Finance:Disability in Israel
Disability rights in Israel are based among the rest upon disabillity pensions, accessibility regulations, therapy, special education, sheltered workshop and assisted living.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the disabled people in Israel, with a population of 250,000,[1] have managed to equalize the disability pension from the Bituah Leumi (National Insurance Institute of Israel) to the minimum wage level in Israel. As of 2017,[2] the struggle was made by demonstrations, blocking main roads, highways and industries, activity in social networking services, petitions to the High Court of Justice, negotiations with the Government of Israel and bills in the Knesset.
In 2017, a full disability pension was 2,342 ILS.[3] The minimum wage in this year was 5,000 ILS, and in December 2017 it went up to 5,300 ILS per month.[4][5][6][7][8]
The General Disability Pension was linked to the national average salary in Israel, as it was determined in the National Insurance Law [combined version], 1995[9], but in an amendment from 2003, it was determined in article 110 of the Law, that the pension will be linked to the Consumer Price Index.[10][11]
In January 2000, the minimum wage was 2,797.75 ILS,[4] and the disability pension in Israel was 2,239 ILS,[12][13] 80 percent of the minimum wage. However, even in 2000 the disabled people demanded to equalize their pension to the minimum wage.
Most of the disabled Israelis who are entitled to a full disability pension and are permanently dependent on it for work incapacity, do not receive any other allowance. Those who receive an additional special allowance, receive it for special needs such as nursing or mobility, and it does not cover the costs to which it is intended. In addition, the designated allowances are not for basic subsistence needs.
The disability pension in Israel was one of the lowest in the OECD countries: In 2007, Israel was ranked 26th out of 31 countries. An examination conducted by OECD in 2007 also found that the disability benefit per capita in Israel was approximately 80 percent lower than the average allowance per capita in the OECD countries. In 2004, Israel raised the threshold of the sole Medical Disability from 40 percent to 60 percent, as the eligibility for Disability pension.[14] On June 10, 2018, the National Insurance Institute advertised an extensive research which found that the allowances in Israel were one of the lowest in the Western world, and wrote: "Israel's Social Security System is characterized by a very low level of generosity".[15][16]
Legislative Initiatives
On December 7, 2016, the Knesset approved in a preliminary reading, by a majority of 42 to 39, a law proposal, which had been submitted by MK Ilan Gilon to equalize the basic disability pension to the minimum wage.[17] Some months earlier, MK Nava Boker also submitted on February 28, 2016, a bill to link the disability pension to the minimum wage. The difference between her bill and Gilon's bill was that by Boker's bill, payments to the disabled from private insurances would be reduced from the disability allowance.[18] Boker's bill which received 82 signatures of Knesset members, was transferred to the Ministerial Committee on Legislation, but was postponed several times.[19]
The Zelekha Committee
Following the discussion in the Ministerial Committee on Legislation, in mid-February 2017 the Minister of Finance Moshe Kahlon appointed Professor Yaron Zelekha, in cooperation with the "Necheh, Lo Hetzi Ben Adam" (Disabled, Not Half a Human Being) Association led by Alex Fridman, to the head of a special commission to examine raising disability payments. In May 2017, Zelekha recommended an increase in the disability pension to 4,000 ILS per month in three stages, linkage of the pension to the Consumer Price Index plus one percent, raising the disregard (the amount which is allowed to earn) to the Minimum Wage level, equalizing payment of a nursing worker to the minimum wage, pension under a work disability and not only a physical disability, increasing pension of elderly disabled, and broadening the range of the mobility allowance.[20]
The Simhon Committee
In May 2017 the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu appointed Professor Avi Simhon,[21] chairman of the National Economic Council in the Prime Minister's Office, as a chairman of another committee with representatives from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services, Ministry of Health and the National Insurance Institute.[22][23] The Commission's recommendations were submitted after about a month. The allowance for a disabled person under this scheme would be 3,200 ILS and would be given to people with disabilities at the rate of 75% or more who were defined as poor, while the disregard of a salary would be decreased from 5,300 ILS (the minimum wage) to 4,200 ILS.[24][25]
On June 22, 2017, MK David Bitan, Coalition chairman, convened a News conference and said that he rejected the recommendation of Simhon Committee to 3,200 ILS, and agreed with the Opposition to accept 4,000 ILS recommended by Zelekha Committee.[26]
With the establishment of the Simhon Committee, the disabled people reacted by repeated blockings of major roads in Israel such as the entrance to Ben Gurion International Airport from Highway 1,[27][28][29] the Ayalon Highway, Highway 4, Ra'anana Junction, the Coastal Road and the entrance to Jerusalem, near the Chords Bridge.[23][30][31][32][33][34][35]
The demonstrators claimed that for decades they had demonstrated in front of the Knesset, the Ministry of Finance and the roads, but the government and the public ignored their demands. Therefore they had to turn to roadblocks. Initially, the Israel Police did not take proactive enforcement action against roadblocks, but with increasing traffic disturbances, The police began to take a more severe hand, and some of the obstructions included clashes between the police and the handicapped, and several disabled people were arrested.[36][37] In September 2017, the police issued a statement saying that it would no longer allow roadblocks in demonstrations, and that it would begin to fine the demonstrators who blocked roads.[38] The police added that it "will continue to allow freedom of expression and protest by law, but will not allow a public order to be violated and such a significant violation of the normal fabric of life of Israeli citizens".[39]
A week before the submission of the conclusions of the Simhon Committee, disabled representatives appealed to the High Court following the postponement of allowances increasing. In its response to the petition, the state claimed that the petitioners did not prove that the disability allowance of 2,342 ILS a month would not allow the right to live with dignity.[40][41] On June 18, 2018, the chief justice Esther Hayut cancelled the petition in the High Court. She adjudicated that the disability pension has already been raised by legislation in February 2018,[42] and the petition should be corrected due to this raise.[43][44]
On September 4, 2017, the Disabled people demonstrated outside the Histadrut offices in Tel Aviv.[45] On September 5, 2017, the Histadrut Chairman Avi Nissenkorn[46] met with the Disabled people's organizations, and told them that the Histadrut would be a full partner in their struggle.[47]
On September 18, 2017, there was a special plenum session in the Knesset, due to the delay in legislation, which resulted a submission of tens of MKs signatures to Yuli Edelstein, the Speaker of the Knesset. The subject of the session was the government's maltreatment in the disabled people.[48] Some MKs, as the former Minister of Finance Yair Lapid, attacked the government.[49] The session ended with a vote of 49 votes, with no opposition, to pass the issue to one of the Knesset committees.[48]
Negotiation in the Histadrut
Toward the end of September 2017, Naomi Moravia, chairwoman of the "Israeli Human Rights Organization of People with Disabilities", which was located in the Histadrut building in Tel Aviv, asked for Nissenkorn assistance in opposition to the government.[50] Following her request, Nissenkorn convened on the night of September 29, 2017, a night meeting at the Histadrut of representatives of disabled people with him, with MK Ilan Gilon and MK David Bitan, and with Avi Simhon. After 12 hours of negotiations until the morning hours, during which Yehuda Doron, a representative of the Polio Handicapped Association, retired from the discussion, and Dr. Amichai Tamir of the Disabled Organization remained in the discussion, but opposed the outline, it was agreed to supplement the disability pension in four stages until 2021, so that the final allowance would be 3,800 up to 4,000 ILS for the disabled and 4,050 ILS for 30 thousand individuals with above 80% disability. The sum of the disregard would be raised in two stages to 4,000 ILS in January 2018 and to 4,300 ILS in January 2019. The budgetary cost of the outline was 4.2 billion ILS, and it was agreed that the addition of 340 to 540 ILS for Disabled people, would start in January 2018.[51][52] On October 1, 2017, Simhon claimed that the government could only commit to an addition of 1.3 billion ILS for 2018, and would not commit itself to the coming years.[53] Simhon explained that a computer program (a software agent) which was called Numerator,[54] limited the government's commitment without an appropriate budget clause, and therefore the inability to commit to 4.2 billion ILS.
The Responses of the Disabled
Simhon's remarks about the inability to commit to 4.2 billion ILS, along with the expected addition in January 2018 of 340 ILS to the disabled and the four stages up to 2021, caused most disabled people to deny the outline which had been reached between the organizations "Israeli Human Rights Organization of People with Disabilities" and "Necheh Lo Hetzi Ben Adam" and the Government, with the assistance of Nissenkorn.
The organizations "The Disabled Panthers" led by Eyal Cohen, "The A-team Disabled" under the leadership of Ofer Sofer, the organization of the disabled, led by Tamir, and the Polio organization led by Doron, announced that they would continue to block roads until the disability pension would be equal to the minimum wage and would be paid with one stage.[55][56]
Oren Helman, a Vice President of the Israel Electric Corporation, a father of a daughter with a disability, and a former advisor to Netanyahu for a year when Netanyahu was the Finance Minister, also published an article in the newspaper Globes after advertising the Histadrut outline, and demanded to increase the amount of the disregard to 15,000 ILS.[56][57]
Intensification of the protest

On October 3, 2017, the members of "The Disabled Panthers" and "The A-team" blocked two entrances to the Port of Ashdod from six in the morning for five hours, causing heavy financial damage. The demonstrators agreed to evacuate the entrances to the port after the police agreed to void the traffic tickets which it recorded on their vehicles.[61][62][63] On October 9, 2017, during the Sukkot holiday, representatives of the disabled were hosted by the President Reuven Rivlin at the president's succah (tabernacle), which was opened to the general public. The president asked the disabled to hold a dignified dialogue with all the professional bodies.[64] Then the disabled went and demonstrated outside the house of the Interior Minister Aryeh Deri in the rain. From Deri, they went to the Prime Minister's residence on Balfour street, and blocked Gaza Street.[64] From there they moved to France Square (simple), and blocked the traffic. On October 15, for the first time in cooperation with representatives of disabled IDF veterans, the disabled disrupted the southern traffic on the Coastal Road near Netanya by driving slowly on the road, with the approval and in coordination with the police.[65][66]
On 17 October, 2017, disabled people gathered at a gas station near the Latrun Interchange, and from there they drove slowly on Highway 1 to Jerusalem, causing heavy traffic. They arrived at the Prime Minister's house and blocked the southern entrance gate on Balfour Street. Nicole Raidman arrived and caused a media storm when she gave 2,000 ILS to Hanna Akiva from "The Disabled Panthers".[67][68] Then the Panthers' spokesman clarified that the money was transferred to cover their expenses, and was not used personally. After blocking the Prime Minister's residence, they blocked Keren Hayesod Street in Jerusalem, blocked Paris Square,[69] and from there they went to the Chords Bridge and blocked the entrance to Jerusalem until evening,[70] under the supervision of the police.
With the return of the Knesset to the Winter Session on October 23, 2017, disabled people from 15 organizations[71][72] set up a tent opposite the Knesset, and clashed with its security guards in an attempt to break into the territory of the Knesset. The police closed Kaplan Street to traffic. When Naomi Moravia left the Knesset, the disabled people burst out, shouting at her, and security guards accompanied her out.[73][74] The disabled also blocked the entrances to the Ministry of Finance.[75]
On November 5, 2017, members of "the Disabled Panthers" blocked the entrances and exits at the Haifa Oil Refineries for four and a half hours.[76] The security personnel of the Refineries went out to the protestors with refreshments.[77]
On November 19, 2017, the Disabled people blocked the entrances and exits of the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, when the weekly cabinet meeting was held there, and then blocked the Light rail traffic in Jerusalem.[78]
On November 22, 2017, at seven o'clock in the morning, "the Disabled Panthers" blocked the exits from Bitan's home in Rishon LeZion, in a similar manner to the four beats designed for the disabled. Some residents of the street tried to confront them, and the police forces in the area prevented it.[79][80][81][82] From there, they went to Ben Gurion Airport and blocked the railway.[83] On November 29, 2017, they returned to Bitan's place at 5:40 in the morning, when it was still dark, and met Bitan on his way to his car, because Bitan's driver could not reach him, due to the blocking by the Panthers. Police accompanied Bitan, and the Panthers told Bitan that they would continue to block him and his neighbors until he realized that just a minimum wage would be the pension for all disabled people. Amnon Ben-Ataf followed Bitan, condemned him, told him that he disliked disabled people, and asked how his wife and his daughter could live on 2,400 ILS if they became disabled. Bitan replied to him: "Do not shout in my ear".[84][85] In response, Moravia sent a bouquet of roses to Bitan, wrote: "We are not them", and signed on behalf of her organization's members.[86]
Legislation initiated by the government
On November 25, 2017, the Welfare Minister of Israel Haim Katz announced a bill on his behalf that would be placed on the Government's table. The "Israeli Human Rights Organization of People with Disabilities" responded to Katz's bill, and rejected the non-linkage to the Average Wage in Israel, the lowering of the total amount from 4.2 billion ILS to less than 2 billion ILS, the absence of further increase of the Disregard in 2019, and the absence of further increase of the disability pension.[11] On November 26, 2017, a memorandum of law was published,[64] which was the formal beginning of a legislative initiative initiated by the government for several changes in the disability pension following the agreement between the disability organizations and the government. On the same day, the disabled people demonstrated against Katz's bill, and blocked the light rail in Jerusalem for an hour.[87][88]
On December 5, 2017, at a meeting of the Labor, Welfare and Health Committee in the Knesset, which was headed by MK Eli Alaluf on the bill submitted by MK Gilon,[89][90] a fight broke out between Arik Harari, who opposed the Histadrut's outline, and Ofer Buchnik[30] of the "Israeli Human Rights Organization of People with Disabilities".[91] According to Harari, he responded to the touch of Gabi Hadai from the "Israeli Human Rights Organization" at Simcha Benita, the chairwoman of "Mazor" organization.[92][93] On December 11,2017 Another meeting was held in the Labor, Welfare and Health Committee. At this meeting, MK Moti Yogev of the Jewish Home said that it was absolutely necessary that the Disability Pension would not be affected due to going out of Disabled people to work, alongside the obligation to shorten the stages. MK Abd al-Hakim Hajj Yahya of the Joint List said that disability pensions are a commitment of the state towards its citizens, and the budget of 4.2 billion ILS is not something sacred. He said that the MKs had to check with the Treasury if there was over revenue. By Hajj Yahya, if there was money, the stages' number should be reduced. Eyal Cohen from "the Disabled Panthers" said that he had paid to the National Insurance every month without any stages, and his doctor told him a year ago, that he would have four years to live.[94]
On December 20, 2017, the Knesset approved unanimously in a preliminary vote the bill submitted by MK Mickey Rosenthal supported by Welfare Minister Katz, which would increase the allowance to 4,300 ILS in a gradual process. Katz said that a minimum wage for the disabled people probably would not happen.[95][96] On December 21, 2017, "the Disabled Panthers" arrived at the home of Shai Babad, the Director general of the Finance Ministry, after Katz had said and had denied afterwards, that Babad had asserted that he totally had not cared about the Disabled.[97][98] From Babad, the Panthers moved to Netanyahu in Caesarea, barricaded themselves in front of the house and pasted stickers of "the Disabled Panthers" on the door of his home, on the front door of his parking lot and on the street illumination.[99][100]
On December 29, 2017, Boker announced that on Sunday, December 31, 2017, she would submit her bill to the Ministerial Committee on Legislation for the sixth time. According to Boker, the Ministerial Committee approved the bill and attached it to the government bill.[101] On January 1, 2018, Gilon convened Knesset members from the Coalition and from the Opposition to discuss the absence of legislation by the government, even though the legislative deadline passed.[102]
On January 3, 2018, Netanyahu and Katz announced at a News conference that the disabled would receive an additional 161 ILS in July 2018, in addition to the planned 340 ILS.[103] The Disabled responded by blocking Highway 4 and burning tires,[103] blocking the Golf Junction in Caesarea[104] and blocking the Power station in Hadera.[105] On the same day, Boker's bill passed in a preliminary reading in the Knesset by 86 votes without dissent.[106] In an interview with Israel Hayom, Katz admitted that the additions to the disabled pension were insufficient,[107] and a week later, blamed the Treasury for playing game, and said that Netanyahu did not care about disabled.[108][109] Fridman announced that the government was breaking the agreement and launched a campaign "We will not agree to half an Agreement".[110]
On September 12, 2018, Katz said in the government meeting that the agreement to transfer the National Insurance surplus to the Treasury is canceled. According to article 7 of the agreement, each party may notify the other party in writing, no later than three months prior to the end of a particular financial year, that from the subsequent fiscal year, it is no longer interested in investments under this agreement.[111] The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs told the media that the situation in which the money that was supposed to guarantee the future of the allowances and of the National Insurance Institute, served the current state budget – could not continue. In a reaction, MK Itzik Shmuli said that over the years, the Finance Ministry robbed more than 220 billion ILS from the National Insurance Institute funds. Instead of keeping the money to ensure compliance with obligations, it was burned on the political needs of the governments. This reckless and dangerous behavior has led to a catastrophic situation in which the Institute would not be able to provide the elderly, disabled people and the other eligible people in the future, what they deserved by law.[112][113][114][115][116][117]
Protesting the Government Legislation
File:A Demonstration of Disabled People June 2018 3.webm File:A Demonstration of Disabled People July 2018.webm
On January 8, 2018, Ravit Ben Baruch, a disabled leader, addressed Simhon in her video in Facebook, and told him: "What did you come to tell me? That as long as you could milk me with exorbitant taxes that have no parallel in any civilized country in the world, the arrangement between us worked great. Moreover, I have never earned a minimum wage, so I paid every month very good taxes, assuming naively that it was okay to cut me like it, because it went to families who needed it, but it has not been done. What can I tell you, each one of you? At the moment you would stop being a milking cow, you would have to expect it. This state would strip you of the last dignity which you still had, and would treat you as a beggar at the doorway. From the moment in which he could not suck my blood any longer, I became a burden. A burden on the state coffers. As such, he is sorry to disappoint me, I am not entitled to a pension. I get a handout and I have to thank nicely and shut up. In the sequence of the disgusting nonsense that came out of your mouth, you were right about one thing. There is no university in the world which could teach you what human compassion is. No, sir. You are just a lost cause. And do you know what? I do not need to get excited by you either. Who are you at all? You are just a pathetic little pawn, a spineless marionette which is pulled by strings. You also are not the addressee."[118] On August 15, 2018, Ben Baruch joined "Tnufa Le-Dimona" (Momentum for Dimona), a political party in Dimona which was led by Eli Sagron towards the municipal elections in Israel on October 30, 2018.[119] On October 3, 2018, Ben Baruch joined "Kulanu" in Dimona, which was led by Michal Elmalem Abu,[120][121][122] and Amichai Tamir reacted to it.[123] When a reader, whose name was Eitan Sharon, asked if Kahlon also studied Business administration for burying the disabled people's rights, Ben Baruch replied that four years of her life were wasted in the university, because she could learn better during half a year from her father, who managed a business.[124][125][126]
On January 22, 2018, the "Israeli Human Rights Organization of People with Disabilities" returned and blocked the entrances to the Israel Aerospace Industries,[127] and the port of Ashdod.[128] The organization announced the government's failure to reach the outline which had been agreed in the Histadrut, and the organization's return, after painful compromises and condemnations by other Disabled, to its original demand: a disability pension of a minimum wage in one stage.
On February 12, 2018, the National Insurance Law was approved by the Labor, Welfare and Health Committee, and the disabled people also participated in the committee.[129] The sums set did not meet the requirements of the disabled, but were accepted lawfully by the Knesset plenum on the night of February 12-13.[42] In response, The Disabled Panthers barricaded themselves at the Knesset with other disabled people,[130] and after an agreement with the Knesset officer, they voluntarily left the Knesset.
On May 17, 2018, the Disabled Panthers initiated a new project of serving food to disabled people. As a result, Yonathan Tadmor held a demonstration at the Government Compound in Tel Aviv on May 31, 2018, requesting a Minimum Wage for the Disabled and Elderly people.[131][132][133][134][135] The commander of the Lev Tel Aviv (he) Police station, Commander Shlomi Sagi,[136][137] pushed Yael Nitzav to Ayalon road.[138]
On June 4, 2018, the Disabled Panthers met with Yehuda Doron at the Clalit Health Services Headquarters in Tel Aviv, after the passing away of the Disabled Panther Raanan Kerklies, which had demonstrated against Clalit, demanding a full refund for an ambulance after a dialysis, which he received four times a week.[139][140] After the meeting, the Disabled Panthers went down and blocked the head intersection of Arlosorov and Ibn Gabirol streets in Tel Aviv.[141][142][143]
On June 28, 2018, there were four demonstrations of the disabled people at the same time. The demonstrations were in Haifa in front of Kahlon's house, led by Yonathan Tadmor; in Tel Aviv on Ayalon Highway, led by Eyal Cohen; in Jerusalem near to the Prime Minister's house, led by Ofer Sofer, and in Beersheba at the plaza near Beersheba District Court, led by Ravit Ben Baruch.[144][145]
On July 16, 2018, Tadmor led a meeting of disabled and elderly people at the Yaka square[146] in Jerusalem at 2:00 pm. They blocked mainly the public transportation, served by Egged, allowed some buses to pass from time to time, and blocked the square again, when it was organized mainly by the disabled Arabian Abu Shanab.[147][148] Some Japanese tourists who visited the Knesset, passed by the demonstration and fully recorded it. The disabled blocked also the National Square near the Supreme Court, the Light Rail[149] and the traffic by the Chords Bridge.[150] At 3:25 pm, Ravit Ben Baruch in a white shirt, Hannah Kim, a publicist and a mother of two children with autism, in a black dress, Yael Nitzav with a backpack, and Yaffa Friedman, came in the Knesset and wanted to submit a diploma of disgrace[151] to the Minister of Communications Ayoob Kara and to the rest of the 119 MKs, but a security man forcibly seized the diplomas,[152] banned the entry credentials of the four ladies and deported them out of the Knesset. Before the deportation, Heidi Moses,[153] a daughter of Eliezer Moses,[154][155][156][157][158] asked Ben Baruch why she did not attend the session of "Kulanu" with Kahlon, which was held nearby, and claimed that the diplomas were propaganda papers, and were seized by a decision of The Knesset officer. At the same time, another group of activists of the Likud stood nearby with a paper which praised the Likud, and recorded itself by a video, while the officer in charge looked at it with indifference. Ben Baruch replied Moses that Kahlon returned the disabled people to the roads to fight upon their lives. Moses told Kim that she was ten years in the Knesset and made achievements with Netanyahu. Kim asked Moses why she did not prevent the voting of Netanyahu against the correction of the Surrogacy Law,[159] and Moses called Kim "Darling", claiming that Kim shot the arrows towards the wrong human being.[160]
On August 7, 2018, the Disabled Panthers with additional disabled Israelis, blocked the exits at the Ben Gurion Airport.[161][162][163][164] The police distributed bottles of water to the disabled demonstrators, who protested from 4:00 p.m. until 8:20 p.m., and were filmed and interviewed by all the Israeli television channels, more than once.[165][166][167] Eyal Cohen advertised "The demands of the Panthers in the demonstration at the Ben Gurion Airport:
- It is inconceivable that there are people in the State of Israel who have to choose between food and medicine.
- The State has determined by law that the minimum wage for a dignified life is 5,300 ILS for a healthy person.
- It is impossible that the state would demand from a person to live by a miserable pension, after the state had determined that this person lost the ability to earn a living, and had to get a medical and psychological treatment, or from a person who reached the elderly age. We demand from the government the minimal necessity for living in dignity!
- Before the government wastes billions of Israeli new shekels from the public funds on pointless projects such as submarines, huge salaries for elected officials, and political appointments, we demand the minimum amount for living in dignity for the weakened population.
- Before the Minister of Finance reaches out and takes surplus collection from the National Insurance Institute in the amount of billions ILS in a year, we demand a fair distribution in the sum of the minimum wage for the weakened population.
- Public officials send false and misleading messages to the public by calling the despicable agreement, which was decided unilaterally, "a solemn and historic agreement." The above agreement does not reflect and has no agreement on the part of the organizations of the disabled and the disabled people in the state.
We demand the minimum of 5,300 ILS to live in dignity.
Because the minimum is the living with dignity!"[168]
See Also
- Welfare in Israel
- ↑ Zeev Klein (2017-09-18). "The Ministerial Committee on Legislation approved: The disabled pension will be raised" (in he).
- ↑ Itay Blumental and Omri Efraim (2017-06-13). "Disabled Israelis demonstrating in Tel Aviv: Our war of independence".,7340,L-4975432,00.html.
- ↑ Telem Yahav (2017-08-09). "Disabled protest against NIS 2,342 disability benefits".,7340,L-5000945,00.html.
- ↑ Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 National Insurance Institute of Israel (2018-05-28). "General Information – Minimum Wage".
- ↑ Max Schindler (2017-10-24). "Knesset votes to raise monthly minimum wage to NIS 5,300".
- ↑ Amiram Barkat (2017-10-24). "The minimum wage will be raised by NIS 300 in December, and will rise 23% in three years".
- ↑ Telem Yahav and Gad Lior (2017-10-29). "Minimum wage to rise to NIS 5,300 in December".,7340,L-5035109,00.html.
- ↑ TOI staff (2017-10-30). "Minimum wage rising to NIS 5,300 on December 1".
- ↑ the National Insurance Law in the Hebrew Wikisource.
- ↑ "Knowledge center – Country Database – Israel". 2010. "Benefits are adjusted annually in January according to the increase in the consumer price index in the previous year."
- ↑ Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 Amir Alon (2017-11-26). "Plan adds NIS 1.98 billion in funding for disability pensions".,7340,L-5048224,00.html.
- ↑ Lee Yaron (2017-06-06). "The disabled organizations petitioned the High Court of Justice against the state following the postponement of the increase in allowances". "In 2000, the monthly disability pension stood at 2,239 ILS."
- ↑ Tal Carmon (2017-08-09). "Disability pensions: Burden of proof" (in he). "To the petition were attached data according to which in 2000, the monthly disability pension stood at 2,239 ILS."
- ↑ Shelly Levy, Senior Research Coordinator (2010-11-02). "General Disability Pension in Israel" (in he). pages 8, 4.
- ↑ Amir Alon (2018-06-10). "National Insurance Institute study: Allowances in Israel – one of the lowest in the Western world" (in he).,7340,L-5283551,00.html.
- ↑ Jacques Bendelac (April 2018). "The Social Protection System in Israel and in OECD Countries, 2017" (in he).
- ↑ Moran Azulay (2016-12-09). "Pandemonium in coalition following Knesset vote loss".,7340,L-4890730,00.html.
- ↑ Zvi Zerahia (2016-02-28). "Bill: The disability pension would be doubled to 4,650 ILS" (in he).
- ↑ Moran Azulay (2017-07-31). "Disabled pension increase frozen while Knesset on recess".,7340,L-4996832,00.html.
- ↑ Lee Yaron (2017-05-14). "Monthly Disability Benefits Should Rise to Over $1,000, Israeli Panel Recommends".
- ↑ "Avi Simhon".
- ↑ Adrian Filot (2017-05-10). "Netanyahu decided: A joint committee will determine the addition to the disabled pension" (in he).,7340,L-3712967,00.html.
- ↑ Jump up to: 23.0 23.1 Itay Blumenthal (2017-05-18). "Disabled protest blocks major Tel Aviv intersection". Length 1:19 minutes.,7340,L-4964107,00.html.
- ↑ Hamodia Staff (2017-06-13). "Disabled People Demonstrate for Increased Benefits".
- ↑ Lee Yaron (2017-06-14). "Israeli Panel to Recommend Lower Disability Benefits as Netanyahu Breaks Promise".
- ↑ Globes correspondent (2017-06-22). "Coalition, opposition agree: NIS 4,000 disabled allowance".
- ↑ Omri Efraim (2017-06-21). "Disabled protestors block airport entrance, threaten to set themselves on fire".,7340,L-4978939,00.html.
- ↑ Constructive Criticism 2013 (2017-06-21). "Disabled people blocked the entrance to Ben Gurion Airport for two hours" (in he). Length 7:47 minutes.
- ↑ Lee Yaron and Yaniv Kubovich (2017-06-21). "Disabled Israelis Protest Meager Increase in Benefits, Block Road to Airport".
- ↑ Jump up to: 30.0 30.1 Liran Levy (2017-05-08). "Road to Jerusalem opened after disabled demonstrators block access in protest of low government assistance".,7340,L-4959182,00.html.
- ↑ Aharon Rabinovich, Yotam Berger and Lee Yaron (2017-06-27). "After approval of the limited benefits outline: The disabled blocked the entrance to Jerusalem" (in he).
- ↑ Amir Alon and Raanan Ben Zur (2017-08-22). "Disabled protests: demonstrators block coastal highway near Hadera".,7340,L-5006389,00.html.
- ↑ Amir Alon and Raanan Ben Zur (2017-08-24). "Highway 4 blocked from Geha Interchange towards Givat Shmuel due to disabled people's protest".,7340,L-5007092,00.html.
- ↑ Omri Efraim (2017-09-07). "The Struggle of the Disabled: Protesters blocked Highway 4 in the Sharon area and burned tires" (in he). Length 2:26 minutes.,7340,L-4986547,00.html.
- ↑ Amir Alon (2017-09-24). "Disabled protestors block Coastal Highway".,7340,L-5020083,00.html.
- ↑ Amir Alon (2017-08-13). "Four disabled protesters arrested after assaulting policemen". Length 0:49 minutes, length 0:28 minutes.,7340,L-5002255,00.html.
- ↑ Constructive Criticism 2013 (2018-04-23). "The violent arrest of disabled people in the Ashdod area. The police blocked the convoy of the disabled people to Ashdod at a checkpoint with a police ambush near the Ashdod interchange, and arrested 5 disabled people. Photographed on 2017-08-13" (in he). Length 15:51 minutes.
- ↑ Yaniv Kubovich (2017-09-24). "The Police to the Disabled organizers of the Demonstrations: We will not allow more roadblocks" (in he).
- ↑ Amir Alon (2017-09-27). "Disabled demonstrators clash with police in Herzliya protest". Length 1:46 minutes.,7340,L-5021678,00.html.
- ↑ Lee Yaron (2017-06-06). "The Disabled Organizations petitioned the High Court of Justice against the state, following the postponement of raising the allowances" (in he).
- ↑ Lee Yaron and Yaniv Kubovich (2017-09-25). "Disabled Activists in Israel Block Major Highways in Protest of Stagnant Disability Allowances".
- ↑ Jump up to: 42.0 42.1 TOI staff (2018-02-13). "Knesset raises disability benefits as protesters push for bigger boost".
- ↑ Lee Yaron (2018-06-18). "The High Court of Justice ordered the cancellation of the petition of disability organizations to equalize the disability pension to the minimum wage" (in he).
- ↑ High Court (2018-06-18). "High Court verdict at file 4563/17" (in he).
- ↑ Itay Blumenthal (2017-09-04). "Disabled protesters demonstrate outside Histadrut Labor Federation's offices in Tel Aviv".,7340,L-5011817,00.html.
- ↑ Avi Nissenkorn on Twitter
- ↑ Itay Blumenthal (2017-09-05). "Nissenkorn meets with disabled protestors, assures them Histadrut a full partner".,7340,L-5012498,00.html.
- ↑ Jump up to: 48.0 48.1 The Knesset (2017-09-18). "Special conference: The 261st session of the 20th Knesset. Agenda proposal: The government's maltreatment in the disabled people" (in he).
- ↑ Yair Lapid (2017-09-18). "The struggle of the disabled is justified, there is no one who can argue with this demand. On the moral level. On the practical level. It is impossible to live from 2,342 ILS a month." (in he).
- ↑ Tal Carmon and Nitzan Zvi Cohen (2017-09-27). "The struggle for the Disability Pensions: Working with the Disabled" (in he).
- ↑ Amir Alon (2017-09-29). "Agreement reached, disability pensions will be raised".,7340,L-5022695,00.html.
- ↑ TOI staff (2017-09-29). "After protests, state agrees to up disability benefits to over NIS 4,000".
- ↑ Adrian Filot (2017-10-01). "Avi Simhon on the agreement with the disabled: There is no possibility of committing to the rest of the additions for the years to come" (in he).,7340,L-3722184,00.html.
- ↑ Lahav Harkov (2017-08-19). "What has Israel's Government done for its Citizens lately?". "So, why aren’t a third of government decisions implemented? In short, because of bureaucracy and politics. The expected answer, budgets, is in reality less of a problem, because funding for three years is built into all government planning, as part of a recent Finance Ministry initiative called the numerator."
- ↑ Sarah Levi (2017-10-01). "The fight for Minimum Wage: The battle may be won but the war continues".
- ↑ Jump up to: 56.0 56.1 Amir Alon (2017-10-01). "Disabled Panthers block road over benefits agreement".,7340,L-5023107,00.html.
- ↑ Oren Helman (2017-09-29). "We missed the Integration of People with a Disability at Work" (in he).
- ↑ Eitan Glickman (2017-09-06). "Policewoman feeds disabled protester in touching display of humanity".,7340,L-5013049,00.html.
- ↑ Melanie Roiter (2018-05-23). "Raanan Kerklies 1954–2018".
- ↑ Keren Neubach (2018-05-24). "At this hour Raanan Kerklies is being brought to his rest at the Kiryat Tivon cemetery" (in he).
- ↑ Amir Alon (2017-10-03). "Disabled protest: protesters blocking entry to Ashdod port". 07:40 am.,7340,L-5024160,00.html.
- ↑ Amir Alon (2017-10-03). "Disabled protest: protesters blocking entry to Ashdod port receive traffic tickets". 10:53 am.,7340,L-5024267,00.html.
- ↑ Amir Alon (2017-10-03). "After 5 hours: The Disabled people were evacuated and the Ashdod port was opened" (in he). 11:16 am Length 2:24 minutes.,7340,L-5024211,00.html.
- ↑ Jump up to: 64.0 64.1 Davar1 (2017-10-09). "Equalizing Disability pensions: The Disabled went to Jerusalem" (in he).
- ↑ Amir Alon (2017-10-15). "Disabled Panthers block coastal road to the south".,7340,L-5028401,00.html.
- ↑ Dana Yarkzi (2017-10-15). "At the height of the rush: Activists of the Disabled Protest disrupted the movement in the Netanya area" (in he). Length 0:47 minutes. "For about an hour, the demonstrators disrupted traffic on the highway, which was reduced by the police to two separate routes. Later, the police blocked the road in order to allow the demonstrators to return to the starting point at the gas station near the Netanya interchange."
- ↑ TOI staff (2017-10-18). "Socialite stuns disabled-rights protester by handing her a wad of cash". Length 1:20 minutes.
- ↑ Allison Kaplan Sommer (2017-10-19). "The Controversial Celebrity Socialite Who Lives Large With the Netanyahus". Length 1:20 minutes.
- ↑ Amir Alon (2017-10-17). "Disabled protest: Jerusalem's Paris Square blocked by protestors". 4:33 pm.,7340,L-5029878,00.html.
- ↑ Amir Alon (2017-10-17). "Disabled protest: Exit and entrance to Jerusalem blocked near Chords Bridge". 6:23 pm.,7340,L-5029929,00.html.
- ↑ Yisrael Price (2017-10-22). "Ben Gurion Airport Next Target of Disabled Protest Campaign".
- ↑ Amir Alon (2017-10-23). "Disabled objecting to deal with government threaten to shut down Ben Gurion Airport".,7340,L-5032254,00.html.
- ↑ Sarah Levi (2017-10-23). "Pitching a tent for Justice: Disabled Israelis continue protests for livable wage".
- ↑ Amir Alon (2017-10-23). "The Disabled set up a protest tent in front of the Knesset: Planning a day of rage" (in he).,7340,L-5032438,00.html.
- ↑ Hagai Amit (2017-10-25). "Protest of the Disabled: Protesters Block Access to the Ministry of Finance" (in he).
- ↑ Amir Alon (2017-11-05). "The Disabled people blocked the entrance to the Refineries for 4.5 hours" (in he). Length 2:55 minutes.,7340,L-5038494,00.html.
- ↑ The men of silence (2017-11-05). "The security personnel of the ORL (Oil Refineries Ltd) went out to the protesters of the Disabled Panthers with refreshments" (in he). Length 0:14 minutes.
- ↑ Amir Alon and Yishai Porat (2017-11-19). "The roadblocks are back: Disabled people demonstrated at the entrance to Jerusalem and stopped the light rail traffic" (in he). Length 1:23 minutes.,7340,L-5044984,00.html.
- ↑ TOI STAFF (2017-11-22). "Disabled activists block lawmaker’s street".
- ↑ Constructive Criticism 2013 (2017-11-22). "The Disabled Panthers in the first-time blocking in front of the David Bitan House in Rishon LeZion" (in he). Length 6:11 minutes.
- ↑ Constructive Criticism 2013 (2017-11-22). "The Disabled Panthers in a second-stage blocking in front of the David Bitan House" (in he). Length 6:27 minutes.
- ↑ Constructive Criticism 2013 (2017-11-22). "The Disabled Panthers in a third blocking in front of the David Bitan House" (in he). Length 5:27 minutes.
- ↑ Constructive Criticism 2013 (2017-11-22). "Disabled on the railway line east of Ben Gurion Airport" (in he). Length 2:33 minutes.
- ↑ TOI staff (2017-11-29). "Disabled activists block coalition whip David Bitan’s street".
- ↑ Five with Rafi Reshef (2017-11-29). "The disabled man who cursed coalition chairman Bitan: I spoke from the blood of my heart" (in he). Length 6:10 minutes.
- ↑ David Bitan (2017-12-01). "Shabbat Shalom to the whole Nation of Israel (Receiving a bouquet of roses from Moravia)" (in he).
- ↑ Amir Alon (2017-11-27). "The Disabled oppose the new bill: We shall protest in a way which has not yet been looked alike" (in he). Length 0:31 minutes.,7340,L-5048252,00.html.
- ↑ Constructive Criticism 2013 (2017-11-26). "Blocking the Light Rail for about an hour: Tough traffic disruptions on Sunday 2018-11-26. the Disabled people demand Disability Pension at the Minimum Wage level now" (in he). Length 4:55 minutes. "Ofer Sofer: We demand the Minimum Wage and shall not give up. We will continue and will do it the whole week and the whole month, every day, every day. We shall not stop, shall not stop."
- ↑ The MKs Karin Elharar, Dov Khenin, Yael German, Michal Rozin, Issawi Frej, Omer Bar-Lev and Tamar Zandberg have joined Gilon's bill, and two additional suitable bills were discussed
- ↑ The Knesset (2017-12-05). "Protocol No. 649 From the meeting of the Labor, Welfare and Health Committee" (in he).
- ↑ The Knesset (2017-12-05). "Protocol No. 649 From the meeting of the Labor, Welfare and Health Committee" (in he). Pages 42–48. In bold letters: "One of the Disabled strikes another Disabled. Shouts and noise in the committee room. The guards stop the brawl".
- ↑ Yishai Porat and Amir Alon (2017-12-05). "The beatings in the Knesset: They tied my hands, I became a ninja" (in he). Length 1:37 minutes.,7340,L-5052293,00.html.
- ↑ TOI staff (2017-12-05). "Disabled activist stabs rival with a pen in Knesset brawl". Length 0:23 minutes.
- ↑ The Knesset (2017-12-11). "Protocol No. 650 From the meeting of the Labor, Welfare and Health Committee" (in he).
- ↑ Zeev Klein (2017-12-20). "Gained preliminary approval: Disability Pension would rise to 4,300 ILS" (in he).
- ↑ Tal Carmon (2017-12-20). "Promises have to be fulfilled: The increase in the Disability Pensions was preliminarily approved" (in he).
- ↑ Dana Yarkzi (2017-12-21). "Disabled protest: Demonstrators protested near the house of the Ministry of Finance Director" (in he).
- ↑ Constructive Criticism 2013 (2017-12-21). "Protest of the Disabled: Demonstrators outside the home of Shai Babad, Director General of the Finance Ministry, in Hod Hasharon" (in he). Length 4:44 minutes.
- ↑ Amir Alon (2017-12-22). "Protest of the Disabled: about 20 protesters are barricaded at the entrance to Netanyahu's residence in Caesarea" (in he).,7340,L-5060468,00.html.
- ↑ Constructive Criticism 2013 (2017-12-22). "In front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's residence in Caesarea" (in he). Length 6:10 minutes.
- ↑ Nava Boker (2017-12-29). "On Sunday I will raise at the Ministerial Committee on Legislation for the sixth time my bill raising the Disabled allowances to the Minimum Wage" (in he).
- ↑ Tal Carmon (2018-01-01). "The Disability Allowances: Will the legislators do a strike?" (in he).
- ↑ Jump up to: 103.0 103.1 Yael Friedson and Amir Alon (2018-01-03). "Netanyahu presents plan to increase disability benefits".,7340,L-5065870,00.html.
- ↑ Amir Alon (2018-01-03). "Documented Confrontation: Urban Inspectors on a Disabled Protester in Caesarea" (in he). Length 1:40 minutes, length 0:42 minutes (Netanyahu).,7340,L-5065822,00.html.
- ↑ Amir Alon (2018-01-03). "The protest of the Disabled: The entrances and exits from the Hadera Power Plant were blocked for about an hour" (in he).,7340,L-5065955,00.html.
- ↑ Nava Boker (2018-01-03). "My bill to raise the allowances for Disabled people was passed today in a preliminary reading by a majority of 86 MKs and without opponents" (in he). Length 2:00 minutes.
- ↑ Zeev Klein (2018-01-07). "Minister Katz admits that the additions to the disabled are insufficient" (in he).
- ↑ Amir Alon and Alexandra Lukash (2018-01-15). "Katz, Treasury playing blame game over disability benefits delay".,7340,L-5071518,00.html.
- ↑ Amir Alon (2018-01-18). "Katz to disabled: PM Netanyahu does not care about you".,7340,L-5073131,00.html.
- ↑ Amir Alon (2018-01-11). "Disabled people launch a Campaign: Netanyahu did not stand the word" (in he). Length 0:42 minutes.,7340,L-5069527,00.html.
- ↑ "The agreement on October 19, 1980, between the Government of Israel and the National Insurance Institute" (in he). The surpluses would be invested in Israeli governmental bonds – Ebal (5.5% per year) and Gerizim (5% per year), which would be sold to the National Insurance Institute only. 2018-09-12.
- ↑ Lee Yaron (2018-09-12). "For First Time Since 1980, Israel's National Insurance Institute Won’t Give Surplus to Treasury".
- ↑ Eytan Halon (2018-09-14). "National Insurance Institute ends transfer of surplus funds to government: MK Itzik Shmuli (Zionist Union) welcomed the cancellation of the long-standing agreement and strongly condemned the government’s waste of the NII’s surplus funds". "MK Ilan Gilon (Meretz) also praised the end of the agreement."
- ↑ Shachar Ilan (2018-09-12). "Katz to Netanyahu and Kahlon: The agreement to transfer National Insurance surplus to Treasury is canceled" (in he).,7340,L-3745968,00.html.
- ↑ Amir Alon (2018-07-29). "National Insurance Institute may go bankrupt in 19 years".,7340,L-5318949,00.html.
- ↑ Amir Alon (2018-09-12). "Minister of Social Affairs: Stop transferring surplus collection from the National Insurance to the State" (in he).,7340,L-5348584,00.html.
- ↑ Haim Katz (2018-09-14). "In order to prevent the funding of current government expenses on account of your allowances, I decided to cancel an agreement since 1980 which determined that the surplus collection of the National Insurance Institute would be automatically transferred to the Treasury" (in he). Length 4:53 minutes.
- ↑ Ravit Ben Baruch (2018-02-06). "A monolog of Ravit Ben Baruch to the Elected Officials and to the whole Nation about the Struggle" (in he). Length 10:59 minutes.
- ↑ Eli Sagron (2018-08-15). "A post of Sagron about Ben Baruch's joining" (in he). "I am pleased to announce and welcome the joining of Ravit Ben Baruch to "Tnufa Le-Dimona" party."
- ↑ Ravit Ben Baruch (2018-10-21). "In Dimona, From left to right: Roy Folkman, MK of Kulanu; Moshe Kahlon, Minister of Finance from Kulanu; Michal Elmalem Abu, a candidate for Dimona municipality from Kulanu".
- ↑ Doron Levy (2018-10-03). "In our time we vote Kulanu" (in he).
- ↑ Kulanu Dimona (2018-10-03). "Ravit Ben Baruch, forty year old, a mother of a five year old daughter" (in he).
- ↑ Amichai Tamir (2018-10-21). "Roy and Yifat supported the comparison of the Disability Pension to the Minimum Wage. Unfortunately, only Kahlon determines in the Kulanu party, which has a few good MKs and a bad party leader!".
- ↑ Ravit Ben Baruch (2018-10-04). "If you ask me, four years of my life were wasted in the university" (in he).
- ↑ Ravit Ben Baruch (2018-10-05). "Get in my... and take a number, because there is a long queue" (in he).
- ↑ Ravit Ben Baruch (2018-10-05). "It is already quite clear that I am not a politician and there is no chance that I will ever be, even if I really try, and that is what is, for better and for worse" (in he).
- ↑ Amir Alon and Itay Blumenthal (2018-01-22). "Returned to the roads: The Disabled blocked the entrance to Ben Gurion Airport" (in he). Length 1:27 minutes.,7340,L-5074361,00.html.
- ↑ The Headquarters of the Struggle (2018-01-22). "Obstacle in the Ashdod port – Disability pension at the Minimum Wage level and one beat" (in he). Length 4:21 minutes.
- ↑ The Knesset (2018-02-12). "Protocol No. 704 From the meeting of the Labor, Welfare and Health Committee" (in he).
- ↑ Amir Alon (2018-02-13). "Knesset passes bill to raise disability benefits, disabled object".,7340,L-5111626,00.html.
- ↑ Lee Yaron (2018-05-31). "200 Disabled Protesters Block Tel Aviv's Ayalon Highway Demanding Livable Allowance".
- ↑ CPI (2018-05-31). "Disabled and Pensioner Protesters Block Major Tel Aviv Highway".
- ↑ Yuval Bagno (2018-05-31). "The protest of the disabled is renewed: roads will be blocked in front of the Government Complex in Tel Aviv" (in he).
- ↑ Amir Alon (2018-05-31). "Demonstration of disabled and elderly: Ayalon South was blocked for about an hour" (in he). Length 2:47 minutes, length 0:49 minutes.,7340,L-5275728,00.html. "Ronit Tzarfati, one of the leaders of the disabled protest: We returned to the roads because after 16 years of abuse, we received pennies. We demand a pension at a Minimum Wage level. We are not negotiating and will not give up."
- ↑ Dana Yarkzi (2018-05-31). "150 Disabled and Elderly people demonstrated in Tel Aviv and blocked roads" (in he).
- ↑ Shlomi Sagi on Facebook.
- ↑ Morning News System (2018-03-04). "The police on the drunk boys on Purim: It is not an unusual event, it is important that the parents would be involved" (in he). Length 7:01 minutes, Sagi is interviewed from minute 0:56 and on.
- ↑ Constructive Criticism 2013 (2018-05-31). "Disabled people are blocking Ayalon Highway" (in he). Length 5:34 minutes. At minute 4:40 Commander Shlomi Sagi pushed Yael Nitzav to the road.
- ↑ Amir Alon (2018-02-07). "An amputee hunger striker: 3,000 ILS for an ambulance per month is a death sentence" (in he). Length 6:41 minutes.,7340,L-5097524,00.html.
- ↑ Tzeira Nachmias (2018-06-04). "The Disabled Panthers on the 7th floor of the Clalit executive in Tel Aviv" (in he). Length 3:20 minutes.
- ↑ Itay Blumental (2018-06-04). "Disabled protesters block central junction in Tel Aviv".,7340,L-5278485,00.html.
- ↑ Itay Blumental (2018-06-04). "Disabled protesters blocked a central junction in Tel Aviv" (in he). Length 7:22 minutes.,7340,L-5278454,00.html.
- ↑ Constructive Criticism 2013 (2018-06-04). "The Disabled protest here in Tel Aviv" (in he). Length 8:34 minutes.
- ↑ TOI staff (2018-06-28). "Disabled protesters block major TA highway demanding benefits increase". Length 0:23 minutes.
- ↑ Tal Carmon (2018-06-28). "Returning to the streets: The disabled and the elderly demonstrated in Beer Sheva, Haifa, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv" (in he). Length 0:41 minutes.
- ↑ Laju Paul (2012-01-06). "Through the Land of Israel III: Yaka Square at the intersection of Kaplan and Rothschild streets, Jerusalem".
- ↑ Abu Shanab on Facebook.
- ↑ Tal Carmon (2018-07-16). "Demand justice: "not rich in money, rich in spirit"" (in he).
- ↑ Constructive Criticism 2013 (2018-07-17). "The Light Rail traffic was disrupted due to the demonstration of the disabled people in Jerusalem for about an hour 2018-07-16" (in he). Length 5:29 minutes.
- ↑ Constructive Criticism 2013 (2018-07-17). "The difficult traffic disruptions at the entrance to Jerusalem near The Chords Bridge: the disabled block the heart of the Jerusalem City 2018-07-16" (in he). Length 8:50 minutes.
- ↑ Michal Hason (2018-07-13). "A Disgrace Diploma" (in he).
- ↑ Yaffa Friedman (2018-07-16). "Submitting disgrace diplomas to Israeli MKs" (in he). Length 3:03 minutes.
- ↑ Heidi Moses on Facebook.
- ↑ Yaakov Grodka (2017-01-30). "Committee member MK Moses slapped the cheek of the secretary of the Yeshivot Association Shlomo Brilliant, following his anger that he had not received a number of documents on the subject" (in he). Length 0:29 minutes.
- ↑ TOI staff (2018-05-06). "MK’s grandson caught at Ben Gurion Airport smuggling cocaine".
- ↑ YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem (2018-05-09). "Update on Grandson of Chareidi MK who was caught with millions in Cocaine at Ben Gurion Airport". "A daughter of MK Menachem Eliezer Moses, Heidy, tells Kan News that she has no doubt that Baruch Klein, the 22-year-old grandson of MK Moses, is covering up for someone "as that is his nature", indicating that he alone would never be involved in such an act and he is clearly unwilling to speak."
- ↑ Gilad Morag (2018-05-10). "Grandson of United Torah Judaism MK indicted for smuggling cocaine".,7340,L-5256525,00.html.
- ↑ Gilad Morag (2018-05-10). "The cocaine was hidden in the side the suitcase as well as in wine bottles (Photo: Israel Police's Spokesperson)" (in he). Length 0:58 minutes.
- ↑ Jeremy Sharon and Jonathan Weber Rosen (2018-07-18). "Gay couples denied right to surrogacy in new law".
- ↑ Heidi Moses (2018-07-19). "Moses's reply to Kim" (in he).
- ↑ Amir Alon (2018-08-07). "Disabled protest blocks Ben Gurion airport".,7340,L-5324392,00.html.
- ↑ TOI staff (2018-08-07). "Disabled protesters snarl car traffic at Ben Gurion Airport".
- ↑ Dror Halavy (2018-08-07). "Disabled Take Protests to the Air(Port)".
- ↑ Arutz Sheva Staff (2018-08-07). "Disabled protesters block Ben Gurion Airport". Length 0:12 minutes.
- ↑ Rafi Reshef (2018-08-07). "Five with Rafi Reshef". From the beginning to minute 3:19, from minute 23:52 to minute 25:30, and from minute 36:38 to minute 37:37.
- ↑ Lucy Aharish (2018-08-07). "Conversation of the day Season 3 Episode 70". From minute 8:26 to minute 12:16.
- ↑ Israel Television News Company (2018-08-07). "The main edition news with Dana Weiss". From minute 11:32 to minute 12:48.
- ↑ Eyal Cohen (2018-08-10). "The demands of the Panthers in the demonstration at the Ben Gurion Airport" (in he).
External links
- Annual Report of the National Insurance Institute in 2016, Chapter 3: General Disability Pension (Hebrew)
A night interview with Iris Haya Zigdon in the tent in Jerusalem, on Avi Shikva's Facebook page, October 25, 2017, Length 30:48 minutes (Hebrew)
- Sarah Levi, The disabled protests hit the Prime Minister's the office, The Jerusalem Post, 29 October 2017 (English)
- Sefi Krupsky, Linoy Bar Geffen on life with a long-term care partner: "You need to be a millionaire to make payments", Calcalist website, November 20, 2017 (Hebrew)
The system with Miki Haimovich, Season 5 Episode 3: "the Disabled Panthers", 02 January 2018, Length 51:59 minutes (Hebrew)
200 billion ILS of National Insurance Institute money, which you paid for your entire life, was transferred to the state coffers on the Facebook page of Mickey Rosenthal, January 23, 2018, Length 1:02 minutes (Hebrew)