Engineering:Dual control stand

From HandWiki

Dual control stand refers to the North American practice of some railroads to have two control stands (a "control stand" is a locomotive subsystem which integrates all engine and brake functional controls within the operational radius of the locomotive engineer's left forearm from his customary seating position, facing forward at all times) in the cab of a hood unit locomotive, one on either side facing opposite directions to allow operation either long hood or short hood forward at all times). This practice was largely used by the Norfolk and Western, as well as Southern Railway, during the 1960s and 1970s, but could also be found on select Erie Lackawanna, Reading, Penn Central and Western Pacific locomotives during the same time period The rationale for having two control stands was to put the engineer on the proper side of the locomotive regardless of the direction of travel; this would reduce the need to turn the locomotive at a terminal.

Present railroad practice is to operate two or more locomotives in "multiple unit" configurations, with the "front" locomotive pointing "front", and with the rear-most, or all rear locomotives facing "rear". This practice eliminates "turning of equipment".

List of locomotives built with dual control stands

  • RDG 6300-6304 U30c
  • RDG 5307-5311 C630
  • RDG 7600-7604 SD45
  • EL 3635-3653 SDP45
  • MN&S 20-24 DT-6-6-2000
  • PRSL 2000-2010 EMD GP38
  • NW 1329-1388 GP40
  • NW 1580-1624 SD40
  • NW 1625-1635 SD40-2
  • NW 4100-4158 GP38AC
  • SP 5623 EMD GP9
  • WP 701-713 GP7
  • WP 725-731 GP9
  • WP 2001-2010 GP20
  • WP 3001-3022 GP35
  • WP 2251-2264 U23B
  • Class M6 operated by Sri Lanka Railways
  • Indonesian Railways CC201 01R - CC201 144R - GE U18C
  • Indonesian Railways CC203 01 - CC203 41 GE U20C
  • Indonesian Railways CC204 01 - CC204 37 GE C18MMi and GE C20MP
  • Indonesian Railways BB202 01 - BB202 08 EMD G18U6
  • Indonesian Railways BB203 01 - BB203 59 GE U18A1A


  • Paul K. Withers (2007). Norfolk Southern Locomotive Directory 2006-2007. Withers Publishing. 
  • Larry DeYoung (2004). Erie Lackawanna SDP45s - Sept/Oct 2004 Diesel Era. Withers Publishing. 
  • Joseph Strapac (1984). Western Pacific Diesel Years. Overland Models.