Faddeev–LeVerrier algorithm

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Urbain Le Verrier (1811–1877)
The discoverer of Neptune.

In mathematics (linear algebra), the Faddeev–LeVerrier algorithm is a recursive method to calculate the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial [math]\displaystyle{ p_A(\lambda)=\det (\lambda I_n - A) }[/math] of a square matrix, A, named after Dmitry Konstantinovich Faddeev and Urbain Le Verrier. Calculation of this polynomial yields the eigenvalues of A as its roots; as a matrix polynomial in the matrix A itself, it vanishes by the Cayley–Hamilton theorem. Computing the characteristic polynomial directly from the definition of the determinant is computationally cumbersome insofar as it introduces a new symbolic quantity [math]\displaystyle{ \lambda }[/math]; by contrast, the Faddeev-Le Verrier algorithm works directly with coefficients of matrix [math]\displaystyle{ A }[/math].

The algorithm has been independently rediscovered several times in different forms. It was first published in 1840 by Urbain Le Verrier, subsequently redeveloped by P. Horst, Jean-Marie Souriau, in its present form here by Faddeev and Sominsky, and further by J. S. Frame, and others.[1][2][3][4][5] (For historical points, see Householder.[6] An elegant shortcut to the proof, bypassing Newton polynomials, was introduced by Hou.[7] The bulk of the presentation here follows Gantmacher, p. 88.[8])

The Algorithm

The objective is to calculate the coefficients ck of the characteristic polynomial of the n×n matrix A,

[math]\displaystyle{ p_A(\lambda)\equiv \det(\lambda I_n-A)=\sum_{k=0}^{n} c_k \lambda^k~, }[/math]

where, evidently, cn = 1 and c0 = (−1)n det A.

The coefficients cn-i are determined by induction on i, using an auxiliary sequence of matrices

[math]\displaystyle{ \begin{align} M_0 &\equiv 0 & c_n &= 1 \qquad &(k=0) \\ M_k &\equiv AM_{k-1} + c_{n-k+1} I \qquad \qquad & c_{n-k} &= -\frac 1 k \mathrm{tr}(AM_k) \qquad &k=1,\ldots ,n ~. \end{align} }[/math]


[math]\displaystyle{ M_1= I ~, \quad c_{n-1} = - \mathrm{tr} A =-c_n \mathrm{tr} A ; }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{ M_2= A-I\mathrm{tr} A , \quad c_{n-2}=-\frac{1}{2}\Bigl(\mathrm{tr} A^2 -(\mathrm{tr} A)^2\Bigr) = -\frac{1}{2} (c_n \mathrm{tr} A^2 +c_{n-1} \mathrm{tr} A) ; }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{ M_3= A^2-A\mathrm{tr} A -\frac{1}{2}\Bigl(\mathrm{tr} A^2 -(\mathrm{tr} A)^2\Bigr) I, }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{ c_{n-3}=- \tfrac{1}{6}\Bigl( (\operatorname{tr}A)^3-3\operatorname{tr}(A^2)(\operatorname{tr}A)+2\operatorname{tr}(A^3)\Bigr)=-\frac{1}{3}(c_n \mathrm{tr} A^3+c_{n-1} \mathrm{tr} A^2 +c_{n-2}\mathrm{tr} A); }[/math]

etc.,[9][10]   ...;

[math]\displaystyle{ M_m= \sum_{k=1}^{m} c_{n-m+k} A^{k-1} ~, }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{ c_{n-m}= -\frac{1}{m}(c_n \mathrm{tr} A^m+c_{n-1} \mathrm{tr} A^{m-1}+...+c_{n-m+1}\mathrm{tr} A)= -\frac{1}{m}\sum_{k=1}^{m} c_{n-m+k} \mathrm{tr} A^k ~  ; ... }[/math]

Observe A−1 = − Mn /c0 = (−1)n−1Mn/detA terminates the recursion at λ. This could be used to obtain the inverse or the determinant of A.


The proof relies on the modes of the adjugate matrix, Bk ≡ Mn−k, the auxiliary matrices encountered.   This matrix is defined by

[math]\displaystyle{ (\lambda I-A) B = I ~ p_A(\lambda) }[/math]

and is thus proportional to the resolvent

[math]\displaystyle{ B = (\lambda I-A)^{-1} I ~ p_A(\lambda) ~. }[/math]

It is evidently a matrix polynomial in λ of degree n−1. Thus,

[math]\displaystyle{ B\equiv \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \lambda^k~ B_k= \sum_{k=0}^{n} \lambda^k~ M_{n-k} , }[/math]

where one may define the harmless M0≡0.

Inserting the explicit polynomial forms into the defining equation for the adjugate, above,

[math]\displaystyle{ \sum_{k=0}^{n} \lambda^{k+1} M_{n-k} - \lambda^k (AM_{n-k} +c_k I)= 0~. }[/math]

Now, at the highest order, the first term vanishes by M0=0; whereas at the bottom order (constant in λ, from the defining equation of the adjugate, above),

[math]\displaystyle{ M_n A= B_0 A=c_0~, }[/math]

so that shifting the dummy indices of the first term yields

[math]\displaystyle{ \sum_{k=1}^{n} \lambda^{k} \Big ( M_{1+n-k} - AM_{n-k} +c_k I\Big )= 0~, }[/math]

which thus dictates the recursion

[math]\displaystyle{ \therefore \qquad M_{m} =A M_{m-1} +c_{n-m+1} I ~, }[/math]

for m=1,...,n. Note that ascending index amounts to descending in powers of λ, but the polynomial coefficients c are yet to be determined in terms of the Ms and A.

This can be easiest achieved through the following auxiliary equation (Hou, 1998),

[math]\displaystyle{ \lambda \frac{\partial p_A(\lambda) }{ \partial \lambda} -n p =\operatorname{tr} AB~. }[/math]

This is but the trace of the defining equation for B by dint of Jacobi's formula,

[math]\displaystyle{ \frac{\partial p_A(\lambda)}{\partial \lambda}= p_A(\lambda) \sum^\infty _{m=0}\lambda ^{-(m+1)} \operatorname{tr}A^m = p_A(\lambda) ~ \operatorname{tr} \frac{I}{\lambda I -A}\equiv\operatorname{tr} B~. }[/math]

Inserting the polynomial mode forms in this auxiliary equation yields

[math]\displaystyle{ \sum_{k=1}^{n} \lambda^{k} \Big ( k c_k - n c_k - \operatorname{tr}A M_{n-k}\Big )= 0~, }[/math]

so that

[math]\displaystyle{ \sum_{m=1}^{n-1} \lambda^{n-m} \Big ( m c_{n-m} + \operatorname{tr}A M_{m}\Big )= 0~, }[/math]

and finally

[math]\displaystyle{ \therefore \qquad c_{n-m} = -\frac{1}{m} \operatorname{tr}A M_{m} ~. }[/math]

This completes the recursion of the previous section, unfolding in descending powers of λ.

Further note in the algorithm that, more directly,

[math]\displaystyle{ M_{m} =A M_{m-1} - \frac{1}{m-1} (\operatorname{tr}A M_{m-1}) I ~, }[/math]

and, in comportance with the Cayley–Hamilton theorem,

[math]\displaystyle{ \operatorname{adj}(A) =(-1)^{n-1} M_{n}=(-1)^{n-1} (A^{n-1}+c_{n-1}A^{n-2}+ ...+c_2 A+ c_1 I)=(-1)^{n-1} \sum_{k=1}^n c_k A^{k-1}~. }[/math]

The final solution might be more conveniently expressed in terms of complete exponential Bell polynomials as

[math]\displaystyle{ c_{n-k} = \frac{(-1)^{n-k}}{k!} {\mathcal B}_k \Bigl ( \operatorname{tr}A , -1! ~ \operatorname{tr}A^2, 2! ~\operatorname{tr}A^3, \ldots, (-1)^{k-1}(k-1)! ~ \operatorname{tr}A^k\Bigr ) . }[/math]


[math]\displaystyle{ {\displaystyle A=\left[{\begin{array}{rrr}3&1&5\\3&3&1\\4&6&4\end{array}}\right]} }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}M_{0}&=\left[{\begin{array}{rrr}0&0&0\\0&0&0\\0&0&0\end{array}}\right]\quad &&&c_{3}&&&&&=&1\\M_{\mathbf {\color {blue}1} }&=\left[{\begin{array}{rrr}1&0&0\\0&1&0\\0&0&1\end{array}}\right] &A~M_{1}&=\left[{\begin{array}{rrr}\mathbf {\color {red}3} &1&5\\3&\mathbf {\color {red}3} &1\\4&6&\mathbf {\color {red}4} \end{array}}\right] &c_{2}&&&=-{\frac {1}{\mathbf {\color {blue}1} }} \mathbf {\color {red}10} &&=&-10\\M_{\mathbf {\color {blue}2} }&=\left[{\begin{array}{rrr}-7&1&5\\3&-7&1\\4&6&-6\end{array}}\right]\qquad &A~M_{2}&=\left[{\begin{array}{rrr}\mathbf {\color {red}2} &26&-14\\-8&\mathbf {\color {red}-12} &12\\6&-14&\mathbf {\color {red}2} \end{array}}\right]\qquad &c_{1}&&&=-{\frac {1}{\mathbf {\color {blue}2} }} \mathbf {\color {red}(-8)} &&=&4\\M_{\mathbf {\color {blue}3} }&=\left[{\begin{array}{rrr}6&26&-14\\-8&-8&12\\6&-14&6\end{array}}\right]\qquad &A~M_{3}&=\left[{\begin{array}{rrr}\mathbf {\color {red}40} &0&0\\0&\mathbf {\color {red}40} &0\\0&0&\mathbf {\color {red}40} \end{array}}\right]\qquad &c_{0}&&&=-{\frac {1}{\mathbf {\color {blue}3} }}\mathbf {\color {red}120} &&=&-40\end{aligned}}} }[/math]

Furthermore, [math]\displaystyle{ {\displaystyle M_{4}=A~M_{3}+c_{0}~I=0} }[/math], which confirms the above calculations.

The characteristic polynomial of matrix A is thus [math]\displaystyle{ {\displaystyle p_{A}(\lambda )=\lambda ^{3}-10\lambda ^{2}+4\lambda -40} }[/math]; the determinant of A is [math]\displaystyle{ {\displaystyle \det(A)=(-1)^{3} c_{0}=40} }[/math]; the trace is 10=−c2; and the inverse of A is

[math]\displaystyle{ {\displaystyle A^{-1}=-{\frac {1}{c_{0}}}~ M_{3}={\frac {1}{40}} \left[{\begin{array}{rrr}6&26&-14\\-8&-8&12\\6&-14&6\end{array}}\right]=\left[{\begin{array}{rrr}0{.}15&0{.}65&-0{.}35\\-0{.}20&-0{.}20&0{.}30\\0{.}15&-0{.}35&0{.}15\end{array}}\right]} }[/math].

An equivalent but distinct expression

A compact determinant of an m×m-matrix solution for the above Jacobi's formula may alternatively determine the coefficients c,[11][12]

[math]\displaystyle{ c_{n-m} = \frac{(-1)^m}{m!} \begin{vmatrix} \operatorname{tr}A & m-1 &0&\cdots&0\\ \operatorname{tr}A^2 &\operatorname{tr}A& m-2 &\cdots&0\\ \vdots & \vdots & & & \vdots \\ \operatorname{tr}A^{m-1} &\operatorname{tr}A^{m-2}& \cdots & \cdots & 1 \\ \operatorname{tr}A^m &\operatorname{tr}A^{m-1}& \cdots & \cdots & \operatorname{tr}A \end{vmatrix} ~. }[/math]

See also


  1. Urbain Le Verrier: Sur les variations séculaires des éléments des orbites pour les sept planètes principales, J. de Math. (1) 5, 230 (1840), Online
  2. Paul Horst: A method of determining the coefficients of a characteristic equation. Ann. Math. Stat. 6 83-84 (1935), doi:10.1214/aoms/1177732612
  3. Jean-Marie Souriau, Une méthode pour la décomposition spectrale et l'inversion des matrices, Comptes Rend. 227, 1010-1011 (1948).
  4. D. K. Faddeev, and I. S. Sominsky, Sbornik zadatch po vyshej algebra (Problems in higher algebra, Mir publishers, 1972), Moscow-Leningrad (1949). Problem 979.
  5. J. S. Frame: A simple recursion formula for inverting a matrix (abstract), Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 55 1045 (1949), doi:10.1090/S0002-9904-1949-09310-2
  6. Householder, Alston S. (2006). The Theory of Matrices in Numerical Analysis. Dover Books on Mathematics. ISBN 0486449726. 
  7. Hou, S. H. (1998). "Classroom Note: A Simple Proof of the Leverrier--Faddeev Characteristic Polynomial Algorithm" SIAM review 40(3) 706-709, doi:10.1137/S003614459732076X .
  8. Gantmacher, F.R. (1960). The Theory of Matrices. NY: Chelsea Publishing. ISBN 0-8218-1376-5. 
  9. Zadeh, Lotfi A. and Desoer, Charles A. (1963, 2008). Linear System Theory: The State Space Approach (Mc Graw-Hill; Dover Civil and Mechanical Engineering) ISBN:9780486466637, pp 303–305;
  10. Abdeljaoued, Jounaidi and Lombardi, Henri (2004). Méthodes matricielles - Introduction à la complexité algébrique, (Mathématiques et Applications, 42) Springer, ISBN:3540202471 .
  11. Brown, Lowell S. (1994). Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press. ISBN:978-0-521-46946-3, p. 54; Also see, Curtright, T. L., Fairlie, D. B. and Alshal, H. (2012). "A Galileon Primer", arXiv:1212.6972, section 3.
  12. Reed, M.; Simon, B. (1978). Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics. 4 Analysis of Operators. USA: ACADEMIC PRESS, INC.. pp. 323–333, 340, 343. ISBN 0-12-585004-2. 

Barbaresco F. (2019) Souriau Exponential Map Algorithm for Machine Learning on Matrix Lie Groups. In: Nielsen F., Barbaresco F. (eds) Geometric Science of Information. GSI 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11712. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-26980-7_10