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local export = {} local wikilispversion = "0.18 (February 14, 2017)" --[[ some basic abstractions ]] local function stype( x ) -- type of sexpr local t = type( x ) if t == "table" then t = x.type end return t end local function seterr( x, ... ) if type(x) ~= "table" then return seterr( {}, x, ... ) else x.type = "error" x.msg = mw.ustring.format( ... ) return x end end --[[ parse text to a sequence of sexprs ]] local function tok3( ls, t ) -- tokenize lua string t, with no string literals comments or parens; -- append to ls local p1,p2 = mw.ustring.find( t, "[^%s]+" ) while p1 ~= nil do local t1 = mw.ustring.sub(t, p1, p2) local n1 = tonumber(t1) if n1 ~= nil then ls[1 + #ls] = n1 elseif t1 == "true" then ls[1 + #ls] = true elseif t1 == "false" then ls[1 + #ls] = false else ls[1 + #ls] = { type = "symbol", name = t1 } end t = mw.ustring.sub(t, (p2 + 1)) p1,p2 = mw.ustring.find( t, "[^%s]+" ) end end local function tok2( ls, t ) -- tokenize lua string t, with no string literals or comments; append to ls local p1 = mw.ustring.find( t, "[()\\]" ) while p1 ~= nil do tok3( ls, mw.ustring.sub(t, 1, (p1 - 1)) ) ls[1 + #ls] = { type = mw.ustring.sub(t, p1, p1) } if ls[#ls].type == "\\" then ls[#ls].name = ls[#ls].type ls[#ls].type = "symbol" end t = mw.ustring.sub(t, (p1 + 1)) p1 = mw.ustring.find( t, "[()\\]" ) end tok3( ls, t ) end local function tok1( ls, t ) -- tokenize lua string t, thru first string literal or comment; append to ls -- if not finished, append untokenized remainder string and return true local p0 = mw.ustring.find( t, ';' ) local p1 = mw.ustring.find( t, '"' ) local p2 = mw.ustring.find( t, "'" ) if (p0 ~= nil) and (((p1 == nil) or (p0 < p1)) and ((p2 == nil) or (p0 < p2))) then tok2( ls, mw.ustring.sub( t, 1, (p0 - 1) ) ) p1 = mw.ustring.find( t, '\n', (p0 + 1) ) if p1 == nil then return false else ls[1 + #ls] = mw.ustring.sub( t, (p1 + 1) ) return true end elseif (p1 ~= nil) and ((p2 == nil) or (p1 < p2)) then p2 = p1 + 1 while true do p2 = mw.ustring.find( t, '"', p2 ) if p2 == nil then seterr(ls, 'mismatched string-literal delimiter (")') return false elseif (p2 < mw.ustring.len( t )) and (mw.ustring.codepoint( t, (p2 + 1) ) == 34) then p2 = (p2 + 2) else tok2( ls, mw.ustring.sub( t, 1, (p1 - 1) ) ) ls[1 + #ls] = mw.ustring.gsub( mw.ustring.sub( t, (p1 + 1), (p2 - 1) ), '""', '"') ls[1 + #ls] = mw.ustring.sub( t, (p2 + 1) ) return true end end elseif p2 ~= nil then -- side benefit: precludes Lisp shorthand for "suppress eval" p1 = p2 p2 = mw.ustring.find( t, "'", (p1 + 1) ) if p2 == nil then seterr(ls, "mismatched string-literal delimiter (')") return false else tok2( ls, mw.ustring.sub( t, 1, (p1 - 1) ) ) ls[1 + #ls] = mw.ustring.sub( t, (p1 + 1), (p2 - 1) ) ls[1 + #ls] = mw.ustring.sub( t, (p2 + 1) ) return true end else tok2( ls, t ) return false end end local function parse_next( x1, p1, x2 ) -- parse one sexpr from token list x1 position p1, append sexpr to p2 -- return new value for p1 if stype(x1[p1]) == ")" then seterr(x2, "unmatched right-paren") return 1 + #x1 elseif stype(x1[p1]) ~= "(" then x2[1 + #x2] = x1[p1] return p1 + 1 else p1 = p1 + 1 local x3 = { type = "list" } x2[1 + #x2] = x3 while p1 <= #x1 do if stype(x1[p1]) == ")" then return p1 + 1 end p1 = parse_next( x1, p1, x3 ) end seterr(x2, "unmatched left-paren") return p1 end end local function parse_sexpr( x1 ) -- x1 is an error or a list of tokens if x1.type ~= "list" then return x1 else local p1 = 1 --next item to read from x1 local x2 = { type = "list" } while p1 <= #x1 do p1 = parse_next( x1, p1, x2 ) end return x2 end end local function text_to_sexpr( t ) local ls = { type = "list" } while tok1( ls, t ) do t = ls[#ls] ls[#ls] = nil end ls = parse_sexpr( ls ) return ls end --[[ write/display a sexpr ]] local function write_sexpr( x ) if type(x) == "number" then return tostring( x ) elseif type(x) == "string" then return mw.ustring.format('"%s"', mw.ustring.gsub( x, '"', '""' )) elseif type(x) == "boolean" then if x then return "true" else return "false" end elseif type(x) ~= "table" then return mw.ustring.format("<unrecognized internal type: %s>", type(x)) elseif x.type == "symbol" then return elseif x.type == "fn" then return mw.ustring.format("<%s>", write_sexpr( x.comb )) elseif x.type == "op" then if ~= nil then return mw.ustring.format("[op: %s]", else return "[op]" end elseif x.type == "list" then local r = {} r[1] = "(" for k = 1, #x do r[k+1] = write_sexpr( x[k] ) end r[#r + 1] = ")" return table.concat(r, " ") elseif x.type == "error" then return mw.ustring.format("<error: %s>", x.msg) elseif x.type == "pattern" then return mw.ustring.format('<pattern: "%s">', x.pat) elseif x.type ~= nil then return mw.ustring.format("<unrecognized type: %s>", x.type) else return "<missing type>" end end local function display_sexpr( x ) if stype(x) == "string" then return x else return write_sexpr( x ) end end --[[ evaluation tools ]] local maxdepth = 4 -- maximum call-nesting depth local combine local function eval( x, env, depth ) if type(x) ~= "table" then -- literal return x elseif x.type == "symbol" then local v = env[] if v == nil then return seterr("undefined symbol: %s", else return v end elseif x.type ~= "list" then -- literal return x elseif #x == 0 then -- empty list return x else -- combination local c = eval( x[1], env, depth ) if stype(c) == "error" then return c end local ls = { type = "list" } for k = 2, #x do ls[k - 1] = x[k] end return combine( c, ls, env, depth ) end end combine = function( c, ls, env, depth ) while stype(c) == "fn" do local ls2 = { type = "list" } for k = 1, #ls do ls2[k] = eval( ls[k], env, depth ) if stype(ls2[k]) == "error" then return ls2[k] end end c = c.comb ls = ls2 end if stype(c) ~= "op" then return seterr("called object is not a combiner: %s", write_sexpr(c)) elseif (c.shallow ~= nil) then return c.op(ls, env, depth) elseif (depth == nil) or (depth < 1) then if maxdepth > 1 then return seterr( "exceeded maximum call-nesting depth (%i)", maxdepth) else return seterr("exceeded maximum call-nesting depth") end else return c.op(ls, env, (depth - 1)) end end local function eval_seq( ls, env, depth ) -- ls must be an error or a list if ls.type == "error" then return ls end if #ls == 0 then return ls end for k = 1, (#ls - 1) do local x = eval( ls[k], env, depth ) if stype(x) == "error" then return x end end return eval( ls[#ls], env, depth ) end local function eval_all( ls, env, depth, cutoff ) -- ls must be an error or a list if ls.type == "error" then return ls end local ls2 = { type="list" } for k = 1, #ls do ls2[k] = eval( ls[k], env, depth ) if stype(ls2[k]) == "error" then return ls2[k] end if (cutoff ~= nil) and cutoff(ls2[k]) then return ls2 end end return ls2 end local function combine_all( ops, args, env, depth, cutoff ) -- ops must be a list; args must be an error or a list if args.type == "error" then return args end local ls2 = { type="list" } for k = 1, #ops do ls2[k] = combine( ops[k], args, env, depth ) if stype(ls2[k]) == "error" then return ls2[k] end if (cutoff ~= nil) and cutoff(ls2[k]) then return ls2 end end return ls2 end --[[ generic combiner constructors ]] local function make_op( f, nm, sh ) return { type = "op", op = f, name = nm, shallow = sh } end local function checktype( t, o, k ) -- types list, operands list, index if #t == 0 then return "" end o = o[k] -- particular operand if k > #t then k = #t end t = t[k] -- particular type -- t should now be a string or internal function if type(t) == "string" then if stype(o) == t then t = "" end -- clear if no error else t = t(o) -- assume internal function works correctly end -- t should now be type name if error, empty string if okay return t end local function type_err( cname, tname, x ) -- combiner name, type name(s), operand -- type name may be a string or an array of strings local where = "" if cname ~= nil then where = " to [op: " .. cname .. "]" end if type(tname) == "table" then if #tname == 0 then tname = "[unknown]" else for k = 1, #tname do while tname[k] == "" do for j = (k + 1), #tname do tname[j - 1] = tname[j] end tname[#tname] = nil end if tname[k] ~= nil then for j = (k + 1), #tname do if tname[k] == tname[j] then tname[j] = "" end end end end if #tname == 1 then tname = tname[1] else tname[#tname] = "or " .. tname[#tname] if #tname == 2 then tname = table.concat( tname, " " ) else tname = table.concat( tname, ", " ) end end end end local what = write_sexpr(x) if #what > 64 then what = stype(x) end return seterr( "bad operand%s: expected %s, got %s", where, tname, what) end local function typed_op( ... ) -- alternating type (string or function) and op (table or function) -- strong recommendation: first op should be a table local ls0 = { ... } local n0 = select( '#', ... ) local opname, shallow if type(ls0[2]) == "table" then opname = ls0[2].name shallow = ls0[2].shallow end local f = function(ls, env, depth) if #ls == 0 then local op = ls0[2] if type(op) == "table" then op = op.op end return op( ls, env, depth ) end local ek = 1 -- operand number of accumulated error type names local enames = {} -- list of failed types for ls[ek] for j = 1, n0, 2 do local types = ls0[j] local op = ls0[j + 1] if type(op) == "table" then op = op.op end local t = "" for k = 1, #ls do if #t == 0 then t = checktype( types, ls, k ) if #t > 0 then if k > ek then ek = k enames = { t } elseif k == ek then enames[1 + #enames] = t end end end end if #t == 0 then return op( ls, env, depth ) end end return type_err( opname, enames, ls[ek] ) end return make_op( f, opname, shallow ) end local function nary_op( c, n, m ) local f = function(ls, env, depth) if n < 0 then if #ls < -n then local where = "" if ~= nil then where = " to [op: " .. .. "]" end return seterr( "too few operands%s: expected at least %i, got %i", where, -n, #ls) end elseif m == nil then if #ls ~= n then local where = "" if ~= nil then where = " to [op: " .. .. "]" end return seterr( "wrong number of operands%s: expected %i, got %i", where, n, #ls) end else if #ls < n then local where = "" if ~= nil then where = " to [op: " .. .. "]" end return seterr( "too few operands%s: expected at least %i, got %i", where, n, #ls) elseif #ls > m then local where = "" if ~= nil then where = " to [op: " .. .. "]" end return seterr( "too many operands%s: expected at most %i, got %i", where, m, #ls) end end return c.op( ls, env, depth ) end return make_op( f,, c.shallow ) end local function binary_pred( test, nm ) return make_op(function (ls) for k = 2, #ls do if not test(ls[k - 1], ls[k]) then return false end end return true end, nm, true) end local function unary_pred( test, nm ) return make_op(function (ls) for k = 1, #ls do if not test(ls[k]) then return false end end return true end, nm, true) end local function wrap( c ) return { type = "fn", comb = c } end --[[ wiki parsing stuff entry: (char-code (first-pos last-pos left-index)) (descriptor (first-pos last-pos left-index) entry entry ...) item entries contain part entries, part entries contain item entries left-index is removed at end of parse ]] local lsquare,rsquare, lcurly,rcurly, pipe = 91,93, 123,125, 124 local function wikileft(e) -- is entry a left-delimiter? return ((e[1] == lsquare) or (e[1] == lcurly)) and (e[2][1] ~= e[2][2]) end local function wikilen(e) -- how long is this entry? return 1 + e[2][2] - e[2][1] end local function wikisub( m, d ) -- parse, descriptor local k2 = #m -- index of right delimiter local k1 = m[k2][2][3] -- index of left delimiter local p = { type = "list", "part", { type = "list" } } -- first part p[2][1] = (m[k1][2][2] + 1) -- start of first part local e = { -- entry containing parts type = "list", d, { type = "list", (m[k1][2][2] - (m[k2][2][2] - m[k2][2][1])), m[k2][2][2], k1 }, p } for k = (k1 + 1), (k2 - 1) do if type(m[k][1]) ~= "number" then m[k][2][3] = nil p[1 + #p] = m[k] elseif m[k][1] == pipe then p[2][2] = (m[k][2][1] - 1) -- end of current part p = { type = "list", "part", { type = "list" } } -- next part p[2][1] = (m[k][2][2] + 1) -- start of this part e[1 + #e] = p -- add to list of parts end m[k] = nil end p[2][2] = (m[k2][2][1] - 1) -- end of last part m[k2] = nil m[k1][2][2] = (e[2][1] - 1) if (m[k1][2][1] > m[k1][2][2]) then e[2][3] = m[k1][2][3] m[k1] = nil end m[1 + #m] = e end local function parse_wiki( ls ) local s = ls[1] -- string to parse local m = { type = "list" } -- result of parse local k = mw.ustring.find( s, "[%[%]{}|]" ) -- position in string while k ~= nil do local c = mw.ustring.codepoint(s,k) if #m == 0 then if (c == lsquare) or (c == lcurly) then m[1] = {type="list", c, {type="list", k, k, 0}} end elseif (k == (m[#m][2][2] + 1)) and (c == m[#m][1]) and (c ~= pipe) then m[#m][2][2] = k if m[#m][2][3] > 0 then local e2 = m[#m] local e1 = m[e2[2][3]] if (e2[1] == rcurly) and (e1[1] == lcurly) and (wikilen(e2) == 3) and (wikilen(e1) > 2) then wikisub( m, "param" ) elseif (e2[1] == rsquare) and (e1[1] == lsquare) and (wikilen(e2) == 2) and (wikilen(e1) > 1) then wikisub( m, "link" ) end end else if m[#m][2][3] > 0 then local e2 = m[#m] local e1 = m[e2[2][3]] if (e2[1] == rcurly) and (e1[1] == lcurly) and (wikilen(e2) == 2) and (wikilen(e1) > 1) then wikisub( m, "call" ) end end m[1 + #m] = {type="list", c, {type="list", k, k}} if wikileft(m[#m - 1]) then m[#m][2][3] = (#m - 1) else m[#m][2][3] = m[#m - 1][2][3] end end k = mw.ustring.find( s, "[%[%]{}|]", (k + 1) ) end if #m == 0 then return m end if m[#m][2][3] > 0 then local e2 = m[#m] local e1 = m[e2[2][3]] if (e2[1] == rcurly) and (e1[1] == lcurly) and (wikilen(e2) == 2) and (wikilen(e1) > 1) then wikisub( m, "call" ) end end local m2 = { type = "list" } for j = 1, #m do if type(m[j][1]) ~= "number" then m[j][2][3] = nil m2[1 + #m2] = m[j] end end return m2 end --[[ miscellaneous ]] local function int_tc(x) if (type(x) ~= "number") or (x ~= math.floor(x)) then return "integer" else return "" end end local function posint_tc(x) if (type(x) ~= "number") or (x ~= math.floor(x)) or (x < 1) then return "positive integer" else return "" end end local function logical_and( ls ) -- for and? for k = 1, #ls do if stype(ls[k]) ~= "boolean" then return seterr( "bad operand to [op: and?]: expected boolean, got %s", write_sexpr(ls[k])) end end for k = 1, #ls do if not ls[k] then return false end end return true end local function logical_or( ls ) -- for or? for k = 1, #ls do if stype(ls[k]) ~= "boolean" then return seterr( "bad operand to [op: or?]: expected boolean, got %s", write_sexpr(ls[k])) end end for k = 1, #ls do if ls[k] then return true end end return false end local function and_fn(ls, env, depth) ls = eval_all( ls, env, depth, function (x) return (stype(x) == "boolean") and not x end) if stype(ls) == "error" then return ls end if (#ls == 0) or (stype(ls[1]) == "boolean") then return logical_and(ls) end local ops = { type="list" } for k = 1, #ls do if stype(ls[k]) == "fn" then ops[k] = ls[k].comb elseif stype(ls[k]) == "op" then ops[k] = ls[k] elseif k == 1 then return seterr( "bad operand to [op: and?]: expected boolean or combiner, got %s", write_sexpr(ls[k])) else return seterr( "bad operand to [op: and?]: expected combiner, got %s", write_sexpr(ls[k])) end end return wrap(make_op(function (ls, env, depth) ls = combine_all(ops, ls, env, depth, function (x) return (stype(x) ~= "boolean") or not x end) if ls.type == "error" then return ls end return logical_and(ls) end, "and?", true)) end local function or_fn(ls, env, depth) ls = eval_all(ls, env, depth, function (x) return (stype(x) == "boolean") and x end) if stype(ls) == "error" then return ls end if (#ls == 0) or (stype(ls[1]) == "boolean") then return logical_or(ls) end local ops = { type="list" } for k = 1, #ls do if stype(ls[k]) == "fn" then ops[k] = ls[k].comb elseif stype(ls[k]) == "op" then ops[k] = ls[k] elseif k == 1 then return seterr( "bad operand to [op: or?]: expected boolean or combiner, got %s", write_sexpr(ls[k])) else return seterr( "bad operand to [op: or?]: expected combiner, got %s", write_sexpr(ls[k])) end end return wrap(make_op(function (ls, env, depth) ls = combine_all(ops, ls, env, depth, function (x) return (stype(x) ~= "boolean") or x end) if ls.type == "error" then return ls end return logical_or(ls) end, "or?", true)) end local function valid_parmlist( ls ) -- for \ if stype(ls) ~= "list" then return false end for k = 1, #ls do if stype(ls[k]) ~= "symbol" then return false end end return true end local function match_parmlist( parms, ls ) -- for \ local env = {} for k = 1, #parms do env[parms[k].name] = ls[k] end return env end local function lambda_fn(ls, senv) local parms = ls[1] if stype(parms) == "symbol" then parms = { type="list", parms } elseif not valid_parmlist(parms) then return seterr( "bad parameter-list operand to [op: \\]: %s", write_sexpr(parms)) end local body = { type = "list" } for k = 2, #ls do body[k - 1] = ls[k] end return wrap(nary_op(make_op(function (ls, denv, depth) -- denv is ignored local env = match_parmlist( parms, ls ) setmetatable(env, { __index = senv }) return eval_seq(body, env, depth) end), #parms)) end local relevantFrame = mw.getCurrentFrame() local function getarg_fn(ls) local args = relevantFrame.args local t = nil if stype(ls[1]) == "number" then t = ls[1] else -- must be number or string t = ls[1] end t = args[t] if t == nil then return { type = "list" } end return t end local function getargexpr_fn(ls) local args = relevantFrame.args local t = nil if stype(ls[1]) == "number" then t = ls[1] else -- must be number or string t = ls[1] end t = args[t] if t == nil then return { type = "list" } end t = text_to_sexpr(t) if stype(t) == "error" then return { type = "list" } end if #t ~= 1 then return { type = "list" } end return t[1] end local function filter_fn(ls, env, depth) local preds = { type = "list" } for k = 2, #ls do preds[k - 1] = ls[k].comb end -- predicates local function hof(ls, n, f, app) -- copy first n elements of ls, apply f to later elements -- if app, instead skip first n, and return result,app if app == nil then app = false end local ls2 = { type = "list" } if #ls <= n then if app then return ls2,app else return ls end end if not app then for k = 1, n do ls2[k] = ls[k] end end for k = (n + 1), #ls do local x,app2 = f(ls[k]) if stype(x) == "error" then return x end if app2 == nil then app2 = false end if app2 then for j = 1, #x do ls2[1 + #ls2] = x[j] end else ls2[1 + #ls2] = x end end return ls2,app end local function filter_entry(entry) local b = combine_all(preds, {type="list", entry}, env, depth, function (x) return (stype(x) ~= "boolean") or not x end) if stype(b) == "error" then return b end b = logical_and(b) if stype(b) == "error" then return b end if b then if stype(entry) == "list" then return hof(entry, 2, function (part) return hof(part, 2, filter_entry) end) else return entry end else if stype(entry) == "list" then return hof(entry, 2, function (part) return hof(part, 2, filter_entry, true) end, true) else return { type = "list" }, true end end end return hof(ls[1], 0, filter_entry) end local function item_tc(x) if (stype(x) == "list") and (#x > 1) and (stype(x[1]) == "string") and (x[1] ~= "part") and (stype(x[2]) == "list") and (#x[2] == 2) and (int_tc(x[2][1]) == "") and (int_tc(x[2][2]) == "") then return "" else return "item" end end local function part_tc(x) if (stype(x) == "list") and (#x > 1) and (x[1] == "part") and (stype(x[2]) == "list") and (#x[2] == 2) and (int_tc(x[2][1]) == "") and (int_tc(x[2][2]) == "") then return "" else return "part" end end local function cd_tc(x) if (stype(x) == "list") and (#x > 0) then if stype(x[1]) == "string" then x = x[2] end if (x ~= nil) and (stype(x) == "list") and (#x == 2) and (int_tc(x[1]) == "") and (int_tc(x[2]) == "") then return "" end end return "coordinates descriptor" end local function cd_ls_tc(x) local ok = true if stype(x) ~= "list" then ok = false else for k = 1, #x do if cd_tc(x[k]) ~= "" then ok = false end end end if ok then return "" else return "list of coordinates descriptors" end end local function getsubstr_ntv(s, k1, k2) -- k1, k2 ints if provided if k1 == nil then return s end if k1 < 1 then k1 = 1 end if k2 ~= nil then if k2 >= mw.ustring.len(s) then k2 = nil end end return mw.ustring.sub( s, k1, k2 ) end local function cd_norm(x) -- assumes cd_tc if stype(x[1]) == "number" then return x else return x[2] end end local function getsubstr_int_fn(ls) local s = ls[1] return getsubstr_ntv(s, ls[2], ls[3]) end local function getsubstr_cd_fn(ls) local s = ls[1] local c = cd_norm(ls[2]) return getsubstr_ntv(s, c[1], c[2]) end local function getsubstr_ls_fn(ls) local s = ls[1] local r = { type = "list" } for k = 1, #ls[2] do r[k] = cd_norm(ls[2][k]) end for k = 1, #r do r[k] = getsubstr_ntv(s, r[k][1], r[k][2]) end return r end local function setsubstr_ls(s, lsc, lss) -- string, array of cds, array of strings local n = math.min(#lsc, #lss) -- just ignore extras of either if n == 0 then return s end local function berr(...) return seterr("bounds violation in [op: set-substring]: %s", mw.ustring.format( ... )) end if lsc[1][1] < 1 then return berr("segment starts left of string start (%i)", lsc[1][1]) end if lsc[n][2] > mw.ustring.len(s) then return berr("segment ends right of string end (%i, %i)", lsc[n][2], mw.ustring.len(s)) end local r = {} for k = 1, n do if lsc[k][1] > (lsc[k][2] + 1) then return berr("segment starts right of its own end (%i, %i)", lsc[k][1], lsc[k][2]) end r[2 * k] = lss[k] end r[1] = mw.ustring.sub(s, 1, (lsc[1][1] - 1)) r[1 + (2 * n)] = mw.ustring.sub(s, (lsc[n][2] + 1)) for k = 2, n do if lsc[k - 1][2] >= lsc[k][1] then return berr("segment ends right of next segment start (%i, %i)", lsc[k - 1][2], lsc[k][1]) end r[(2 * k) - 1] = mw.ustring.sub(s, (lsc[k - 1][2] + 1), (lsc[k][1] - 1)) end return table.concat(r) end local function str_ls_tc(x) local ok = true if stype(x) ~= "list" then ok = false else for k = 1, #x do if stype(x[k]) ~= "string" then ok = false end end end if ok then return "" else return "list of strings" end end local function getsublist_fn(ls) local n1 = ls[2] local n2 = ls[3] local ls = ls[1] local x = { type = "list" } if n1 < 1 then n1 = 1 end if n2 == nil then n2 = #ls elseif n2 > #ls then ns = #ls end for k = n1, n2 do x[1 + #x] = ls[k] end return x end local function setsublist_fn(ls) local base = ls[1] local n1 = ls[2] - 1 local n2 = ls[3] + 1 local seg = ls[4] if n1 < 0 then n1 = 0 end if n2 <= n1 then n2 = n1 + 1 end local r = { type = "list" } for k = 1, n1 do r[k] = base[k] end for k = 1, #seg do r[1 + #r] = seg[k] end for k = n2, #base do r[1 + #r] = base[k] end return r end local function findprd_fn(ls, env, depth) local x = ls[1] local p = ls[2].comb local x2 = { type = "list" } for k = 1, #x do local q = combine( p, { type="list", x[k] }, env, depth ) if stype(q) == "error" then return q end if stype(q) ~= "boolean" then return seterr( "bad predicate result type to [op: find]: got %s", stype(q)) end if q then x2[1 + #x2] = k end end return x2 end local function findstr_fn(ls) local s = ls[1] local p = ls[2] local x2 = { type = "list" } if #p == 0 then return x2 end local k = 1 repeat local x3 = { mw.ustring.find( s, p, k, true ) } if #x3 == 0 then return x2 end x2[1 + #x2] = { type = "list", x3[1], x3[2] } k = 1 + x3[2] until false end local function findpat_fn(ls) local s = ls[1] local p = ls[2].pat local x2 = { type = "list" } local k = 1 repeat local x3 = { mw.ustring.find( s, p, k ) } if #x3 == 0 then return x2 end x2[1 + #x2] = { type = "list", x3[1], x3[2] } k = 1 + x3[2] until false end local function any_tc(x) return "" end local function none_tc(x) return "no operand here" end local function member_fn(ls) -- 1 or 2 operands, second must be a list local t = write_sexpr(ls[1]) if ls[2] ~= nil then ls = ls[2] for k = 1, #ls do if write_sexpr(ls[k]) == t then return true end end return false else return wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ "list" }, make_op(function(ls) ls = ls[1] for k = 1, #ls do if write_sexpr(ls[k]) == t then return true end end return false end, nil, true)), 1)) end end local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage() local function let_tc(x) if (stype(x) == "list") and (#x == 2) and (stype(x[1]) == "symbol") then return "" else return "symbol-value binding" end end local function sorp_tc(x) if (stype(x) == "string") or (stype(x) == "pattern") then return "" else return "string or pattern" end end local function split_tc(x) if (stype(x) == "list") and (#x >= 1) and (sorp_tc(x[1]) == "") and ((#x == 1) or ((#x == 2) and ((sorp_tc(x[2]) == "") or (split_tc(x[2]) == ""))) or ((#x == 3) and (sorp_tc(x[2]) == "") and (split_tc(x[3]) == ""))) then return "" else return "valid string-split descriptor" end end local function strnest_tc(x) if stype(x) == "string" then return "" elseif stype(x) == "list" then for k = 1, #x do local msg = strnest_tc(x[k]) if msg ~= "" then return msg end end return "" end return "string or tree of strings" end local function splitsep_fn(s, p) local x if (stype(p) == "string") then x = mw.text.split( s, p, true ) else x = mw.text.split( s, p.pat ) end x.type = "list" return x end local function splitdelim_fn(s, lt, rt) local lp = (stype(lt) == "string") local rp = (stype(rt) == "string") if not lp then lt = lt.pat end if not rp then rt = rt.pat end local snarf -- find next unmatched right-delimiter snarf = function (k) repeat local xl = { mw.ustring.find( s, lt, k, lp ) } local xr = { mw.ustring.find( s, rt, k, rp ) } if #xr == 0 then return xr end if #xl == 0 then return xr end if xr[1] <= xl[1] then return xr end xr = snarf(xl[2] + 1) if #xr == 0 then return xr end k = (xr[2] + 1) until false end local results = { type = "list" } local k = 1 -- leftmost character of interest repeat local xl = { mw.ustring.find( s, lt, k, lp ) } if #xl == 0 then return results end k = xl[2] + 1 local xr = snarf(k) if #xr > 0 then results[1 + #results] = mw.ustring.sub( s, k, (xr[1] - 1) ) k = xr[2] + 1 end until false end local function splitrec_fn(s, rc) local ls if (#rc > 1) and (stype(rc[2]) ~= "list") then ls = splitdelim_fn(s, rc[1], rc[2]) else ls = splitsep_fn(s, rc[1]) end ls.type = "list" rc = rc[#rc] if (stype(rc) == "list") then for k = 1, #ls do ls[k] = splitrec_fn(ls[k], rc) end end return ls end local function splitnest_fn(s, rc) if stype(s) == "string" then return splitrec_fn(s, rc) end local result = { type="list" } for k = 1, #s do result[k] = splitnest_fn(s[k], rc) if stype(result[k]) == "error" then return result[k] end end return result end local function split_fn(ls) local rc = { type = "list" } for k = 2, #ls do rc[k - 1] = ls[k] end return splitnest_fn(ls[1], rc) end local function join_tc(x) if (stype(x) == "list") and (#x >= 1) and (stype(x[1]) == "string") and ((#x == 1) or ((#x == 2) and ((stype(x[2]) == "string") or (join_tc(x[2]) == ""))) or ((#x == 3) and (stype(x[2]) == "string") and (join_tc(x[3]) == ""))) then return "" else return "valid string-join descriptor" end end local function neststr_tc(x) if stype(x) == "list" then for k = 1, #x do if stype(x[k]) ~= "string" then local msg = neststr_tc(x[k]) if msg ~= "" then return msg end end end return "" end return "tree of strings" end local function joinsep_fn(t, s) if #t == 0 then return "" end if stype(t[1]) == "string" then for k = 2, #t do if stype(t[k]) ~= "string" then return seterr("bad target for [op: join]: uneven tree depth") end end return table.concat( t, s ) end for k = 2, #t do if stype(t[k]) == "string" then return seterr("bad target for [op: join]: uneven tree depth") end end local result = { type = "list" } for k = 1, #t do result[k] = joinsep_fn(t[k], s) if stype(result[k]) == "error" then return result[k] end end return result end local function joindelim_fn(t, lf, rg) if #t == 0 then return "" end if stype(t[1]) == "string" then for k = 2, #t do if stype(t[k]) ~= "string" then return seterr("bad target for [op: join]: uneven tree depth") end end return lf .. table.concat( t, (rg .. lf) ) .. rg end for k = 2, #t do if stype(t[k]) == "string" then return seterr("bad target for [op: join]: uneven tree depth") end end local result = { type = "list" } for k = 1, #t do result[k] = joindelim_fn(t[k], lf, rg) if stype(result[k]) == "error" then return result[k] end end return result end local function joinnest_fn(t, rc) if stype(t) == "error" then return t end if stype(t) == "string" then return seterr("bad target for [op: join]: tree not deep enough") end if #rc == 1 then return joinsep_fn(t, rc[1]) elseif #rc == 3 then return joinnest_fn(joindelim_fn(t, rc[1], rc[2]), rc[3]) elseif stype(rc[2]) == "string" then return joindelim_fn(t, rc[1], rc[2]) else return joinnest_fn(joinsep_fn(t, rc[1]), rc[2]) end end local function join_fn(ls) local rc = { type = "list" } for k = 2, #ls do rc[k - 1] = ls[k] end return joinnest_fn(ls[1], rc) end local function xformer_fn(pred, basis, succ, n) return wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ "fn", "fn", any_tc }, make_op(function (ls, denv, depth) local leaf = ls[1] local parent = ls[2] local data = ls[3] local function xform(basis, data) local recurse = false if stype(data) == "list" then if stype(pred) ~= "fn" then recurse = true else recurse = combine( pred.comb, { type="list", data }, env, depth ) if stype(recurse) ~= "boolean" then if stype(recurse) == "error" then return recurse end return seterr( "bad predicate result type to [op transform]: %s", stype(recurse)) end end end local comb if recurse then local b2 if stype(succ) == "fn" then b2 = combine( succ.comb, { type="list", basis }, env, depth ) else b2 = basis end local d2 = { type="list" } for k = 1, #data do if k <= n then d2[k] = data[k] else d2[k] = xform(b2, data[k]) if stype(d2[k]) == "error" then return d2[k] end end end data = d2 comb = parent.comb else comb = leaf.comb end if stype(succ) == "fn" then data = { type="list", basis, data } else data = { type="list", data } end return combine( comb, data, env, depth ) end return xform(basis, data) end, "transform", true)), 3)) end --[[ standard environment ]] local ground_env = { list = wrap(make_op(function (ls) return ls end, "list", true)), ["+"] = wrap(typed_op( { "number" }, make_op(function (ls) local sum = 0 for k = 1, #ls do sum = sum + ls[k] end return sum end, "add", true), { "string" }, function (ls) local s = {} for k = 1, #ls do s[k] = ls[k] end return table.concat(s) end, { "boolean" }, function (ls) local sum = true for k = 1, #ls do sum = sum and ls[k] end return sum end, { "list" }, function (ls) local x = { type = "list" } for j = 1, #ls do for k = 1, #ls[j] do x[1 + #x] = ls[j][k] end end return x end)), ["*"] = wrap(typed_op({ "number" }, make_op(function (ls) local product = 1 for k = 1, #ls do product = product * ls[k] end return product end, "multiply", true))), ["-"] = wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ "number" }, make_op(function (ls) local result = ls[1] for k = 2, #ls do result = result - ls[k] end return result end, "subtract", true)), -2)), ["/"] = wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ "number" }, make_op(function (ls) local result = ls[1] for k = 2, #ls do result = result / ls[k] end return result end, "divide", true)), -2)), ["^"] = wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ "number" }, make_op(function (ls) return ls[1] ^ ls[2] end, "exponentiation", true)), 2)), ["\\"] = nary_op(make_op(lambda_fn, "\\", true), -1), abs = wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ "number" }, make_op(function (ls) return math.abs(ls[1]) end, "abs", true)), 1)), anchorencode = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "string" }, make_op(function (ls) return mw.uri.anchorEncode( ls[1] ) end, "anchorencode", true)), 1)), ["and?"] = make_op(and_fn, "and?", true), apply = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "fn", "list" }, make_op(function (ls, env, depth) return combine(ls[1].comb, ls[2], env, depth) end, "apply", "true")), 2)), ["boolean?"] = wrap(unary_pred(function (x) return stype(x) == "boolean" end, "boolean?")), ["call?"] = wrap(unary_pred(function (x) return (stype(x) == "list") and (#x > 0) and (stype(x[1]) == "string") and (x[1] == "call") end, "call?")), canonicalurl = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "string" }, make_op(function (ls) if #ls == 1 then return tostring( mw.uri.canonicalUrl( ls[1] ) ) else return tostring( mw.uri.canonicalUrl( ls[1], ls[2] ) ) end end, "canonicalurl", true)), 1, 2)), ceil = wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ "number" }, make_op(function (ls) return math.ceil(ls[1]) end, "ceil", true)), 1)), define = nary_op(make_op(function (ls, env, depth) if stype(ls[1]) ~= "symbol" then return seterr( "bad definiend to [op: define]: expected symbol, got %s", write_sexpr(ls[1])) end local x = eval(ls[2], env, depth) if stype(x) == "error" then return x end env[ls[1].name] = x while stype(x) == "fn" do x = x.comb end if stype(x) == "op" and == nil then = ls[1].name end return { type = "list" } end, "define", true), 2), ["equal?"] = wrap(make_op(function (ls) if #ls >= 2 then local t = write_sexpr(ls[1]) for k = 2, #ls do if write_sexpr(ls[k]) ~= t then return false end end end return true end, "equal?", true)), filter = wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ "list", "fn" }, make_op(filter_fn, "filter", true)), -1)), find = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "list", "fn" }, make_op(findprd_fn, "find", true), { "string", "string" }, findstr_fn, { "string", "pattern" }, findpat_fn ), 2)), floor = wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ "number" }, make_op(function (ls) return math.floor(ls[1]) end, "floor", true)), 1)), ["fn?"] = wrap(unary_pred(function (x) return stype(x) == "fn" end, "fn?")), fullurl = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "string" }, make_op(function (ls) if #ls == 1 then return tostring( mw.uri.fullUrl( ls[1] ) ) else return tostring( mw.uri.fullUrl( ls[1], ls[2] ) ) end end, "fullurl", true)), 1, 2)), ["ge?"] = wrap(typed_op( { "number" }, binary_pred(function (x1, x2) return x1 >= x2 end, "ge?"), { "string" }, binary_pred(function (x1, x2) return x1 >= x2 end))), ['get-arg'] = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "number" }, make_op(getarg_fn, "get-arg", true), { "string" }, getarg_fn), 1)), ['get-arg-expr'] = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "number" }, make_op(getargexpr_fn, "get-arg-expr", true), { "string" }, getargexpr_fn), 1)), ['get-args'] = nary_op(make_op(function () local ls = { type = "list" } for v, k in pairs( relevantFrame.args ) do ls[1 + #ls] = v end return ls end, "get-args"), 0), ['get-coords'] = wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ cd_tc },make_op(function (ls) ls = ls[1] if stype(ls[1]) == "string" then ls = ls[2] end return { type="list", ls[1], ls[2] } end, "get-coords", true)), 1)), ["get-items"] = wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ part_tc }, make_op(function (ls) ls = ls[1] local ls2 = { type="list" } for k = 3, #ls do ls2[k - 2] = ls[k] end return ls2 end, "get-items", true)), 1)), ["get-parts"] = wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ item_tc }, make_op(function (ls) ls = ls[1] local ls2 = { type="list" } for k = 3, #ls do ls2[k - 2] = ls[k] end return ls2 end, "get-parts", true)), 1)), ["get-sublist"] = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "list", int_tc }, make_op(getsublist_fn, "get-sublist", true)), 2, 3)), ["get-substring"] = wrap(typed_op( { "string", int_tc }, nary_op(make_op(getsubstr_int_fn, "get-substring", true), 2, 3), { "string", cd_tc }, nary_op(make_op(getsubstr_cd_fn, "get-substring", true), 2), { "string", cd_ls_tc }, nary_op(make_op(getsubstr_ls_fn, "get-substring", true), 2))), ["gt?"] = wrap(typed_op( { "number" }, binary_pred(function (x1, x2) return x1 > x2 end, "gt?"), { "string" }, binary_pred(function (x1, x2) return x1 > x2 end))), ["if"] = nary_op(make_op(function (ls, env, depth) local test = eval(ls[1], env, depth) if stype(test) == "error" then return test end if stype(test) ~= "boolean" then return seterr( "bad test-result in [op: if]: %s", write_sexpr(test)) elseif test then return eval(ls[2], env, depth) else return eval(ls[3], env, depth) end end, "if", true), 3), join = wrap(typed_op( { neststr_tc, "string", join_tc }, nary_op(make_op(join_fn, "join", true), 2, 3), { neststr_tc, "string", "string", join_tc }, nary_op(make_op(join_fn, "split", true), 3, 4))), lc = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "string" }, make_op(function (ls) return lang:lc(ls[1]) end, "lc", true), { str_ls_tc }, function (ls) ls = ls[1] local r = { type = "list" } for k = 1, #ls do r[k] = lang:lc(ls[k]) end return r end), 1)), lcfirst = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "string" }, make_op(function (ls) return lang:lcfirst(ls[1]) end, "lcfirst", true), { str_ls_tc }, function (ls) ls = ls[1] local r = { type = "list" } for k = 1, #ls do r[k] = lang:lcfirst(ls[k]) end return r end), 1)), ["le?"] = wrap(typed_op( { "number" }, binary_pred(function (x1, x2) return x1 <= x2 end, "le?"), { "string" }, binary_pred(function (x1, x2) return x1 <= x2 end))), length = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "list" }, make_op(function (ls) return #ls[1] end, "length", true), { "string" }, function (ls) return mw.ustring.len( ls[1] ) end), 1)), let = nary_op(typed_op({ let_tc, any_tc }, make_op(function (ls, env, depth) local p = ls[1][1] local v = eval( ls[1][2], env, depth ) if stype(v) == "error" then return v end local body = { type = "list" } for k = 2, #ls do body[k - 1] = ls[k] end local e = {} e[] = v setmetatable(e, { __index = env}) return eval_seq(body, e, depth) end, "let", true)), -1), ["link?"] = wrap(unary_pred(function (x) return (stype(x) == "list") and (#x > 0) and (stype(x[1]) == "string") and (x[1] == "link") end, "link?")), ["list?"] = wrap(unary_pred(function (x) return stype(x) == "list" end, "list?")), ["lt?"] = wrap(typed_op( { "number" }, binary_pred(function (x1, x2) return x1 < x2 end, "lt?"), { "string" }, binary_pred(function (x1, x2) return x1 < x2 end))), map = wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ "fn", "list" }, make_op( function (ls, env, depth) local n = #ls[2] for k = 3, #ls do if #ls[k] < n then n = #ls[k] end end local x = { type = "list" } for j = 1, n do local x2 = { type = "list" } for k = 2, #ls do x2[k - 1] = ls[k][j] end x[j] = combine( ls[1].comb, x2, env, depth ) if stype(x[j]) == "error" then return x[j] end end return x end, "map", true)), -2)), ["member?"] = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { any_tc, "list" }, make_op(member_fn, "member?", true)), 1, 2)), merge = wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ "fn", "list" }, make_op( function (ls, env, depth) local ks = {} for k = 2, #ls do ks[k] = 1 end local result = { type = "list" } while true do local j = nil for k = 2, #ls do if ks[k] <= #ls[k] then if j == nil then j = k else local x = combine( ls[1].comb, { ls[k][ks[k]], ls[j][ks[j]] }, env, depth ) if stype(x) == "error" then return x end if x then j = k end end end end if j == nil then return result else result[#result + 1] = ls[j][ks[j]] ks[j] = ks[j] + 1 end end end, "merge", true)), -2)), ["not?"] = wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ "boolean" }, make_op(function (ls) return not ls[1] end, "not?", true)), 1)), nth = wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ "list", posint_tc }, make_op(function (ls) local x = ls[1] for k = 2, #ls do local n = ls[k] if #x < n then return seterr( "bad index to [op: nth]: asked for %i, list length is %i", n, #x) end x = x[n] if (k < #ls) and (stype(x) ~= "list") then return seterr("bad multi-index to [op: nth]: tree too shallow") end end return x end, "nth", true)), -2)), ["number?"] = wrap(unary_pred(function (x) return stype(x) == "number" end, "number?")), ["op?"] = wrap(unary_pred(function (x) return stype(x) == "op" end, "op?")), ["or?"] = make_op(or_fn, "or?", true), ["param?"] = wrap(unary_pred(function (x) return (stype(x) == "list") and (#x > 0) and (stype(x[1]) == "string") and (x[1] == "param") end, "param?")), parse = wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ "string" }, make_op(parse_wiki, "parse", true)), 1)), pattern = wrap(nary_op(typed_op({ "string" }, make_op(function (ls) local p = ls[1] if #p == 0 then p = "[^%z%Z]" end -- disable null pattern return { type="pattern", pat=p } end, "pattern", true)), 1)), sequence = make_op(function (ls, env, depth) return eval_seq(ls, env, depth) end, "sequence", true), ["set-sublist"] = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "list", int_tc, int_tc, "list" }, make_op(setsublist_fn, "set-sublist", true)), 4)), ["set-substring"] = wrap(typed_op( { "string", int_tc, int_tc, "string" }, nary_op(make_op(function (ls) return setsubstr_ls(ls[1], { { ls[2], ls[3] } }, { ls[4] }) end, "set-substring", true), 4), { "string", cd_tc, "string" }, nary_op(make_op(function (ls) return setsubstr_ls(ls[1], { cd_norm(ls[2]) }, { ls[3] }) end, "set-substring", true), 3), { "string", cd_ls_tc, str_ls_tc }, nary_op(make_op(function (ls) local lsc = {} for k = 1, #ls[2] do lsc[k] = cd_norm(ls[2][k]) end return setsubstr_ls(ls[1], lsc, ls[3]) end, "set-substring", true), 3) )), split = wrap(typed_op( { strnest_tc, sorp_tc, split_tc }, nary_op(make_op(split_fn, "split", true), 2, 3), { strnest_tc, sorp_tc, sorp_tc, split_tc }, nary_op(make_op(split_fn, "split", true), 3, 4))), ["string?"] = wrap(unary_pred(function (x) return stype(x) == "string" end, "string?")), ["symbol?"] = wrap(unary_pred(function (x) return stype(x) == "symbol" end, "symbol?")), ["to-entity"] = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "string" }, make_op(function (ls) local s = ls[1] if #s == 0 then return s end return "&#" .. mw.ustring.codepoint(s, 1) .. ";" end, "to-entity", true), { str_ls_tc }, function (ls) ls = ls[1] local r = { type = "list" } for k = 1, #ls do local s = ls[k] if #s == 0 then r[k] = s else r[k] = "&#" .. mw.ustring.codepoint(s, 1) .. ";" end end return r end), 1)), ["to-number"] = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "string" }, make_op(function (ls) local n = tonumber(ls[1]) if n == nil then return { type="list" } else return n end end, "to-number", true)), 1)), ["to-string"] = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "number" }, make_op(function (ls) return write_sexpr(ls[1]) end, "to-string", true)),1)), transformer = wrap(typed_op( { none_tc }, make_op(function (ls, env, depth) return xformer_fn( 0, 0, 0, 0) end, "transformer", true), { "fn", none_tc }, make_op(function (ls, env, depth) return xformer_fn(ls[1], 0, 0, 0) end, "transformer", true), { posint_tc, none_tc }, make_op(function (ls, env, depth) return xformer_fn( 0, 0, 0, ls[1]) end, "transformer", true), { any_tc, "fn", none_tc }, nary_op(make_op(function (ls, env, depth) return xformer_fn( 0, ls[1], ls[2], 0) end, "transformer", true), -2), { "fn", posint_tc, none_tc }, make_op(function (ls, env, depth) return xformer_fn(ls[1], 0, 0, ls[2]) end, "transformer", true), { "fn", any_tc, "fn", none_tc }, nary_op(make_op(function (ls, env, depth) return xformer_fn(ls[1], ls[2], ls[3], 0) end, "transformer", true), -3), { any_tc, "fn", posint_tc, none_tc }, make_op(function (ls, env, depth) return xformer_fn( 0, ls[1], ls[2], ls[3]) end, "transformer", true), { "fn", any_tc, "fn", posint_tc, none_tc }, make_op(function (ls, env, depth) return xformer_fn(ls[1], ls[2], ls[3], ls[4]) end, "transformer", true) )), trim = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "string" }, make_op(function (ls) return mw.text.trim(ls[1]) end, "trim", true), { str_ls_tc }, function (ls) ls = ls[1] local r = { type = "list" } for k = 1, #ls do r[k] = mw.text.trim(ls[k]) end return r end), 1)), uc = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "string" }, make_op(function (ls) return lang:uc(ls[1]) end, "uc", true), { str_ls_tc }, function (ls) ls = ls[1] local r = { type = "list" } for k = 1, #ls do r[k] = lang:uc(ls[k]) end return r end), 1)), ucfirst = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "string" }, make_op(function (ls) return lang:ucfirst(ls[1]) end, "ucfirst", true), { str_ls_tc }, function (ls) ls = ls[1] local r = { type = "list" } for k = 1, #ls do r[k] = lang:ucfirst(ls[k]) end return r end), 1)), urlencode = wrap(nary_op(typed_op( { "string" }, make_op(function (ls) if #ls == 1 then ls[2] = 'QUERY' end return mw.uri.encode( ls[1], ls[2] ) end, "urlencode", true)), 1, 2)), ["wikilisp-version"] = wrap(nary_op(make_op(function (ls) return wikilispversion end, "wikilisp-version", true), 0)), write = wrap(nary_op(make_op(function (ls) return write_sexpr(ls[1]) end, "write", true), 1)) } local function make_standard_env() local standard_env = {} setmetatable(standard_env, { __index = ground_env}) return standard_env end --[[ read-eval-print]] function export.rep( frame ) local t = frame.args[1] if t == nil then t = "" end return display_sexpr( eval_seq( text_to_sexpr(t), make_standard_env(), maxdepth)) end function export.trep( frame ) relevantFrame = frame:getParent() return export.rep(frame) end return export