Biology:List of Lepidoptera that feed on plantains

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Plantains (Plantago species) are used as food plants by the caterpillars of a number of Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths). These include:

  • Arctiidae
  • Crambidae
  • Geometridae
    • Idaea biselata (small fan-footed wave)
  • Lycaenidae
  • Lymantriidae
    • Euproctis chrysorrhoea (brown-tail)
  • Noctuidae
    • Agrotis exclamationis (heart and dart)
    • Amphipyra tragopoginis (mouse moth)
    • Mamestra brassicae (cabbage moth)
    • Naenia typica (gothic)
    • Noctua comes (lesser yellow underwing)
    • Noctua pronuba (large yellow underwing)
    • Ochropleura plecta (flame shoulder)
    • Xestia c-nigrum (setaceous Hebrew character)
    • Xestia sexstrigata (six-striped rustic)
  • Nymphalidae
    • Junonia coenia (common buckeye)
    • Junonia villida (meadow argus)
    • Melitaea athalia (heath fritillary) – recorded on ribwort plantain (P. lanceolata), greater plantain (P. major), alpine plantain (P. alpina) and possibly others
    • Melitaea aurelia (Nickerl's fritillary) – recorded on ribwort plantain (P. lanceolata)
    • Melitaea cinxia (Glanville fritillary)
    • Melitaea didyma (spotted fritillary) – recorded on ribwort plantain (P. lanceolata)
    • Melitaea parthenoides (European meadow fritillary) – recorded on ribwort plantain (P. lanceolata) and others

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