Biology:2021 Pristina municipal election

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Short description: Mayoral and local municipal election of Prishtina 2021

← 2017
2025 →
Mayoral election
17 October 2021 (2021-10-17) (first round)
14 November 2021 (2021-11-14) (second round)
Turnout45% (first round) Decrease 2.4pp
42.5% (second round) Decrease 2.5pp
  Perparim Rama (cropped2).jpg Arben Vitia - portret 2021.jpg
Candidate Përparim Rama Arben Vitia
Party Script error: No such module "Political party". Script error: No such module "Political party".
Popular vote 41,746 40,143
Percentage 50.98% 49.02%

Mayor before election

Shpend Ahmeti
Script error: No such module "Political party".

Elected Mayor

Përparim Rama
Script error: No such module "Political party".

Template:Infobox legislative election

Municipal elections to elect the mayor and Municipal Assembly were held in Prishtina on 17 October 2021, with a second round of the mayoral election on 14 November. The elections came just nine months after parliamentary elections which saw Vetëvendosje win by a landslide. Përparim Rama of the Democratic League of Kosovo won the mayoral election, narrowly defeating Vetëvendosje's Arben Vitia, the Minister of Health. by around 1,600 votes.


Ever since the end of the war, Prishtina had been the largest voting base for the LDK party. However, in 2013 Shpend Ahmeti of Vetvendosje won the Mayoral election defeating the then-leader of LDK Isa Mustafa. In 2017 Ahmeti would win reelections.[1] In 2018 12 out of 32 Vetvedosje's members of parliament defected to the protest party Social Democratic Party including the Mayor of Kamenica Qendron Kastrati and the Mayor of Prishtina Shpend Ahmeti.[2] Ahmeti would also serve as leader of PSD from 2018 until 2019 when the party failed to win any seats in the legislative election.

Electoral System

The Mayor and the members of the Assembly will be elected by open-list proportional representation. In the mayoral race if no candidate managed to gain more than 50% of the vote then a second round is held between the top two candidates.


Vetëvendosje proposed Arben Vitia, Minister of Health during both governments of Albin Kurti, as Mayor of Prishtina.[3] Vitia had been head of the Department of Health and Social Welfare in Prishtina under the Mayorship of Shpend Ahmeti but later was fired when the latter joined PSD.[4] Vitia was Minister of Healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kosovo and faced criticism due to the government's harsh measures against the virus.[5] The harshest criticism came from the Islamic community and opposition parties as the Government forbade people from going to Mosques on Eid al-Fitr day, an Islamic holiday.[6] Opposition parties also called for his resignation at the time for a controversial strategy the government had employed in a student center where a 26-year-old had died.[7] Vitia later received praise as Japan and Albania had begun to donate vaccines against COVID-19.[8] [9]On October the 1st 2021, Vitia resigned as Minister of Health to fully focus on his campaign on the mayoral election in Prishtina. Despite the criticism for him, an opinion poll days after he resigned found out that roughly 50% thought that Vitia had been a good minister[10] and he led in several polls for mayor of Prishtina.[11] Vitia's campaign on Prishtina was largely centered on his record as Minister of Health and on his programs to ease traffic in the city. Vitia proposed improving public transportation by adding 160 buses to try to lower car usage, he promised to increase and fix pedestrian walkways and to extend the "Rruga A" in Prishtina. Vitia promised to invest in Prishtina's suburban areas and to improve its cosmetics to allow more capital movement and economic growth in those areas.[12]

The Democratic League of Kosovo had suffered its worst defeat ever in the 2021 legislative election and its leader Isa Mustafa had resigned. Lumir Abdixhiku, former Minister of Infrastructure and Environment, had become the leader of LDK with the vision of reforming the party away from its old administration. Abdixhiku chose Përparim Rama, an Albanian-British architect who had lived in London for 30 years,[13] as its candidate for the mayorship in Prishtina.[14] Rama was largely unknown to most of the public, apart from a controversial project to create a residential development close to Lake Badovc, which Pristhina relies on for freshwater. The plan was blocked by, intrestingly enough, Minister Abdixhiku. [15]Rama centered his campaign on what he calls Pristhina's triple P's. Prishtina Praktike, Prishtina e Pastër and Prishtina e Përjetimeve, or, Practical Prishtina, Clean Prishtina and the Prishtina of Experiences.[16] Practical Prishtina refers to changes to the city’s infrastructure from education and health to parking problems and road safety.[17] But the main focus is his dream to redefine Mother Theresa Square, extend it to comprise much of central Prishtina, and increase pedestrian access to the site from surrounding neighborhoods.[18] [19]This redefinition of the city center is aimed at redefining the hierarchy of traffic, placing pedestrians first, then public transport, and cars last.[20] Clean Prishtina focuses on green mobility infrastructure, aiming to increase walking paths and accessibility for people with disabilities. It also highlights public transport connections to nearby villages and towns and includes waste management and recycling projects.[21] [22]Prishtina of Experiences is focused on the cultural life of the city. Alongside other ideas about cultural transformation, Rama promises the city will have an orchestra, a new theater, an art gallery, and a multifunctional event hall.[23] Rama also promised to build several schools in Prishtina and to increase the municipal child benefit law to 70€ a month for poorer families.[24]

The Democratic Party of Kosovo proposed Uran Ismaili, former Minister of Health and deputy leader of PDK, for mayor of Prishtina.[25] Ismaili had a history of criticizing then Minister of Health Arben Vitia, one time even calling for his investigation.[26] Ismaili ran under the slogan "Pristhina na bashkon" (Prishtina unites us).[27] In his campaign, Ismaili was regularly seen around the streets of Prishtina meeting with his voters [28]and his campaign on social media also received praise.[29] In campaign videos, he intervenes throughout the city fixing benches, installing bins, and painting sports fields, giving a teaser of the bigger changes he envisions. He was even endorsed by the Mayor of Tirana Erijon Veliaj.[30] Ismaili finished 3rd with roughly 21% of the vote, PDK's best performance since 2009. Media analysts say that Ismaili's battle wasn't against the other candidates, but a battle to win the voters of Prishtina, many of whom consider themselves against PDK due to its corrupt history.[31][32]



Template:Election results

Municipal Assembly

Template:Election results


Përparim Rama won the Mayoral race, winning about 51% of the vote, bringing back the capital to LDK for the first time since 2013.[33] Arben Vitia came second with 49% of the vote and a difference of 1,600 votes from Rama. Vitia's loss has been attributed to the overconfidence and arrogance of Vetëvendosje in the legislative election.[34]Rama's green agenda also attributet to his win as many voters in Prishtina consider pollution as their top problem.[35] Vetëvendosje remained the most-voted party in the municipal assembly winning roughly 33% of the vote. The biggest increase was made by the Democratic Party growing nearly 7% and gaining 3 additional seats. Rama created a coalition with the Democratic Party.[36]


  1. "Shpend Ahmeti – Kosovo's faded symbol of political hope" (in en-US). 2019-03-20. 
  2. "Prishtina Mayor Shpend Ahmeti leaves Vetevendosje" (in en-US). 2018-03-07. 
  3. "LVV zyrtarizon Arben Vitinë në garën për kryetar të Prishtinës" (in sq). 2021-08-13. 
  4. "Drejtorët e shkarkuar të VV-së e quajnë qyqarllëk vendimin e Shpend Ahmetit ndaj tyre" (in sq). 2018-11-08. 
  5. "Ismaili: Kemi prova se karantinimi në Qendrën Studentore ka qenë selektiv" (in sq). 2020-05-05. 
  6. "Vitia: Kërkoj nga besimtarët mirëkuptimin, por xhamitë nuk bën të hapen" (in sq). 2020-05-20. 
  7. "Vitia: Kam menduar për dorëheqje" (in sq). 2020-05-04. 
  8. "Ambasada e Japonisë ofron përkrahje për Kosovën dhe ndihmë për furnizim me pajisje mjekësore" (in sq). 2021-03-25. 
  9. "Vitia: Profesionistët shëndetësorë do t'i marrin vaksinat anti-COVID në Kosovë, jemi në bisedime për kontingjentin nga Shqipëria" (in sq). 2021-03-29. 
  10. "Dorëheqja e Vitisë nga posti i ministrit, mbi 50 për qind e respodentëve e vlerësojnë të mirë punën e tij në MSH" (in sq). 2021-10-01. 
  11. "Prishtina në balotazh, sipas sondazhit të Klan Kosovës, prin Arben Vitia" (in sq). 2021-10-14. 
  12. "Çka premtuan Vitia dhe Rama nëse fitojnë garën në Prishtinë" (in sq). 2021-11-03. 
  13. "Abdixhiku: E gjithë LDK-ja është prapa Përparim Ramës" (in sq). 2021-06-02. 
  14. "Rama: Ka filluar misioni im për t'i dalë zot Prishtinës, është bërë simbol i kaosit urbanistik" (in sq). 2021-07-04. 
  15. "What's happening on the shores of Lake Badovc?" (in en-US). 2020-01-25. 
  16. "Facebook". 
  17. "Rama: Kaosi urban është larg më sfidues dhe më serioz sesa kundërkandidati im" (in sq). 2021-11-12. 
  18. "Rama: Më 14 nëntor dilni e votoni për zhvillimin e mbarë që po e pret kryeqytetin" (in sq). 2021-11-12. 
  19. "Arben Vitia e Përparim Rama flasin për tri problemet në Prishtinë dhe zgjidhjet për to" (in sq). 2021-11-03. 
  20. "Kaosi me komunikacionin, Përparim Rama flet për planin e tij në Prishtinë" (in sq). 2021-11-02. 
  21. "Rama përmend prioritetet për ekonominë e Prishtinës: Rivitalizimi i objekteve ikonike, sektori IT-së dhe turizmi malor në fshatra" (in sq). 2021-11-03. 
  22. "Rama: Do të dyfishojmë numrin e objekteve të banimit në Prishtinë, që do të furnizohen me ngrohje qendrore" (in sq). 2021-11-02. 
  23. "Përparim Rama, dhezë të rinjtë e Prishtinës!" (in sq). 2021-10-05. 
  24. "Rama premton: Ndërtojmë shtatë shkolla në Prishtinë, 70 euro për fëmijët e familjeve me të ardhura të ulëta" (in sq). 2021-11-02. 
  25. "Kryetari i Sindikatës së Mjekëve të QKUK e sheh me dilema emërimin e mininistrit të Shëndetësisë" (in sq). 2017-09-10. 
  26. "Ismaili i PDK-së kërkon përgjegjësi nga Vitia pse të dielën nuk u vaksinuan qytetarët" (in sq). 2021-05-23. 
  27. "Uran Ismaili bën publik sloganin për zgjedhjet e 17 tetorit" (in sq). 2021-08-05. 
  28. "Uran Ismaili starts a 24-hour activity, he will meet with citizens in Prishtina" (in en-US). 2021-10-11. 
  29. "12 kandidatët më aktivë për kryetar në rrjetet sociale – si e ndryshoi pandemia fushatën zgjedhore në Kosovë?" (in sq). 2021-09-30. 
  30. (in en) Erioni te Urani - Me bujtë | Pas dy muajve duke bujtë n'qytet e n'fshat, me Arizonën, Umën e Omerin e pritëm në shtëpinë tonë Kryetarin shembull të Tiranës, Erion Veliaj. Biseda... | By Uran Ismaili | Facebook,, retrieved 2024-01-28 
  31. "Uran Ismaili: Një frymë e re doli në pah në Prishtinë – Epoka e Re" (in en-US). 
  32. "Abelard Tahiri: Uran did not win the mandate, but he won the hearts of the people of Prishtina" (in en-US). 2021-10-18. 
  33. "Profili i Përparim Ramës, kryetarit të ri të Prishtinës" (in sq). 2021-11-15. 
  34. "Rënia e LVV-së në zgjedhjet lokale, pasojë e arrogancës ndaj opozitës dhe mungesës së integritetit të kandidatëve" (in sq). 2021-11-17. 
  35. Todorović, Igor (2021-11-18). "Përparim Rama's green agenda helped him win Prishtina mayoral election" (in en-US). 
  36. "Arrihet marrëveshja për koalicion mes LDK'së dhe PDK'së në Prishtinë" (in sq). 2022-01-05.