Biography:Mykhailo Voinstvensky

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Voinstvenskiy Mykhailo
BornFebruary 14, 1916
DiedOctober 3, 1996
Occupationzoologist, evolutionist, environmentalist
HonoursProffesor, Honoured Doctor

Mykhailo Voinstvensky (Ukrainian: Воїнственський Михайло Анатолійович, February 14, 1916, Kyiv - † October 3, 1996, Kyiv) was a Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Soviet zoologist, evolutionist, environmentalist.[1] He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers on zoology.


Mykhailo Voinstvensky was born on February 14, 1916 in Kyiv. His mother was a teacher and his father a doctor.

In 1930, he graduated from the school in Kyiv, and in 1931-1932 he studied at the Kyiv Agronomic College.

From 1933 to 1938, he studied at the Faculty of Biology of Kyiv State University. His teachers were Ivan Schmalhausen and Volodymyr Artobolevskyi.

In 1938, Voinstvensky entered graduate school at the Zoological Museum of Kiev University. He studied the ecology and taxonomy of tits, beetles and termites of the fauna of Ukraine. He didn't defend his dissertation because of the German-Soviet war.

In 1941-1944, Mykhailo Voinstvensky joined the Soviet Army. From 1944, he returned to work at the University of Kyiv, in 1946, he finally defended his dissertation.

After 1946, he worked as a senior lecturer, and since 1949 he was an associate professor at the university.

In 1956, he was appointed head of the museum sector of the Institute of Zoology of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now it is a part of the National Science Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), where Voinstvensky leaded for a long period.

In 1960, Mykhailo Voinstvensky was awarded the title of professor. He worked as a deputy director of the Institute of Zoology and Science, then for several years he was the director of the Central Science and Natural History Museum of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Voinstvensky is the author of more than 200 publications.[2][3][4][5][6]

Scientific societies and public organizations

From 1963 to 1982, he was chairman of the Ukrainian Society for Nature Conservation.

For many years Voinstvensky headed the Ukrainian Ornithological Society of K. Kessler, which brought together scientists, both employees of academic institutions and natural science faculties of universities and research departments of nature reserves. Also he provided the popularization of knowledge about birds, and therefore was the first president of the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds (UTOP), and eventually its honorary president.


  • Honored Scientist (for great merits in the development of science)
  • Gold Medal (the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy of the USSR)


  1. "Воїнственський Михайло Анатолійович — Енциклопедія Сучасної України". 
  2. Воинственский М. А. Пищухи, поползни, синицы УССР: біологія, систематика, хозяйственное значение. — К.: КГУ, 1949.. 
  3. Воинственский М. А. Птицы степной полосы Европейской части СССР. Современное состояние орнитофауны и ее происхождение. — К.: АН УССР, 1960. — 289 с.. 
  4. Воїнственський М. А., Кістяківський О. Б. Визначник птахів УРСР. — К.: Рад. школа, 1962. — 371 с.. 
  5. Воїнственський М. А. Птахи. — К.: Рад. школа, 1984.. 
  6. Воинственский М. А. Системный отбор и его роль в эволюции. — К.: Институт зоологии АН УССР, 1996..