Biology:Endemic Plant Species in Slovakia
Certain plant species are endemic to Slovakia.
Gentiana frigida
Gentiana frigida Haenke (herbaceous perennial, Gentianaceae) grows sporadically in part shade on snow-covered places, especially on noncalcite stones at Alpine level. It blooms from July to September.
Common name: Horec Ľadový (Ice gentian)
Area found: Tatry (Západné, Výsoké and Belianske)
Danger: Leaves of plant are poisonous if ingested
Sun Exposure: Shadow / half sun
Bloom Color: White-dark green-yellow
Bloom Time: Summer
Foliage: Evergreen, glossy-textured
Leaves: Comparatively long, green
Large: disproportional
Pulsatilla slavica
Pulsatilla slavica G.Reuss (herbaceous perennial, Ranunculaceae) developed into the form we see today during the end of the Pleistocene and the beginning of the Holocene era. It grows on grassy meadowlands, in hilly regions or mountain ranges. It is endemic in Slovakia and has been found in neighboring areas.
Common name:Poniklec Slovenský (Slovak pulsatilla)
Area found: Slovenský raj
Danger: Non-poisonous
Sun Exposure: Full Sun
Bloom Color: Purple, deep purple
Bloom Time: Summer / late summer
Leaves: Comparatively short, thin, very light green
Large: disproportional
Daphne arbuscula
Daphne arbuscula Čelak (small evergreen shrub with spherical shape to about 0.5 m in diameter, Thymelaeaceae) is a paleoendemic taxon. It survived glacial periods on highly located stones. It is located on ridges and terraces, from 590 to 1300 meters above sea level.
Common name: Lykovec Muránsky (Muránsky Daphne)
Area found: Muránska planina
Danger: All parts of the plant are highly poisonous, including on touch (contains glycosides)
Sun Exposure: Full and half Sun
Bloom Color: Pink, light pink if lack of sun
Bloom Time: Early summer
Foliage: Delicate and dark or black
Leaves: Thick, very fresh green Large: up to 60 cm
Soldanella carpatica
Soldanella carpatica Vierh. (herbaceous perennial, Primulaceae), also called soldanelka in Slovak, probably evolved during the Pleistocene period. This taxon grows in Súlovské skaly (lowest location 400m.n.m.) and we can find it in Tatry (highest location 2650m.n.m) as well. The biggest colonies were found above the forests.
Common name: Soldanelka Karpatská (Carpathian soldanella)
Area found: Súľovské skaly; Tatry
Danger: Non-poisonous
Sun Exposure: Full Sun
Bloom Color: Violet, pale blue
Bloom Time: Late winter/early spring
Foliage: Evergreen
Leaves: Very small, light green
Large: from 30 to 40 cm