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< Module:Excerpt
Revision as of 09:39, 3 May 2020 by imported>Schekanov (1 revision imported)
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Excerpt/i18n/doc
return { -- Category to track content pages with broken excerpts (don't include the "Category:" prefix) brokenCategory = "Articles with broken excerpts", -- Regular expressions to match all aliases of the file namespace fileNamespaces = { "[Ff]ile", "[Ii]mage" }, -- Regular expressions to match all infobox parameters for image captions captionParams = { "[^=|]*[Cc]aption[^=|]*", "[^=|]*[Ll]egend[^=|]*" }, -- Regular expressions to match all inline templates that are undesirable in excerpts unwantedInlineTemplates = { "[Ee]fn", "[Ee]fn%-[lu][arg]", "[Ee]l[mn]", "[Rr]p?", "[Ss]fn[bmp]", "[Ss]f[bn]", "[Nn]ote[Tt]ag", "#[Tt]ag:%s*[Rr]ef", "[Rr]efn?", "[CcDd]n", "[Cc]itation[%- _]needed", "[Dd]isambiguation needed", "[Ff]eatured article", "[Gg]ood article", "[Dd]ISPLAYTITLE", "[Ss]hort[ _]+description", "[Cc]itation", "[Cc]ite[%- _]+[%w_%s]-", "[Cc]oor[%w_%s]-", "[Uu]?n?[Rr]eliable source[%?%w_%s]-", "[Rr]s%??", "[Vv]c", "[Vv]erify credibility", "[Bb]y[ _]*[Ww]ho[m]*%??", "[Ww]ikisource[ -_]*multi", "[Ii]nflation[ _/-]*[Ff]n", "[Bb]iblesource", -- aliases for Clarification needed "[Cc]f[ny]", "[Cc]larification[ _]+inline", "[Cc]larification[%- _]*needed", "[Cc]larification", "[Cc]larify%-inline", "[Cc]larify%-?me", "[Cc]larify[ _]+inline", "[Cc]larify", "[Cc]LARIFY", "[Cc]onfusing%-inline", "[Cc]onfusing%-short", "[Ee]xplainme", "[Hh]uh[ _]*%??", "[Ww]hat%?", "[Ii]nline[ _]+[Uu]nclear", "[Ii]n[ _]+what[ _]+sense", "[Oo]bscure", "[Pp]lease[ _]+clarify", "[Uu]nclear[ _]+inline", "[Ww]hat's[ _]+this%?", "[Gg]eoQuelle", "[Nn]eed[s]+[%- _]+[Ii][Pp][Aa]", "[Ii]PA needed", -- aliases for Clarification needed lead "[Cc]itation needed %(?lea?de?%)?", "[Cc]nl", "[Ff]act %(?lea?de?%)?", "[Ll]ead citation needed", "[Nn]ot in body", "[Nn]ot verified in body", -- Primary source etc. "[Pp]s[ci]", "[Nn]psn", "[Nn]on%-primary[ _]+source[ _]+needed", "[Ss]elf%-published[%w_%s]-", "[Uu]ser%-generated[%w_%s]-", "[Pp]rimary source[%w_%s]-", "[Ss]econdary source[%w_%s]-", "[Tt]ertiary source[%w_%s]-", "[Tt]hird%-party[%w_%s]-", -- aliases for Disambiguation (page) and similar "[Bb]egriffsklärung", "[Dd][Aa][Bb]", "[Dd]big", "[%w_%s]-%f[%w][Dd]isam[%w_%s]-", "[Hh][Nn][Dd][Ii][Ss]", -- aliases for Failed verification "[Bb]adref", "[Ff]aile?[ds] ?[rv][%w_%s]-", "[Ff][Vv]", "[Nn][Ii]?[Cc][Gg]", "[Nn]ot ?in ?[crs][%w_%s]-", "[Nn]ot specifically in source", "[Vv]erification[%- _]failed", -- aliases for When "[Aa]s[ _]+of[ _]+when%??", "[Aa]s[ _%-]+of%??", "[Cc]larify date", "[Dd]ate[ _]*needed", "[Nn]eeds?[ _]+date", "[Rr]ecently", "[Ss]ince[ _]+when%??", "[Ww]HEN", "[Ww]hen%??", -- aliases for Update "[Nn]ot[ _]*up[ _]*to[ _]*date","[Oo]u?[Tt][Dd]","[Oo]ut[%- _]*o?f?[%- _]*dated?", "[Uu]pdate", "[Uu]pdate[ _]+sect", "[Uu]pdate[ _]+Watch", -- aliases for Pronunciation needed "[Pp]ronunciation%??[%- _]*n?e?e?d?e?d?", "[Pp]ronounce", "[Rr]equested[%- _]*pronunciation", "[Rr]e?q?pron", "[Nn]eeds[%- _]*pronunciation", -- Chart, including Chart/start etc. "[Cc]hart", "[Cc]hart/[%w_%s]-", -- Cref and others "[Cc]ref2?", "[Cc]note", -- Explain and others "[Ee]xplain", "[Ff]urther[ ]*explanation[ ]*needed", "[Ee]laboration[ ]*needed", "[Ee]xplanation[ ]*needed", -- TOC templates "[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp][Aa][Cc][Tt][ _]*[Tt][Oo][Cc][8]*[5]*", "[Tt][Oo][Cc]", "09[Aa][Zz]", "[Tt][Oo][Cc][ ]*[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp][Aa][Cc][Tt]", "[Tt][Oo][Cc][ ]*[Ss][Mm][Aa][Ll][Ll]", "[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp][Aa][Cc][Tt][ _]*[Aa][Ll][Pp][Hh][Aa][Bb][Ee][Tt][Ii][Cc][ _]*[Tt][Oo][Cc]", "DEFAULTSORT:.-", "[Oo]ne[ _]+source" }, -- Regular expressions to match all block templates that are desirable in excerpts wantedBlockTemplates = { "#[^|]+", -- Parser functions like #if and #ifeq "[Hh]istorical populations" }, -- Strings for excerpt() excerpt = { hatnote = 'This is an excerpt from ', hatnoteSection = 'This section is an excerpt from ', edit = 'edit', category = 'Articles with excerpts' }, -- Error strings error = { firstPage = "Cannot read a valid page: first name is %s", hatnote = "Error generating hatnote", noArticle = "No articles provided", noContent = "No content for page name %s", noSection = "No section %s in page %s", noTitle = "No title for page name %s", pageNames = "No page names given", preprocess = "Error processing text" } }