Biology:Citation style

From HandWiki

Formating conventions

  • The reference format style started in Horizontal gene transfer is being currently followed in an attempt at typographical consistency. Boooks are being cited here by the authors' full name and ISBN numbers are being used to minimize needed detail.
  • At some later stage we may well use non abbreviated jounal titles for clarity but currently this would expand the size of some articles with many references
  • "Quotes", for direct quotes, 'scientific method' for special emphasis.
  • Also possible is use of reference method: <ref name=Smith> giving names to citation when first used David Tribe 20:09, 26 January 2007 (CST)

A Style manual for citation from PloS Biology Slightly modified ?

See link for their format [1] Scholastic journals and textbooks is a bewildering variety of citation styles for referencing and sourcing previously published work.

A good example from the biological science area is Public Library of Science's Biology journal
