocoryphe
  • Sculptoproetus
  • Slimanella
  • Spinoproetus
  • Stenoblepharum
  • Tafilaltaspis
  • Tropicoryphe
  • Tropidocoryphe
  • Vicinoproetus
  • Voigtaspis
  • Wolayella
  • Xiphogonium
  • Zetaproetus[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "PROETIDA". 
  2. "superfamily Proetoidea Hawle and Corda 1847 (trilobite)". 
  3. Lamsdell, James C.; Selden, Paul A. (2015). "Phylogenetic support for the monophyly of proetide trilobites". Lethaia 48 (3): 375–386. doi:10.1111/let.12113. Bibcode2015Letha..48..375L. 
  4. Adrain, Jonothan M.. "Class Trilobita Walch, 1771. In: Zhang, Z.-Q.(Ed.) Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness."". Zootaxa. 

External links


Wikidata ☰ Q21227868 entry