Biology:List of Leptogaster species
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This is a list of 268 species in Leptogaster, a genus of robber flies in the family Asilidae.[1][2][3][4]
Leptogaster species
- Leptogaster abdominalis Hsia, 1949 c g
- Leptogaster acanthozona Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster aegra Martin, 1957 i c g
- Leptogaster aestiva White, 1914 c g
- Leptogaster affinis Lehr, 1972 c g
- Leptogaster aganniphe Janssens, 1957 c g
- Leptogaster albimana Walker, 1858 c g
- Leptogaster albitarsis (Macquart, 1846) c g
- Leptogaster altacola Martin, 1957 i c g
- Leptogaster angelus Osten Sacken, 1881 c g
- Leptogaster angustilineola Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster annulipes Walker, 1855 c g
- Leptogaster antennalis Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster antenorea (Lioy, 1864) c g
- Leptogaster antipoda Bigot, 1878 c g
- Leptogaster antiquaria Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster apicalis Enderlein, 1914 c g
- Leptogaster appendiculata Hermann, 1917 c g
- Leptogaster arborcola Martin, 1957 i c g
- Leptogaster arenicola (James, 1937) i c g
- Leptogaster argentinae Martin, 1972 c g
- Leptogaster argionina Speiser, 1910 c g
- Leptogaster arida (Cole, 1919) i c g
- Leptogaster aristalis Janssens, 1957 c g
- Leptogaster armeniaca Paramonov, 1930 c g
- Leptogaster atridorsalis Back, 1909 i c g
- Leptogaster augusta Hsia, 1949 c g
- Leptogaster auripulverella Seguy, 1934 c g
- Leptogaster australis Ricardo, 1912 c g
- Leptogaster autumnalis White, 1916 c g
- Leptogaster bahamiensis Scarbrough, 1996 c g
- Leptogaster bancrofti Ricardo, 1912 c g
- Leptogaster basalis Walker, 1855 c g
- Leptogaster basilaris Coquillett, 1898 c g
- Leptogaster basilewskyi Janssens, 1955 c g
- Leptogaster bengryi Farr, 1963 c g
- Leptogaster biannulata Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster bicolor (Macquart, 1848) c
- Leptogaster bicoloripes Hsia, 1949 c g
- Leptogaster bilobata Hermann, 1917 c g
- Leptogaster bivittata Lehr, 1975 c g
- Leptogaster brevicornis Loew, 1872 i c g b
- Leptogaster brevitarsis Hardy, 1935 c g
- Leptogaster breviventris Theodor, 1980 c g
- Leptogaster brunnea Loew, 1858 c g
- Leptogaster calceata Engel, 1925 c g
- Leptogaster californica Martin, 1957 i c g
- Leptogaster calvimacula Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster candidata Seguy, 1930 c g
- Leptogaster canuta Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster carolinensis Schiner, 1866 i c g
- Leptogaster carotenoides Tomasovic, 1999 c g
- Leptogaster cheriani Bromley, 1938 c g
- Leptogaster cilipes Frey, 1937 c g
- Leptogaster cingulipes Walker, 1849 c g
- Leptogaster clavistyla (Rondani, 1848) c g
- Leptogaster coarctata Hermann, 1917 c g
- Leptogaster collata Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster coloradensis James, 1937 i c g
- Leptogaster concava Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster concinnata Williston, 1901 c g
- Leptogaster coniata Oldroyd, 1960 c g
- Leptogaster contermina Edwards, 1919 c g
- Leptogaster convergens Frey, 1937 c g
- Leptogaster cracens Martins, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster crassipes Hsia, 1949 c g
- Leptogaster crassitarsis Frey, 1937 c g
- Leptogaster cressoni Bromley, 1942 c g
- Leptogaster crocea Williston, 1901 c g
- Leptogaster crockeri Curran, 1936 c g
- Leptogaster cultaventris Martin, 1957 i c g
- Leptogaster curvivena Hsia, 1949 c g
- Leptogaster cylindrica (De Geer, 1776) c g
- Leptogaster dalmatina Engel, 1925 c g
- Leptogaster dasyphlebia Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster decellei Oldroyd, 1968 c g
- Leptogaster diluta Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster dissimilis Ricardo, 1912 c g
- Leptogaster distincta Schiner, 1867 c g
- Leptogaster doleschalli Oldroyd, 1975 c g
- Leptogaster dorospicta Hsia, 1949 c g
- Leptogaster dorsalis Williston, 1901 c g
- Leptogaster ealensis Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster elbaiensis Efflatoun, 1937 c g
- Leptogaster elongata Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster entebbensis Oldroyd, 1939 c g
- Leptogaster eoa Lehr, 1961 c g
- Leptogaster eudicrana Loew, 1874 i c g
- Leptogaster evanescens Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster exacta Walker, 1862 c g
- Leptogaster faragi Efflatoun, 1937 c g
- Leptogaster ferrugineus Walker, 1855 c g
- Leptogaster fervens Wiedemann, 1830 c g
- Leptogaster filiventris Hsia, 1949 c g
- Leptogaster flavipes Loew, 1862 i c g b
- Leptogaster flaviventris Hsia, 1949 c g
- Leptogaster flavobrunnea Hull, 1967 c g
- Leptogaster formosana Enderlein, 1914 c g
- Leptogaster fornicata Martin, 1957 i c g
- Leptogaster freyi Bromley, 1951 c g
- Leptogaster fulvicrus Hsia, 1949 c g
- Leptogaster fulvipes Bigot, 1878 c g
- Leptogaster fumipennis Loew, 1871 c g
- Leptogaster fumosa Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster furculata Hsia, 1949 c g
- Leptogaster fuscatipennis Frey, 1937 c g
- Leptogaster fuscifacies Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster fuscipennis Blanchard, 1852 c g
- Leptogaster galbicesta Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster geniculata (Macquart, 1850) c g
- Leptogaster globopyga Hull, 1967 c g
- Leptogaster gracilipes Hsia, 1949 c g
- Leptogaster gracilis Loew, 1847 c g
- Leptogaster guttiventris Zetterstedt, 1842 c g
- Leptogaster habilis Wulp, 1872 c g
- Leptogaster helvola Loew, 1871 c g
- Leptogaster hermelina Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster hermonensis Theodor, 1980 c g
- Leptogaster hesperis Martin, 1957 i c g
- Leptogaster hirticollis Wulp, 1872 c g
- Leptogaster hirtipes Coquillett, 1904 i c g
- Leptogaster hispanica Meigen, 1838 c g
- Leptogaster hopehensis Hsia, 1949 c g
- Leptogaster hyacinthina Scarbrough, 1996 c g
- Leptogaster incisuralis Loew, 1862 i c g
- Leptogaster inflatus Osten Sacken, 1881 c g
- Leptogaster insularis Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster intima Williston, 1901 c g
- Leptogaster inutilis Walker, 1856 c g
- Leptogaster javanensis Meijere, 1914 c g
- Leptogaster judaica Janssens, 1969 c g
- Leptogaster kamerlacheri Schiner, 1867 c g
- Leptogaster kashgarica Paramonov, 1930 c g
- Leptogaster keiseri Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster koshunensis Oldroyd, 1975 c g
- Leptogaster krada Oldroyd, 1960 c g
- Leptogaster lambertoni Bromley, 1942 c g
- Leptogaster lanata Martin, 1957 i c g
- Leptogaster laoshanensis Hsia, 1949 c g
- Leptogaster latestriata Becker, 1906 c g
- Leptogaster lehri Hradsky & Huttinger, 1983 c g
- Leptogaster lerneri Curran, 1953 i c g
- Leptogaster levis Wulp, 1872 c g
- Leptogaster levusara Evenhuis, 2006 c g
- Leptogaster linearis Becker, 1906 c g
- Leptogaster lineatus Scarbrough, 1996 c g
- Leptogaster loaloa Evenhuis, 2006 c g
- Leptogaster logicaudu Hermann, 1917 g
- Leptogaster longicauda Hermann, 1917 c g
- Leptogaster longicrinita Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster longifurcata Meijere, 1914 c g
- Leptogaster longipes Walker, 1858 c g
- Leptogaster longitibialis Efflatoun, 1937 c g
- Leptogaster ludens Curran, 1927 c g
- Leptogaster macedo Janssens, 1959 c g
- Leptogaster macilenta Wulp, 1872 c g
- Leptogaster maculipennis Janssens, 1957 c g
- Leptogaster madagascriensis Frey, 1937 c g
- Leptogaster magnicollis Walker, 1862 c g
- Leptogaster martini Farr, 1963 c g
- Leptogaster masaica Lindner, 1955 c g
- Leptogaster medicesta Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster megafemur Hull, 1967 c g
- Leptogaster melanomystax Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster meriel Evenhuis, 2006 c g
- Leptogaster micropygialis Williston, 1901 c g
- Leptogaster moluccana (Doleschall, 1857) c g
- Leptogaster montana Theodor, 1980 c g
- Leptogaster multicincta Walker, 1851 c g
- Leptogaster munda Walker, 1859 c g
- Leptogaster murina Loew, 1862 i c g b
- Leptogaster nartshukae Lehr, 1961 c g
- Leptogaster nememusha Speiser, 1910 c g
- Leptogaster nerophana Oldroyd, 1960 c g
- Leptogaster niger Wiedemann, 1828 c g
- Leptogaster nigra Hsia, 1949 c g
- Leptogaster nitens Bromley, 1947 c g
- Leptogaster nitida Macquart, 1826 c g
- Leptogaster nitoris Martin, 1957 i c g
- Leptogaster nubeculosa Bigot, 1878 c g
- Leptogaster obscuripennis Johnson, 1895 i c g
- Leptogaster obscuripes Loew, 1862 i c g
- Leptogaster occidentalis White, 1914 c g
- Leptogaster occlusa Meijere, 1914 c g
- Leptogaster ochricornis Loew, 1858 c g
- Leptogaster odostata Oldroyd, 1960 c g
- Leptogaster ophionea Frey, 1937 c g
- Leptogaster pachypygialis Engel, 1925 c g
- Leptogaster pacifica Bezzi, 1928 c g
- Leptogaster palawanensis Oldroyd, 1972 c g
- Leptogaster pallipes Roser, 1840 c g
- Leptogaster palparis Loew, 1847 c g
- Leptogaster panda Martin, 1957 i c g
- Leptogaster parvoclava Martin, 1957 i c g
- Leptogaster patula Martin, 1957 i c g
- Leptogaster pedania Walker, 1849 c g
- Leptogaster pedunculata Loew, 1847 c g
- Leptogaster pellucida Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster penicillata Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster petiola Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster pictipennis Loew, 1858 c g
- Leptogaster pilosella Hermann, 1917 c g
- Leptogaster plebeja Janssens, 1957 c g
- Leptogaster plilcnemis Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster princeps Osten Sacken, 1882 c g
- Leptogaster pubescens Curran, 1934 c g
- Leptogaster pubicornis Loew, 1847 c g
- Leptogaster puella Janssens, 1953 c g
- Leptogaster pumila (Macquart, 1834) c g
- Leptogaster pusilla Jaennicke, 1867 c g
- Leptogaster pyragra Janssens, 1957 c g
- Leptogaster radialis Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster recurva Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster roederi Williston, 1896[5]
- Leptogaster rubida Wiedemann, 1821 c g
- Leptogaster rufa Janssens, 1953 c g
- Leptogaster ruficesta Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster rufirostris Loew, 1858 c g
- Leptogaster rufithorax Meijere, 1913 c g
- Leptogaster salina Lehr, 1972 c g
- Leptogaster salvia Martin, 1957 i c g
- Leptogaster schaefferi Back, 1909 i c g
- Leptogaster schoutedeni Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster sericea Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster seyrigi Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster signata Meijere, 1914 c g
- Leptogaster similis Hsia, 1949 c g
- Leptogaster sinensis Hsia, 1949 c g
- Leptogaster spadix Hsia, 1949 c g
- Leptogaster spinitarsis Bromely, 1951 c g
- Leptogaster spinulosa Meijere, 1914 c g
- Leptogaster stackelbergi Lehr, 1961 c g
- Leptogaster stichosoma Janssens, 1957 c g
- Leptogaster straminea Becker, 1906 c g
- Leptogaster subtilis Loew, 1847 c g
- Leptogaster suleymani Hasbenli, 2006 c g
- Leptogaster tarsalis Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster taurica Lehr, 1961 c g
- Leptogaster tenerrima Meijere, 1914 c g
- Leptogaster tenuis Loew, 1858 c g
- Leptogaster tesquorum Lehr, 1961 c g
- Leptogaster texana Bromley, 1934 i c g
- Leptogaster tillyardi Hardy, 1935 c g
- Leptogaster titanus Carrera, 1958 c g
- Leptogaster tomentosa Theodor, 1980 c g
- Leptogaster tornowii Brethes, 1904 c g
- Leptogaster triangulata Williston, 1901 c g
- Leptogaster tricolor Walker, 1856 c g
- Leptogaster trifasciata Meijere, 1914 c g
- Leptogaster trimaculata Meijere, 1914 c g
- Leptogaster trimucronotata Hermann, 1917 c g
- Leptogaster tropica Curran, 1934 c g
- Leptogaster truncata Theodor, 1980 c g
- Leptogaster turkmenica Paramonov, 1930 c g
- Leptogaster ungula Martin, 1964 c g
- Leptogaster unicolor (Doleschall, 1858) c g
- Leptogaster unihammata Hermann, 1917 c g
- Leptogaster upembana Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster urundiana Janssens, 1953 c g
- Leptogaster varipes Wulp, 1880 c g
- Leptogaster velutina Janssens, 1954 c g
- Leptogaster venustus Bromely, 1929 c g
- Leptogaster vernalis White, 1914 c g
- Leptogaster virgata Coquillett, 1904 i c g b
- Leptogaster vitiensis Evenhuis, 2006 c g
- Leptogaster vitripennis Schiner, 1867 c g
- Leptogaster vorax Curran, 1934 c g
- Leptogaster whitei Hardy, 1940 c g
Data sources: i = ITIS,[1] c = Catalogue of Life,[2] g = GBIF,[3] b =[4]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 "Leptogaster Report". Retrieved 2018-05-02.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 "Browse Leptogaster". Retrieved 2018-05-02.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 "Leptogaster". Retrieved 2018-05-02.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 "Leptogaster Genus Information". Retrieved 2018-05-02.
- ↑ Williston, Samuel Wendell (1896). "On the Diptera of St. Vincent (West Indies)". Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1896: 253–446, pls. 8–14. Retrieved 3 June 2018.
![]() | Original source: of Leptogaster species.
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