Module:Cite LSA
From HandWiki
Implements {{Cite LSA}}
local p = {} function p.cite(frame) local pframe = frame:getParent() local config = frame.args local args = pframe.args local authorfirst = {} local authorlast = {} local editorfirst = {} local editorlast = {} local title = args.title local journal = args.journal local chapter = args.chapter local series = args.seriestitle or args.series local year = args.year local volume = args.volume local edition = args.edition local pages = args.pages local publisher = args.publisher local author = args.last local url = args.url local doi = args.doi if doi ~= nil then url=''..doi end local accessdate = args.accessdate local editorlist = nil local place = local citation = nil argTable = {title,journal,chapter,series, year, volume, edition,pages,publisher,editors,place} for k,v in pairs(args) do if string.find(k, "first") ~= nil then if string.find(k, "%d") ~= nil then i,j = string.find(k, "%d") num = string.sub(k,i,j) num = tonumber(num) else num = 1 end if string.find(k, "editor") ~= nil then editorfirst[num] = v else authorfirst[num] = v end elseif string.find(k, "last") ~= nil then if string.find(k, "%d") ~= nil then i,j = string.find(k, "%d") num = string.sub(k,i,j) num = tonumber(num) else num = 1 end if string.find(k, "editor") ~= nil then editorlast[num] = v else authorlast[num] = v end end end if table.getn(authorlast) < 1 and publisher ~= nil then authorlist="<span class=\"smallcaps\" style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">" .. publisher .. "</span>. " author="" elseif table.getn(authorlast) > 0 then alimit = table.getn(authorlast) for i,v in ipairs(authorlast) do if i == 1 then authorlist = "<span class=\"smallcaps\" style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">" .. authorlast[1] .. ", " .. authorfirst[1] .. "</span>" elseif i > 1 and i <= alimit then authorlist = authorlist .. "<span class=\"smallcaps\" style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">" .. authorfirst[i] .. " " .. authorlast[i] .. "</span>" end if i+1 == alimit then authorlist = authorlist .. ", and " elseif alimit == 1 then authorlist = authorlist .. ". " elseif alimit > 2 and i ~= alimit then authorlist = authorlist .. "; " elseif i == alimit then authorlist = authorlist .. ". " end end end if editorlast ~= {} then editorlist = "" elimit = table.getn(editorlast) for i,v in ipairs(editorlast) do editorlist = editorlist .. editorfirst[i] .. " " .. editorlast[i] if i+1 == elimit and editorlist ~= " " then editorlist = editorlist .. ", and " elseif elimit > i and editorlist ~= " " then editorlist = editorlist .. ", " end end if editorlist == "" or editorlist == " " then editorlist = "" end end if author ~= nil then authorlist = authorlist .. year .. ". " elseif author == nil then authorlist = "<span style=\"color:#F00\">Missing author name</span>" .. year .. ". " end if journal ~= nil then if url ~= nil then if accessdate ~= nil then citation = authorlist .. "[" .. url .. " " .. title .. "]. \'\'" .. journal .. "\'\' " .. volume .. ". " .. pages .. ". Accessed " .. accessdate .. "." else citation = authorlist .. "[" .. url .. " " .. title .. "]. \'\'" .. journal .. "\'\' " .. volume .. ". " .. pages .. "." end else citation = authorlist .. title .. ". \'\'" .. journal .. "\'\' " .. volume .. ". " .. pages .. ". " end elseif journal == nil then if chapter ~= nil then if url ~= nil then citation = authorlist .. "[" .. url .. " " .. chapter .. "]." else citation = authorlist .. chapter .. ". " end if title ~= nil then citation = citation .. "\'\'" .. title .. "\'\'" if editorlist ~= nil and editorlist ~= "" then citation = citation .. " ed. by " .. editorlist end if pages ~= nil then citation = citation .. ", " .. pages .. ". " else citation = citation .. ". " end if edition ~= nil and volume ~= nil then citation = citation .. edition .. ", " .. volume .. "; " elseif edition ~= nil and volume == nil then citation = citation .. edition .. "; " elseif edition == nil and volume ~= nil then citation = citation .. volume .. "; " end if series ~= nil then citation = citation .. "(" .. series .. "). " end if place ~= nil and publisher ~= nil then citation = citation .. place .. ": " .. publisher .. "." elseif place ~= nil and publisher == nil then citation = citation .. place .. "." elseif place == nil and publisher ~= nil then citation = citation .. publisher .. "." end if url ~= nil then if accessdate ~= nil then citation = citation .. " Accessed " .. accessdate .. ". " end end end else if title ~= nil then if url ~= nil then citation = authorlist .. "\'\'[" .. url .. " " .. title .. "]\'\'" else citation = authorlist .. "\'\'" .. title .. "\'\'" end if editorlist ~= nil and editorlist ~= "" then citation = citation .. ", ed. by " .. editorlist end if pages ~= nil then citation = citation .. ", " .. pages .. ". " else citation = citation .. ". " end if edition ~= nil and volume ~= nil then citation = citation .. edition .. ", " .. volume .. "; " elseif edition ~= nil and volume == nil then citation = citation .. edition .. "; " elseif edition == nil and volume ~= nil then citation = citation .. volume .. "; " end if series ~= nil then citation = citation .. "(" .. series .. "). " end if place ~= nil and publisher ~= nil then citation = citation .. place .. ": " .. publisher .. "." elseif place ~= nil and publisher == nil then citation = citation .. place .. "." elseif place == nil and publisher ~= nil then citation = citation .. publisher .. "." end if url ~= nil then if accessdate ~= nil then citation = citation .. " Accessed " .. accessdate .. "." end end end end end return citation end return p