
From HandWiki

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Authors: Allen B. Downey and Chris Mayfield



Copyright (c) 2019 Allen Downey and Chris Mayfield. The original form of this book is available from [1] and [2]. You are welcome to edit this wiki under the CC BY-NC-SA License. One can login or request account using the top-right menu. We strongly advise to use your real name and email during the registration. This will help generate a list of contributions.

Referencing Java API

HandWiki allows referencing Java API. For example, if you need to give a link to an external Java documentation, such as, use <javadoc></javadoc> syntax. One can reference up to 50,000 Java classes (restrictions for some proprietary documentation may apply).

During editing, use the internal MediaWiki links to reference any term from 2,270,526 HandWiki articles.