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This template creates a citation of a taxon treatment in the floras and other resources on the web site eFloras. The most commonly cited resources are the Flora of North America (FNA) and the Flora of China (FoC). See the table below for a full list.


The first three parameters are the flora id, the taxon id, and the taxon name. For the Flora of North America and the Flora of China, the taxon id and taxon name can be omitted if they can be retrieved from Wikidata, but the authors and volume number should always be added.

In order to use the template, copy the link, and remove everything from it except for the two numbers. Place them in parameters 1 and 2.

The taxon name (parameter 3) is required if it is different from the taxon name on Wikidata or the page title. Do not italicize the taxon name; italics are automatically added if necessary by Module:eFloras. Taxonomic authorities should not be included: Caltha palustris, not Caltha palustris Linnaeus.

To link to the treatment on the species in the current article in Flora of North America or Flora of China, just add the flora id (|1=) – 1 (Flora of North America) or 2 (Flora of China) – and the template will look up the taxon id in Wikidata. For example, on the page for Pinus contorta, {{eFloras|1}} is the same as {{eFloras|1|233500927}}.

Authors of treatments in the Flora of North America and the Flora of China should be added, using the author-related parameters of {{citation}} (see Template:Citation/doc § Authors). If authors are not listed in the treatment of one taxon, go to the page for the next highest taxon. Usually the authors of species treatments are listed on the page for the genus, tribe, or family. For instance, in the Flora of North America, the author of the treatment of the species Prunus virginiana is found in the treatment of the genus Prunus; in the Flora of China, the authors of the treatment of Rudbeckia hirta are found in the treatment of Asteraceae tribe Heliantheae.

  • One author:
{{eFloras||||first= |last= |access-date=24 July 2024}}
  • Up to five authors:
{{eFloras||||first1= |last1= |first2= |last2= |first3= |last3= |first4= |last4= |first5= |last5= |access-date=24 July 2024}}

There are three ways to add the volume number. You can add it directly in the |volume= parameter, add the family in the parameter |family= for taxa in the Floras of North America, China, and Chile, or add the tribe in |tribe= for taxa in Asteraceae in the Flora of North America. The family or tribe is passed to Module:eFloras and the module returns the volume number (or range of volumes).

For the Flora of North America, the date of publication will be added based on the volume number.

By default, Citation Style 1 is used. Switch to Citation Style 2 using |mode=cs2.



  1. {{eFloras|1|233501007|Quercus alba |volume=3 |first=Kevin C. |last=Nixon | access-date = 24 July 2024 }}
  2. {{eFloras|1|233501007|Quercus alba |family=Fagaceae |first=Kevin C. |last=Nixon | access-date = 24 July 2024 }}
  3. {{eFloras|1|233501007|Quercus alba |first=Kevin C. |last=Nixon | access-date = 24 July 2024 }}
  4. {{eFloras|11|233501007|Quercus alba | access-date = 24 July 2024 }}
  5. {{eFloras | 1 | 125519 | Pinus | family = Pinaceae | last = Kral | first = Robert | access-date = 24 July 2024 }}
  6. {{eFloras | 2 | 240001195 | Dioscorea polystachya | family = Dioscoreaceae | first1 = Chih-chi | last1 = Ting | first2 = Michael G. | last2 = Gilbert | access-date = 24 July 2024 }}
  7. {{eFloras | 1 | 10509 | Limnocharitaceae | family = Limnocharitaceae | first = Robert R. | last = Haynes | access-date = 24 July 2024 }}
  8. {{eFloras | 201 | 10136 | Buxaceae | family = Buxaceae | access-date = 24 July 2024 }}
  9. {{eFloras | 5 | 220004167 | Dioscorea sativa | nv | access-date = 24 July 2024 }}
  10. {{eFloras | 5 | 250072783 | Avenula pratensis | nv | access-date = 24 July 2024 }}
  11. {{eFloras|120|242442611|Tulipa tarda}}


  1. Nixon, Kevin C. (1997), "Quercus alba", in Flora of North America Editorial Committee, Flora of North America North of Mexico (FNA), 3, New York and Oxford, http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=233501007, retrieved 24 July 2024 
  2. Nixon, Kevin C. (1997), "Quercus alba", in Flora of North America Editorial Committee, Flora of North America North of Mexico (FNA), 3, New York and Oxford, http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=233501007, retrieved 24 July 2024 
  3. Nixon, Kevin C., "Quercus alba", in Flora of North America Editorial Committee, Flora of North America North of Mexico (FNA), New York and Oxford, http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=233501007, retrieved 24 July 2024 
  4. Yatskievych, George, "Quercus alba", Flora of Missouri, http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=11&taxon_id=233501007, retrieved 24 July 2024 
  5. Kral, Robert (1993), "Pinus", in Flora of North America Editorial Committee, Flora of North America North of Mexico (FNA), 2, New York and Oxford, http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=125519, retrieved 24 July 2024 
  6. Ting, Chih-chi; Gilbert, Michael G., "Dioscorea polystachya", Flora of China, 24, http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=240001195, retrieved 24 July 2024 
  7. Haynes, Robert R. (2000), "Limnocharitaceae", in Flora of North America Editorial Committee, Flora of North America North of Mexico (FNA), 22, New York and Oxford, http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=10509, retrieved 24 July 2024 
  8. Ulloa Ulloa, Carmen; Jørgensen, Peter Møller, "Buxaceae" (in Spanish), Árboles y arbustos de los Andes del Ecuador, http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=201&taxon_id=10136, retrieved 24 July 2024 
  9. "Dioscorea sativa Synonym", Flora of Pakistan, http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=5&taxon_id=220004167, retrieved 24 July 2024 
  10. "Avenula pratensis Synonym", Flora of Pakistan, http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=5&taxon_id=250072783, retrieved 24 July 2024 
  11. Shulkina, Tatyana, "Tulipa tarda", Ornamental Plants from Russia and Adjacent States of the Former Soviet Union, http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=120&taxon_id=242442611 


{{eFloras | <flora_id> | <taxon_id> | <taxonName> | <validity> | first = <first name> | last = <last name> | access-date = 24 July 2024 }}

Positional parameters: Script error: No such module "eFloras/documentation functions".

The id of the resource on eFloras.org. The list here is generated from Module:eFloras/data.
Sample (for Pinus): 1
The id for the taxon. Can be retrieved from Wikidata in some cases.
Sample (for Pinus): 10136
The name of the taxon (don't italicize). Can be retrieved from Wikidata in some cases.
Sample (for Pinus): Pinus
Indicates that the taxon is not valid. "Synonym" will be displayed after the name. (Other values are ignored.)

Named parameters:

|first=, |last=, |first1=, |last1=, ...
First and last names of authors of the treatment.
Sample (for Pinus): |first=Robert, |last=Kral
|family=, |tribe=
Names of the family, or the tribe (for Asteraceae). Used to retrieve the volume number for Flora of North America and Flora of China.
To supply the volume number manually instead of looking it up.
Changes the citation mode to Citation Style 2. The default is cs1, Citation Style 1.
As in other citation templates.

See also