Online matrimonials

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Like online dating, online matrimonials is an ancillary concept applied mostly to international sites, with significantly more determined ends. It is interesting to view how cultures with perhaps traditional views on marriage employ non-traditional technology to facilitate it.

Matrimonials is also believed to be more successful than online dating as it is more of a mechanical process and hence suits the mathematical matching processes used by these online dating type services.


This trend is very popular in eastern cultures with joint family systems. Parents, siblings, and other relatives use systems, many of which allow users to search for partners by social caste and skin tone as well as the typical demographic attributes common to most dating sites, to find suitable mates for their offspring[1].

Especially for Asians and South Asains living abroad, where their communities can be small, the ability to search a large pool of prospects is particularly compelling.In some ways, online dating is better-suited to brokering arranged marriages than love marriages. The characteristics used to pair people for an arranged marriage — e.g., family background, caste, socioeconomic status — are much easier to represent in a database and search than vaguely defined qualities like “chemistry,” which people often cite as a major factor in love relationships[1].
