Biology:List of Notiphila species

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This is a list of 163 species in Notiphila, a genus of shore flies in the family Ephydridae.[1]

Notiphila species

  • N. abdita Cogan, 1968[2]
  • N. adusta Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. aenea Waltl, 1837[4]
  • N. affinis Waltl, 1837[4]
  • N. albiventris (Wiedemann, 1824)[5]
  • N. alboclavata Bigot, 1888[6]
  • N. ambata Cogan, 1968[2]
  • N. ancudensis Cresson, 1931[7]
  • N. andrana Cogan, 1968[2]
  • N. annulata Fallén, 1813[8]
  • N. annulipes Stenhammar, 1844[9]
  • N. aquatica Becker, 1896[10]
  • N. asiatica Krivosheina, 1998[11]
  • N. atrata Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. atripes Cresson, 1917[12]
  • N. australis Loew, 1860[13]
  • N. avia Loew, 1878[14]
  • N. bella Loew, 1862[15]
  • N. bicolor Waltl, 1837[4]
  • N. bicornuta Bock, 1988[16]
  • N. bipunctata Loew, 1862[17]
  • N. biseriata Cresson, 1917[12]
  • N. bispinosa Cresson, 1917[12]
  • N. bivittata Cogan, 1968[2]
  • N. brasiliensis Walker, 1856[18]
  • N. brunnipes (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830)[19]
  • N. cana Cresson, 1947[20]
  • N. canescens Miyagi, 1966[21]
  • N. carbonaria Walker, 1865[22]
  • N. carinata Loew, 1862[15]
  • N. caudata Fallén, 1813[8]
  • N. cinerea Fallén, 1813[8]
  • N. cogani Canzoneri & Meneghini, 1979[3]
  • N. cressoni Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. decorata Williston, 1896[23]
  • N. decoris Williston, 1893
  • N. deonieri Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. deserta Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. dimidiaticornis Giordani Soika, 1956[24]
  • N. dorsata Stenhammar, 1844[9]
  • N. dorsopunctata Wiedemann, 1824[5]
  • N. eleomyia Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. elophila Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. erythrocera Loew, 1878[14]
  • N. exotica Wiedemann, 1830[25]
  • N. ezoensis Miyagi, 1966[21]
  • N. fasciata (Wiedemann, 1824)[5]
  • N. flava Dahl, 1973[26]
  • N. flavoantennata Krivosheina, 1998[11]
  • N. floridensis Cresson, 1917[12]
  • N. footei Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. freyi Krivosheina, 2001[27]
  • N. frigidicola Cogan, 1968[2]
  • N. frontalis Coquillett, 1904[28]
  • N. fulvimana Cresson, 1917[12]
  • N. furcata (Coquillett, 1902)[29]
  • N. fuscimana Malloch, 1925[30]
  • N. fuscofacies Cogan, 1968[2]
  • N. graecula Becker, 1926
  • N. hamifera Wheeler, 1961[31]
  • N. ignobilis Loew, 1862[17]
  • N. imperomana Mathis, 1995[1]
  • N. impunctata Meijere, 1908[32]
  • N. indica Krivosheina, 2001[27]
  • N. indistincta Krivosheina, 2001[27]
  • N. insularis Grimshaw, 1901[33]
  • N. iranica Canzoneri & Meneghini, 1979[3]
  • N. irrorata Cogan, 1968[2]
  • N. juncea Dahl, 1973[26]
  • N. kentensis Huryn, 1987
  • N. kenyaensis Cresson, 1947[20]
  • N. latelimbata Curran, 1930
  • N. latigena Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. latigenis Hendel, 1914[34]
  • N. lenae Krivosheina, 1998[11]
  • N. lineata Giordani Soika, 1956[35]
  • N. littorea Waltl, 1837[4]
  • N. loewi Cresson, 1917[12]
  • N. lunicornis Giordani Soika, 1956[35]
  • N. lyalli Cogan, 1968[2]
  • N. lyra Krivosheina, 1998[11]
  • N. macrochaeta Loew, 1878[14]
  • N. maculata Stenhammar, 1844[9]
  • N. major Stenhammar, 1844[9]
  • N. maritima Krivosheina, 1998[11]
  • N. mathisi Huryn, 1984
  • N. meridionalis (Rondani, 1856)[36]
  • N. microscopa Cogan, 1968[2]
  • N. mima Canzoneri & Meneghini, 1979[3]
  • N. minima Cresson, 1917[12]
  • N. montalentii Canzoneri & Rampini, 1994[37]
  • N. montana Cogan, 1968[2]
  • N. nanosoma Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. nigra (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830)[19]
  • N. nigricornis Stenhammar, 1844[9]
  • N. nigrina Krivosheina, 2001[27]
  • N. nigripes Waltl, 1837[4]
  • N. nosata Krivosheina, 2001[27]
  • N. nubila Dahl, 1973[26]
  • N. nudipes Cresson, 1917[12]
  • N. obscuricornis Loew, 1862[17]
  • N. oksanae Krivosheina & Ozerov, 2015
  • N. olivacea Cresson, 1917[12]
  • N. omercooperi Cogan, 1968[2]
  • N. oriens Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. pallicornis Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. pallidipalpis Cresson, 1940[38]
  • N. paludia Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. pauroura Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. phaea Hendel, 1914[34]
  • N. phaeopsis Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. philippinensis Cresson, 1948
  • N. picta Fallén, 1813[8]
  • N. pokuma Cresson, 1947[20]
  • N. poliosoma Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. pollinosa Krivosheina, 1998[11]
  • N. posticata Meigen, 1830[39]
  • N. pseudobscuricornis Giordani Soika, 1956[35]
  • N. pseudodimiaticornis Giordani Soika, 1956[35]
  • N. puberula Krivosheina, 2001[27]
  • N. pulchra Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. pulchrifrons Loew, 1872[40]
  • N. puncta Meijere, 1911
  • N. quadrimaculata Dahl, 1973[26]
  • N. quadrisetosa Thomson, 1869[41]
  • N. riparia Meigen, 1830[39]
  • N. robusta Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. rufitarsis Macquart, 1851
  • N. scalaris Loew, 1862[15]
  • N. scoliochaeta Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. scutellata Krivosheina, 2001[27]
  • N. sekiyai Koizumi, 1949
  • N. semimaculata Becker, 1926
  • N. setigera Becker, 1903
  • N. setosa Krivosheina, 2001[27]
  • N. shewelli Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. sicca Cresson, 1940[38]
  • N. simalurensis Meijere, 1916
  • N. similis Meijere, 1908[32]
  • N. solita Walker, 1853
  • N. spinosa Cresson, 1948
  • N. splendens Macquart, 1851
  • N. stagnicola (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830)[19]
  • N. sternalis Thomson, 1869[41]
  • N. striata Williston, 1897[42]
  • N. stuckenbergi Cogan, 1968[2]
  • N. subnigra Krivosheina, 1998[11]
  • N. supposita Collin, 1911
  • N. swarabica Cogan, 1968[2]
  • N. taenia Mathis, 1979[3]
  • N. teres Cresson, 1931[7]
  • N. theonae Huryn, 1984
  • N. transversa Walker, 1853
  • N. triangulifera Schiner, 1868
  • N. tschungseni Canzoneri, 1993
  • N. uliginosa Haliday, 1839
  • N. umbrosa Drake, 2001
  • N. unicolor Loew, 1862[15]
  • N. unilineata Walker, 1865[22]
  • N. venusta Loew, 1856
  • N. virgata Coquillett, 1900


  1. 1.0 1.1 Mathis, W.N.; Zatwarnicki, T. (1995). "World catalog of shore flies (Diptera: Ephydridae)". Memoirs of Entomology, International 4: 1–423. 
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 Cogan, B. H. (1968). "A revision of the Ethiopian species of the tribe Notiphilini (diptera: ephydridae)". Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology 21: 279–365. Retrieved 13 February 2022. 
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 Mathis, W.N. (1979). "Studies of Notiphilinae (Diptera: Ephydridae), I: revision of the Nearctic species of Notiphila Fallen, excluding the caudada group". Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 287: 1–111. Retrieved 20 February 2022. 
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Waltl, Joseph (1837). "Neue Gattungen von mücken bey Passau". 4 Isis (Oken's): 279–283. 
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Wiedemann, Christian Rudolph Wilhelm (1824). Munus rectoris in Academia Christiana Albertina aditurus Analecta entomologica ex Museo Regio Havniens: maxime congesta profert iconibusque illustrat. Kiliae,eregio typoguapheo scholarum. pp. 1–60. Retrieved 11 May 2020. 
  6. Bigot, J.M.F. (1888). Diptères [sect. v.]. In Ministeres de la Marine et de l'Instruction Publique, Mission scientifique du Cap Horn. 1882-1883. Tome VI. Zoologie. Insectes. Paris: Gauthier-Villars et Fils. pp. 1-45, pls. 1-4. 
  7. 7.0 7.1 Cresson, E.T. Jr. (1931). "Ephydridae. In: Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile". British Museum (Natural History), London 6 (2): 85–116. 
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Fallen, C.F. (1813). "Beskrifning ofver nagra i Sverige funna vattenflugor (Hydromyzides)". K. Svenska VetenskAkad. Handl. [ser. 3], 1813: 240–257. 
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Stenhammar, C. (1844). "Forsok till gruppering och revision af de Svenska Ephydrinae". K. Svenska VetenskAkad. Handl. (Stockholm) 1843: 75–272, 1 pl. Retrieved 23 January 2022. 
  10. Becker, T. (1896). "Dipterologische Studien. IV. Ephydridae". Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 41: 91–276, 4 pls. Retrieved 23 January 2022. 
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 Krivosheina, M.G. (1998). "Revision of the shore-fly genus Notiphila Fallén of Palaearctic (Diptera, Ephydridae)". International Journal of Dipterological Research 9 (1): 31–63. Retrieved 20 February 2022. 
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 Cresson, E. T. Jr. (1917). "Studies in American Ephydridae (Diptera). II. A revision of the species of the genera Notiphia and Dichaeta". Transactions of the American Entomological Society 43: 27–66. Retrieved 20 February 2022. 
  13. Loew, H. (1860). "Neue Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Dipteren. Siebenter Beitrag. Die Europaeischen Ephydrinidae und die bisher in Schlesien beobachteten Arten derselben". Progr. K. Realschule Meseritz 1860: 1–46. 
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Loew, H. (1878). "Neue nordamerikanischen Ephydriden". Z. Ges. Naturw. Halle 51: 192–203. 
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Loew, H. (1862). "Monographs of the Diptera of North America. Part I.". Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 6 (1 [= No. 141]): xxiv + 221. 
  16. Bock, Ian R. (1988). "The Australian Species of Paralimna and Notiphila (Diptera: Ephydridae)". Invertebrate Taxonomy 2 (7): 885–902, 14 figures. doi:10.1071/IT9880885. 
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Loew, Hermann (1862). "Bidrag till Kannedomen om Afrikas Diptera.". Öfversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-akademiens forhandlingar 19: 3–14. Retrieved 6 May 2019. 
  18. Walker, Frances (1853). Diptera. Part IV, pp. 253-474, pls. 7-8. In [Saunders, W. W. (ed.)], Insecta Saundersiana: or characters of undescribed insects in the collection of William Wilson Sauders, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. Vol. 1. London: Van Voorst. pp. 1–474. 
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Robineau-Desvoidy, André Jean Baptiste (1830). "Essai sur les myodaires". Mémoires presentés à l'Institut des Sciences, Lettres et Arts, par divers savants et lus dans ses assemblées: Sciences, Mathématiques et Physique 2 (2): 1–813. Retrieved 15 July 2018. 
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Cresson, Ezra T. Jr. (1947). "A Systematic Annotated Arrangement of the Genera and Species of the Ethiopina Ephydridae (Diptera). II. The Subfamily Notiphilinae". Transactions of the American Entomological Society 73 (2): 105–124. Retrieved 13 February 2022. 
  21. 21.0 21.1 Miyagi, I. (1966). "Descriptions of Three New Species of Ephydridae, with One Unrecorded Species from Japan (Diptera, Ephydridae)". Kontyu 34 (2): 136–140, 1 plate. 
  22. 22.0 22.1 Walker, F. (1865). "Descriptions of new species of the dipterous insects of New Guinea". Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology 8 (30): 102–108, 109–130. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1865.tb02425.x. 
  23. Williston, Samuel Wendell (1896). "On the Diptera of St. Vincent (West Indies)". Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1896: 253–446, pls. 8–14. Retrieved 3 June 2018. 
  24. Giordani Soika, A.G. (1956a). "Contributions a l'etude de la fauna entomologique du Ruanda-Urundi (Mission P. Basilewsky 1953) CVII Diptera Ephydridae". Annales du Musée Royal du Congo Belge, Tervuren, Belgique, Series 8, Sciences Zoologiques 51: 490–505. 
  25. Wiedemann, Christian Rudolph Wilhelm (1830). Aussereuropäische Zweiflügelige Insekten. 2. Retrieved 21 April 2020. 
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 Dahl, R.G. (1973). "Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Fauna Afghanistans. Ephydridae, Diptera". Acta Musei Moraviae 56–57: 347–360. 
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.7 Krivosheina, M.G. (2001). "A Revision of the Shore-fly Genus Notiphila Fallén, 1810 of Oriental Region (Diptera, Ephydridae)". Russian Entomological Journal 10 (1): 75–92. 
  28. Coquillett, D.W. (1904). "New Diptera from Central America". Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 6: 90–98. Retrieved 14 March 2021. 
  29. Coquillett, D.W. (1902). "New acalyptrate Diptera from North America". Journal of the New York Entomological Society 10: 177–191. Retrieved 9 February 2021. 
  30. Malloch, J.R. (1925). "Notes on Australian Diptera. No. vii.". Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 50: 311–340. 
  31. Wheeler, M. R. (1961). "New Species of Southwestern Acalyptrate Diptera.". The Southwestern Naturalist 6 (2): 86–91, 1 figure. doi:10.2307/3669590. 
  32. 32.0 32.1 Meijere, J. C. H. de (1908). "Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren". Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 51: 105–180. Retrieved 24 February 2022. 
  33. Grimshaw, P.H. (1901). "Part I. Diptera". Fauna Hawaiiensis 3 (1): 1-77, pls. 1-3. Retrieved 24 February 2022. 
  34. 34.0 34.1 Hendel, Friedrich (1914). "Acalyptrate Musciden (Dipt.) III. In , H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute.". Supplementa Entomologica 3: 90–117. 
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 Giordani Soika, A.G. (1956). "Diagnosi preliminari di nuovi Ephydridae e Canaceidae della Regione Etiopica e del Madagascar (Diptera)". Bolletino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia 9: 123–130. 
  36. Rondani, Camillo (1856). Dipterologiae Italicae Prodromus. Vol: I. Genera italica ordinis Dipterorum ordinatim disposita et distincta et in familias et stirpes aggregata. Parmae [= Parma].: A. Stocchi. pp. 226 + [2]. Retrieved 17 October 2020. 
  37. Canzoneri; Rampini (1994). "Nuovo contributo alia conoscenza degli efidridi (Diptera) della Sierra Leone (Parte IV)". Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Problemi Attuali di Scienza e di Cultura, Missioni ed Esplorazioni XIII, quademo n. , 3: 243–257. 
  38. 38.0 38.1 Cresson, ET Jr. (1940). "Descriptions of new genera and species of the dipterous family Ephydridae. Paper XII". Notulae Naturae, the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia 27 (4): 147–152. 
  39. 39.0 39.1 Meigen, J.W. (1830). Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäische n zweiflugeligen Insekten. Hamm: Sechster Theil. Schulz. pp. xi + 401 +[3] pp. 
  40. Loew, Hermann (1872). "Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria decima". Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 16: 49–124. doi:10.1002/mmnd.18720160110. Retrieved 25 July 2021. 
  41. 41.0 41.1 Thomson, C.G. (1869). Diptera. Species nova descripsit. Pp. 443-614, In Kongliga svenska fregatten Eugenies resa omkring jorden under befäl af C. A. Virgin, åren1851-1853. 2 (Zoologi) 1, Insecta. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt & Soner. pp. 617 pp., pl. 9. 
  42. Williston, S.W. (1897). "Diptera Brasiliana. Part IV.". The Kansas University Quarterly (A) 6 (1): 1–12. Retrieved 30 January 2022.