From HandWiki
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:TNT/doc
-- -- INTRO: (!!! DO NOT RENAME THIS PAGE !!!) -- This module allows any template or module to be copy/pasted between -- wikis without any translation changes. All translation text is stored -- in the global Data:*.tab pages on Commons, and used everywhere. -- -- SEE: -- -- ATTENTION: -- Please do NOT rename this module - it has to be identical on all wikis. -- This code is maintained at -- Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes. -- Suggestions can be made at -- -- DESCRIPTION: -- The "msg" function uses a Commons dataset to translate a message -- with a given key (e.g. source-table), plus optional arguments -- to the wiki markup in the current content language. -- Use lang=xx to set language. Example: -- -- {{#invoke:TNT | msg -- | I18n/ <!-- --> -- | source-table <!-- uses a translation message with id = "source-table" --> -- | param1 }} <!-- optional parameter --> -- -- -- The "doc" function will generate the <templatedata> parameter documentation for templates. -- This way all template parameters can be stored and localized in a single Commons dataset. -- NOTE: "doc" assumes that all documentation is located in Data:Templatedata/* on Commons. -- -- {{#invoke:TNT | doc | Graph:Lines }} -- uses -- if the current page is Template:Graph:Lines/doc -- local p = {} local i18nDataset = 'I18n/' -- Forward declaration of the local functions local sanitizeDataset, loadData, link, formatMessage function p.msg(frame) local dataset, id local params = {} local lang = nil for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do if k == 1 then dataset = mw.text.trim(v) elseif k == 2 then id = mw.text.trim(v) elseif type(k) == 'number' then table.insert(params, mw.text.trim(v)) elseif k == 'lang' and v ~= '_' then lang = mw.text.trim(v) end end return formatMessage(dataset, id, params, lang) end -- Identical to p.msg() above, but used from other lua modules -- Parameters: name of dataset, message key, optional arguments -- Example with 2 params: format('I18n/Module:TNT', 'error_bad_msgkey', 'my-key', 'my-dataset') function p.format(dataset, key, ...) local checkType = require('libraryUtil').checkType checkType('format', 1, dataset, 'string') checkType('format', 2, key, 'string') return formatMessage(dataset, key, {...}) end -- Identical to p.msg() above, but used from other lua modules with the language param -- Parameters: language code, name of dataset, message key, optional arguments -- Example with 2 params: formatInLanguage('es', I18n/Module:TNT', 'error_bad_msgkey', 'my-key', 'my-dataset') function p.formatInLanguage(lang, dataset, key, ...) local checkType = require('libraryUtil').checkType checkType('formatInLanguage', 1, lang, 'string') checkType('formatInLanguage', 2, dataset, 'string') checkType('formatInLanguage', 3, key, 'string') return formatMessage(dataset, key, {...}, lang) end -- Obsolete function that adds a 'c:' prefix to the first param. -- "Sandbox/" -> 'c:Data:Sandbox/' function return link(frame.args[1]) end function p.doc(frame) local dataset = 'Templatedata/' .. sanitizeDataset(frame.args[1]) return frame:extensionTag('templatedata', p.getTemplateData(dataset)) .. formatMessage(i18nDataset, 'edit_doc', {link(dataset)}) end function p.getTemplateData(dataset) -- TODO: add '_' parameter once lua starts reindexing properly for "all" languages local data = loadData(dataset) local names = {} for _, field in pairs(data.schema.fields) do table.insert(names, end local params = {} local paramOrder = {} for _, row in pairs( do local newVal = {} local name = nil for pos, val in pairs(row) do local columnName = names[pos] if columnName == 'name' then name = val else newVal[columnName] = val end end if name then params[name] = newVal table.insert(paramOrder, name) end end -- Work around json encoding treating {"1":{...}} as an [{...}] params['zzz123']='' local json = mw.text.jsonEncode({ params=params, paramOrder=paramOrder, description=data.description }) json = string.gsub(json,'"zzz123":"",?', "") return json end -- Local functions sanitizeDataset = function(dataset) if not dataset then return nil end dataset = mw.text.trim(dataset) if dataset == '' then return nil elseif string.sub(dataset,-4) ~= '.tab' then return dataset .. '.tab' else return dataset end end loadData = function(dataset, lang) dataset = sanitizeDataset(dataset) if not dataset then error(formatMessage(i18nDataset, 'error_no_dataset', {})) end -- Give helpful error to thirdparties who try and copy this module. if not mw.ext or not or not then error('Missing JsonConfig extension; Cannot load' .. dataset) end local data =, lang) if data == false then if dataset == i18nDataset then -- Prevent cyclical calls error('Missing Commons dataset ' .. i18nDataset) else error(formatMessage(i18nDataset, 'error_bad_dataset', {link(dataset)})) end end return data end -- Given a dataset name, convert it to a title with the 'commons:data:' prefix link = function(dataset) return 'c:Data:' .. mw.text.trim(dataset or '') end formatMessage = function(dataset, key, params, lang) for _, row in pairs(loadData(dataset, lang).data) do local id, msg = unpack(row) if id == key then local result = mw.message.newRawMessage(msg, unpack(params or {})) return result:plain() end end if dataset == i18nDataset then -- Prevent cyclical calls error('Invalid message key "' .. key .. '"') else error(formatMessage(i18nDataset, 'error_bad_msgkey', {key, link(dataset)})) end end return p