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Ramabhadracharya Works - Gitaramayanam (2011).jpg
Cover page of Gītarāmāyaṇam, first edition
AuthorJagadguru Rambhadracharya
Original titleGītarāmāyaṇam
GenreEpic Poetry
PublisherJagadguru Rambhadracharya Handicapped University
Publication date
January 14, 2011
Media typePrint (hardcover)
Pages998 pp (first edition)

Gītarāmāyaṇam (Sanskrit: गीतरामायणम्) (2011), literally The Rāmāyaṇa in songs, is a Sanskrit epic poem (Mahākāvya) of the Gītakāvya (lyrical poetry) genre, composed by Jagadguru Rambhadracharya (1950–) in the years 2009 and 2010. It consists of 1008 songs in Sanskrit which are divided into seven Kāṇḍas (books), every Kāṇḍa being sub-divided into one or more Sargas (cantos). There are 28 cantos in all, and each canto consists of 36 songs. The songs of the epic are based on rhythms and tunes or Rāgas found in the folk music and classical music of India. In the epic, each song in sung by one or more characters of the Rāmāyaṇa or by the poet. The songs progressively narrate the Rāmāyaṇa via monologues, dialogues and multilogues. There are occasional Sanskrit verses between the songs, which take the narrative forward.

A copy of the epic with a Hindi commentary by the poet was published by the Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Handicapped University, Chitrakuta, Uttar Pradesh. The book was released by the Sanskrit poet Abhirāja Rājendra Miśra at Chitarkuta on the Makara Saṅkrānti day of January 14, 2011.[1]


The work begins with four verses in the Maṅgalācaraṇa. The poet invokes the blessings of Rāma in the first two verses, and Hanumān in the third verse. In the final verse, the work Gītarāmāyaṇam is introduced.


Canto I. Stutasītārāmacandraḥ (Sanskrit: स्तुतसीतारामचन्द्रः), literally the canto with Sītā and Rāma eulogized.

Song(s) Singer Subject
1–3,8,9–27,28,29 Rāmabhadrācārya Praise of Sītā and Rāma
4 Rāmabhadrācārya Daśāvatārastutiḥ, praise of the ten Avatāras of Rāma, similar to the Daśāvatārakīrtidhavalam in Gītagovindam
5–7 Rāmabhadrācārya Prayers to Rāma
30–36 Rāmabhadrācārya Praise of Bharata, Lakṣmaṇa, Hanumān, Vālmīki, Tulasīdāsa, Ayodhyā and Citrakūṭa respectively

Canto II. Gītarāghavāvirbhāvaḥ (Sanskrit: गीतराघवाविर्भावः), literally the canto with the songs of Rāma's manifestation.

Song(s) Singer Subject
1,4 Rāmabhadrācārya Praise of Rāmāyaṇa and birth of Hanumān.
2–3 Devatās, Rāma Devatās request Rāma for an Avatāra, Rāma assures them about his Avatāra in the dynasty of Raghu
5 Agni Presentation of the Pāyasa by Agni to Daśaratha.
6,10–17,19 Rāmabhadrācārya The manifestation of Rāma, description of the infant and the festivities in Ayodhyā on the Rāmanavamī day
7–9 Kausalyā Address to and praise of the infant Rāma.
18 Nāpitī (barber's woman) The Nāpitī's demands Kasualyās bracelet as remuneration for cutting the nails of the infant Rāma
20 Vadhu A housewife of Ayodhyā tells her mother-in-law about the auspiciousness of Rāmanavamī
21–23,26–30,35–36 Rāmabhadrācārya The Rāmanavamī day, the Vardhāpana ceremony (the cutting of the umbilical cord) of Rāma, description of the infant
24–25 Sarasvatī Sarasvatī, disguised as a midwife, performs the Vardhāpana of Rāma and demands Kausalyā's Sari as a reward
32–34 Sākhī (a maiden) The Jātakarman Saṃskāra, Ṣaṣṭhī (sixth day) and Dvādaśī (twelfth day) of the brothers

Canto III. Gītarāghavaśiśukeliḥ (Sanskrit: गीतराघवशिशुकेलिः), literally the canto with the songs of infant Rāma's pastimes.

Song(s) Singer Subject
1,3–8,11 Rāmabhadrācārya The Nāmakaraṇa Saṃskāra (naming) of the four brothers by Vasiṣṭha, and description of Rāma with Kausalyā
2 Vasiṣṭha Prayer to Rāma.
9–10,16 Kausalyā, Sumitrā The mothers wish Rāma to grow up soon.
12–13,23 Sakhī The Bahirniṣkramaṇa saṃskāra of the four brothers, Rāma in the lap of Daśaratha
14–15, 30 Daśaratha Monologue by Daśaratha about his great fortune
17–18 Kinnaras, Rāmabhadrācārya Kajjalī describing Rāma on a swing
19–20 Kausalyā Request to her companions to move the swing slowly
21–22,24–26,31 Rāmabhadrācārya Rāma on the swing, in the courtyard of Daśaratha and in the care of Kausalyā
27–29,32 Kausalyā Urges Daśaratha to take a look at Rāma sitting in the courtyard, describes Rāma playing in the mud
33–35 Kausalyā Kausalyā sees Rāma simultaneously at two places during his Annaprāśana Saṃskāra, surrenders to Rāma
36 Rāma Rāma reveals his form to Kausalyā and asks her not to fear – rather meditate on his form

Canto IV. Gītarāghavabālalīlaḥ (Sanskrit: गीतराघवबाललीलः), literally the canto with the songs of child Rāma's play.

Song(s) Singer Subject
1,3–4 Rāmabhadrācārya Rāma begins to walk, description of Rāma being given a bath and ornaments by the three mothers
2 Kaikeyī Description of the four brothers playing
5 Nārada Fortune of Daśaratha and the three queens
6–7 Kausalyā, Rāma Rāma is amused on seeing the moon and asks for it
8–13 Kausalyā, Kaikeyī, Sumitrā The mothers sing lullabies to make Rāma sleep. Kausalyā sings to wake up Rāma in the morning.
14,16–17,20 Rāmabhadrācārya Arundhatī marks a Tilaka on Rāma's forehead, description of Rāma playing and having a meal.
15,22 Sakhī Rāma going out to play with his brothers
18 Lakṣmaṇa Invites Rāma out to play
19,21 Kaikeyī Requests Rāma not to go far, description of the brothers' play
23,25 Vasiṣṭha Karṇavedha and Cūḍākaraṇa Saṃskāras of the four brothers
24,28 Rāmabhadrācārya Description of Rāma after his Karṇavedha, Sarasvatī teaches Rāma the Śiva Sūtras
26–27 Kausalyā Runs after Rāma to catch hold of him
29 Rāma Requests parents for the Yajñopavīta
30 Kausalyā Pleads Daśaratha for the Yajñopavīta of Rāma
31–32 Sarasvatī The Upanayana Saṃskāra of the four brothers
33 Vasiṣṭha's disciples Welcome Rāma to the Āśrama of Vasiṣṭha
34–35 Rāmabhadrācārya Rāma and the brothers learn from Vasiṣṭha, being cared for by Arundhatī
36 Vasiṣṭha Requests Rāma to return home after completion of his learning

Canto V. Gītasītāvirbhāvaḥ (Sanskrit: गीतसीताविर्भावः), literally the canto with the songs of Sītā's manifestation.

Song(s) Singer Subject
1–4, 9–11 Rāmabhadrācārya Praise of Mithilā, manifestation of Sītā on Sītānavami day, celebrations in Mithilā
5–8 Nārada Praises Sītā and requests her to assume an infant's form, praise of Janaka and Mithilā
12 Sakhī Sītā playing in Mithilā
13 Sunayanā Description of the happiness in Mithilā since Sītā's manifestation
14 Maitreyī Praise of Sunayana's fortune and Sītā
15–16 Rāmabhadrācārya Sītā's beauty and her care by Sunayanā
17 Sunayanā Wishes Sītā to grow up soon
18–20 Rāmabhadrācārya Sītā playing in Mithilā
21–28 Yājñavalkya Fortune of Janaka, Nāmakaraṇa of Sītāa, description of her virtues, and revelation that she is the Ādi Śakti
29–30 Sītā Sītā teaches two pet birds - a myna and a parrot
31 Sītā Description of a vision of Rāma in her dream to Sunayanā
32 Rāmabhadrācārya Sītā paints Rāma as she saw in her dream
33–34 Sunayanā Wishes Rāma to be Sītā's groom, asks Sītā to worship Pārvatī
35 Rāmabhadrācārya Sītā's beauty
36 Sītā Prayer to Rāma

Canto VI. Gītayugalakaiśorakaḥ (Sanskrit: गीतयुगलकैशोरकः), literally the canto with the songs of the youthful duo.

Song(s) Singer Subject
1–5 Rāmabhadrācārya Sītā longs to see Rāma in person
6 Sītā Describes the qualities of her desired groom to Nārada
7 Nārada Description of Rama’s virtues
8–10 Sītā Asks Nārada how she can meet Rama, and the concept of Avatāra of the Brahman
11–17 Nārada Explains the notion of Avatāra of Brahman, Saguṇa and Nirguṇa aspects, and Sītā being Rama’s Bhakti. Prophesizes Rāma’s arrival in Mithilā to break the bow of Śiva
18–19 Sītā Tells a companion about her desire to see Rāma
20 Sītā Asks an astrologer, who is Śiva in disguise, about her future
21–28 Sītā Sītā’s letter to Rama, delivered by Śukadeva in the form of a parrot, requesting Rāma to come to Mithilā
29–36 Rāma Rāma’s reply to Sītā, assuring him of his arrival in Mithilā

Canto VII. Gītasītāsvayaṃvaropakramaḥ (Sanskrit: गीतसीतास्वयंवरोपक्रमः), literally the canto with the songs of the commencement of Sītā's Svayaṃvara.

Song(s) Singer Subject
1 Sītā Question from Janaka regarding the Shiva Dhanusha
2 Rāmabhadrācārya Image of Sita pulling Shiva Dhanusha
3 Rāmabhadrācārya Sage Viśvāmitra's vision of four brothers playing on the banks of Saryu
4,6,7 Viśvāmitra Rāma Prem, arrival of Rāma in the court, demanding Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa from Daśaratha
5 Chāraṇa Song of glory of Rāma sitting in the court
8,9 Daśaratha Refusing to give Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa to Viśvāmitra
10 Vasiṣṭha, other Brāhmaṇas Farewell to Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa
11,12 Devatās Scene of Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa walking away with Viśvāmitra, prayer to nature to bring joy to Rāma
13 Rāmabhadrācārya Glory song of Rāma, the destroyer of Tāḍakā and Subāhu and the savior of the yajna
14,16 Ahilyā Prayer to Rāma to return, then a Rāma Stuti
15 Viśvāmitra Prayer to Rāma for the salvation of Gautam's wife Ahilyā
17 People of Mithilā Praise of Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa
18 Rāmabhadrācārya Rāma Darshan by the people of Mithila
19-21 Janaka, Viśvāmitra Inquiry about Rāma, Lakṣmaṇa from Viśvāmitra, Introduction by Viśvāmitra
22 Janaka's ministers Praise of Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa
23,24 Lakṣmaṇa, Rāma Lakṣmaṇa's desire to see Janakpur to Rāma, Praise of Janakpur by Rāma
24,36 Children of Mithilā Visit of Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa to Mithila
26-34 Sītā's eight friends Song the beauty and virtue of Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa, wishing for marriage of Sītā and Rāma, requesting Rāma to come to the flower garden
35 Brāhmaṇa, Ministers Welcoming Rāma in the Dhanuṣayajñaśālā

Canto VIII. Gītasītānīketakaḥ (Sanskrit: गीतसीतानिकेतकः), literally the canto with the songs of Sītā's consort.

Canto IX. Gītasītāsvayaṃvaraḥ (Sanskrit: गीतसीतास्वयंवरः), literally the canto with the songs of Sītā's Svayaṃvara.

Canto X. Gītasītārāmapariṇayaḥ (Sanskrit: गीतसीतारामपरिणयः), literally the canto with the songs of the Sītā's marriage with Rāma.

Canto XI. Gītasītārāmapratyudgamotsavaḥ (Sanskrit: गीतसीतारामप्रत्युद्गमोत्सवः), literally the canto with the songs of the festivities at the return of Sītā and Rāma.


Canto XII. Śrīsītārāmavanavihāraḥ

Canto XIII. Śrīsītārāmaholīvihāraḥ

Canto XIV. Śrīsītārāmadolotsavaḥ

Canto XV. Gītaṣaḍṛtuvarṇanaḥ

Canto XVI. Gītarāṣṭradaivataḥ

Canto XVII. Gītarāghavavanavāsaḥ

Canto XVIII. Gītapathikābhīṣṭhaḥ

Canto XIX. Gītāyodhyakavirahālambanaḥ

Canto XX. Gītacitrakūṭamaṇḍanaḥ


Canto XXI. Gītalalitanaralīlaḥ


Canto XXII. Gītamārutijayaḥ


Canto XXIII. Gītahanumatparākramaḥ

Canto XXIV. Gītaśaraṇāgatavatsalaḥ


Canto XXV. Gītaraṇakarkaśaḥ

Canto XXVI. Gītarāvaṇāriḥ


Canto XXVII. Gītapaṭṭābhiṣekaḥ

Canto XXVIII. Gītarājādhirājaḥ

Example song

In the following song (1.4.6), the child Rāma asks Kausalyā why the moon appears dark.[2]


  1. Sharma, Sushil (February 2011). "Gītarāmāyaṇapraśastiḥ" (in Hindi). Śrītulasīpīṭha Saurabha (Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India: Shri Tulsi Peeth Seva Nyas) 14 (9): 14. 
  2. Rambhadracharya 2011, p. 96.
