Working with databases
DataMelt includes several database engines:
- Object-based database NeoDatis and
- SQLite database called SQLjet
- Apache Derby database (now comes with the JDK as JavaDB)
- HyperSQL database
HDataBase class allows to write and read data in a form of
disk-based database using the keys. This is handy for non-sequential I/O. The class is based on the original code of
D.Hamner (
This raw-level database allows to store and retrieve objects. It associates a key of type String with each record. The keys will be limited to a maximum length, although the record data will not be limited. The record will consist of only one "blob" of binary data. The number of records is not fixed at creation time. The file can grow and shrink as records are inserted and removed. The database operations not depend on the number of records in the file. In other words, they'll be of constant order time with respect to file accesses. The index should be small enough to load into memory.
Here is a small example. We use two keys "0" and "1" (both are strings) and associate a string "Test" and 2D list with each key. Then we retrieve data from the file. In this approach, we use "persistent" database which keeps the data on the disk.
from import * file="output.db" f=HDataBase(file,"w") f.insert("0","Test") # store "Test" using the key "0" f.insert("1",[ [1,2,3,3],[2,3,4]]) # store 2D array using the key "1" f.close() f=HDataBase(file,"r") # open and retrieve data using the keys print f.get("0"),f.get("1")
The output of this code is shown below:
Test [[1, 2, 3, 3], [2, 3, 4]]
We can also write complicated objects "classes" into the files as in this example:
from jhplot import * from import * import os.path # build an event from 3 objects def makeEvent(entry): label="Event="+str(entry) p=P0D(label) p.randomUniform(10,0,1) h=H1D(label,10,-1,1) h.fill(i) return [label,p,h] # write to a raw-level database. # use string as keys file="output.db" f=HDataBase(file,"w") Events=100 for i in range(Events): event=makeEvent(i) if (i%100 == 0): print event[0]+" size=",os.path.getsize(file) f.insert(str(i),event) f.close() # open database f=HDataBase(file,"r") # print "Remove event 25" # f.remove("25") # print "extract event 26" event=f.get("26") print "=== "+event[0]+"====" print event[1].toString() print event[2].toString() f.close()
Here we sequentially write a complicated data structure "event" using several objects, and later retrieve it. This class allows only "string" type as the keys. We will show later how to use arbitrary types foe the keys.
File-based map
Objects can be stored in HashMap which is kept in the memory. One can work with a huge amount of data
using org.clapper.util.misc.FileHashMap which
keeps the keys in memory, but stores the values as serialized objects in a random access disk file.
This approach is very similar to the previous case, but the implementation is different.
In this example we create a file "/tmp/mytest" (in the temporary directory tmp) and put some data (1D,2D arrays and histogram):
from jhplot import * from org.clapper.util.misc import FileHashMap # make some massive java objects p1=P0D(); p1.randomNormal(10000,0,2) p2=P0D(); p2.randomNormal(10000,1,2) pp=P1D("test",p1,p2); h1=H1D("OK",100,0,10) ppp=PND(); ppp.add([1,2,3,4,5]); ppp.add([1,2,3,4,3]) ######### store all objects in the file print "Write to the database" map=FileHashMap("/tmp/mytest",FileHashMap.FORCE_OVERWRITE); map.put("d1",p1) map.put("d2",p2) map.put("d3",ppp) map.put("4",h1) print map.size() map.close() print "Closed database"
Note that the database will have 2 files: mytest.ix (index file) and mytest.db (actual data) Now we will read this database and extract stored objects. Then we print them:
from jhplot import * from org.clapper.util.misc import FileHashMap print "Read to the database" map=FileHashMap("/tmp/mytest",FileHashMap.RECLAIM_FILE_GAPS); p1=map.get("d1") p2=map.get("d2") ppp=map.get("d3") hh=map.get("4") print hh print ppp print map.size() map.close() print "Closed database"
Object databases
A massive data can be stored a a map, where each key corresponds to some object (can be arbitrary Java objects). You can store collections backed up by disk storage and you can store and handle billions of data objects. Unlike the previous approach, we will consider the true database where you can rollback changes, encrypt the data, etc. As before, only serialize object can be stored. In this section we will show example of using this database. As before, no SQL is required and the key can have arbitrary types:
Below is an example in which we write many values using their keys, close the database, and read the values back from the database using their keys.
from org.mapdb import * from import File db =DBMaker.newFileDB(File("/tmp/db")).journalDisable().make() map = db.getTreeMap("map"); max=1000 for i in range(max): map.put(i,"test"+str(i)) print "closing.." db.close() db =DBMaker.newFileDB(File("/tmp/db")).journalDisable().make() # reading the data step = max/1000 for i in range(max): x=map.get(i) print x db.close()
Note that the database creates several files in the /tmp/ directory (db,db.p).
Here is an example were we write 100 histograms into the database using integer keys, and then we read all histograms back.
from import * from jhplot import * from org.mapdb import * print "Write to the database" db =DBMaker.newFileDB(File("/tmp/dbtest")).journalDisable().make() # db.encryptionEnable("password") map = db.getTreeMap("mydata"); for i in range(100): map.put(i,h1) db.close() print "Closed database"
An then me read histograms back:
from import * from jhplot import * from org.mapdb import *; h1=H1D("OK",100,0,10) print "Write to the database" db =DBMaker.newFileDB(File("/tmp/dbtest")).journalDisable().make() map = db.getTreeMap("mydata"); for i in range(100): h=get.put(i) db.close()
Neodatis Object databases
NeoDatis is another simple Java-based Object Database. Below we show a rather complete example on how to use the NeoDatis database to store objects of the jhplot package:
# This example is based on (NeoDatis database) from java.awt import Color,Font from jhplot import * from java.util import Random,ArrayList import os # import from NeoDatis DB from org.neodatis.odb import *; from org.neodatis.odb.impl.core.query.criteria import *; from org.neodatis.odb.core.query.criteria import *; from org.neodatis.odb.xml import *; c1 = HPlot("Canvas",600,400) c1.setGTitle("Writing and reading objects from a NeoDatis database"); c1.visible(1) c1.setAutoRange() p1=P1D("X-Y points") p1.add(10,20) p1.add(30,40) h1 = H1D("GaussianHistogram",20, -2, 2.0) h1.fillGauss(100,10,2) lab=HLabel("Label", 0.15, 0.7, "NDC") lab.setColor( # remove database if exists if os.path.exists("database.db"): os.remove("database.db") print "Store all objects in a database" odb ="database.db") odb.close() print "######### open the database ################" odb ="database.db") query = CriteriaQuery(P0D); obj = odb.getObjects(query) print "Number of P0D objects=",obj.size() query = CriteriaQuery(H1D); obj = odb.getObjects(query) print "Number of H1D objects=",obj.size() # find an P0D object with the name data1 query = CriteriaQuery(P0D, Where.equal("title", "data1")); #p0d=odb.getObjects(query).getFirst() #print p0d.toString() # find an H1D object with the name GaussianHistogram query = CriteriaQuery(H1D, Where.equal("title", "GaussianHistogram")); h1d=odb.getObjects(query).getFirst() h1d.setTitle("GaussianHistogram from a database") c1.draw( h1d) odb.close()
SQL databases
DataMelt supports SQL-type of databases:
- SQLite database called SQLjet
- Apache Derby database
- HyperSQL database
Below we will show Jython scripts how to work with such databases.
SQLite database
# This example shows how to read SQLite database # created using the native C++ code. Look at SQLjet for more examples. # S.Chekanov from org.tmatesoft.sqljet.core.table import SqlJetDb from org.tmatesoft.sqljet.core import SqlJetTransactionMode from import File dbFile=File("data.sqlite") dbFile.delete(), 1) # write database in "read mode" db.getOptions().setAutovacuum(1) db.beginTransaction(SqlJetTransactionMode.WRITE) db.getOptions().setUserVersion(1) query = "CREATE TABLE ajax (name, value);" db.createTable(query) table = db.getTable("ajax") table.insert("Kitaev", "Alexander") table.insert("Test", "Alexander") table.insert("Test2", "Alexander") db.commit() db.close() # read this databse db =, 0); print db.getSchema() db.beginTransaction(SqlJetTransactionMode.READ_ONLY) table=db.getTable("ajax") # read one table # open table # print number of fields print cursor.getFieldsCount() # print number of rows print cursor.getRowCount() db.close()
Now we read it:
# This example shows how to read SQLite database # created using the native C++ code. Look at SQLjet for more examples. # S.Chekanov from org.tmatesoft.sqljet.core.table import SqlJetDb from org.tmatesoft.sqljet.core import SqlJetTransactionMode from import File dbFile=File("data.sqlite") dbFile.delete(), 1) # write database in "read mode" db.getOptions().setAutovacuum(1) db.beginTransaction(SqlJetTransactionMode.WRITE) db.getOptions().setUserVersion(1) query = "CREATE TABLE ajax (name, value);" db.createTable(query) table = db.getTable("ajax") table.insert("Kitaev", "Alexander") table.insert("Test", "Alexander") table.insert("Test2", "Alexander") db.commit() db.close() # read this databse db =, 0); print db.getSchema() db.beginTransaction(SqlJetTransactionMode.READ_ONLY) table=db.getTable("ajax") # read one table # open table # print number of fields print cursor.getFieldsCount() # print number of rows print cursor.getRowCount() db.close()
Here is a browser:
file="data.sqlite" br=SQLiteBrowser(file)
HyperSQL database
Derby database
Starting from v3.8, Derby is excluded from the package since it comes with JDK as JavaDB (see the JAVAHOME/db/ directory). Here is example of how to write and read data using Derby:
This script writes the data:
from openDB import * scon=protocol+dbName+';create=true' conn = DriverManager.getConnection(scon, props) s = conn.createStatement() try: s.execute('drop table '+table) except SQLException: print 'no need to remove table' s.execute('create table '+table+'(num int, addr varchar(40))') s.execute('insert into '+table+' values (1956,\'Webster St.\')') s.execute('insert into '+table+' values (1910,\'Union St.\')') s1='update '+table+' set num=?, addr=? where num=?' ps = conn.prepareStatement(s1) ps.setInt(1,180) ps.setString(2, 'Grand Ave.') ps.setInt(3, 1956) ps.executeUpdate() print 'Updated 1956 Webster to 180 Grand' s.close() conn.commit() try: DriverManager.getConnection('jdbc:derby:;shutdown=true') except SQLException: print 'all done'
Now we read data:
from openDB import * scon=protocol+dbName+';create=false' conn = DriverManager.getConnection(scon,props) s = conn.createStatement() s1='SELECT num, addr FROM '+table+' ORDER BY num' rs = s.executeQuery(s1) while print 'sorted='+rs.getString(1),rs.getString(2) s2 = 'SELECT * FROM '+table+' WHERE addr=\'Union St.\'' rs = s.executeQuery(s2) while print 'Found=',rs.getString(1),rs.getString(2) s.close() conn.commit() try: DriverManager.getConnection('jdbc:derby:;shutdown=true') except SQLException: print 'all done'