Predictions of the end of Twitter

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Various publications and commentators have offered a range of predictions of the end of Twitter, a media service established in 2006. In 2014 writers for The Atlantic claimed that Twitter had greatly lost the relevance it had when it was established, and that Twitter was not attracting enough high-quality content creators to sustain itself.[1]

A 2016 article predicted the end of Twitter due to technical changes making social media feeds less useful to readers, the increase of low-quality or incorrect information spread on the site, and a rise in harassment and toxic community behavior.[2]

In 2018 a journalist questioned whether Twitter would end due to a lack of revenue and business research indications that Twitter could not generate sufficient money to survive.[3]

Following the 2022 acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk commentators predicted Twitter's end for reasons including mass layoffs and staff resignations,[4] Elon Musks' mismanagement,[5] the corporate strategy to greatly decrease technical development of the platform,[6] user abandonment of the platform,[7] the loss of advertiser trust,[8]

A writer for Vox described the sorrow people had after leaving Twitter and losing the social relationships they had in that website.[9]

A writer for The New York Times expressed bafflement at Twitter's place in society over the last generation in the sense that it came into being, captivated the minds of millions of people in various ways, and then suddenly experienced a mass change in public sentiment.[10]


  1. Meyer, Adrienne LaFrance, Robinson (30 April 2014). "A Eulogy for Twitter" (in en). 
  2. Topolsky, Joshua (29 January 2016). "The End of Twitter". Condé Nast. 
  3. Woodhall, Alex (September 12, 2018). "Is Twitter Dying?" (in en). 
  4. Simon, Scott; Domonoske, Camila. "Is this the end of Twitter as we know it?". NPR. 
  5. Warzel, Charlie (17 November 2022). "Twitter’s Slow and Painful End" (in en). 
  6. Stokel-Walker, Chris (November 8, 2022). "Here’s how a Twitter engineer says it will break in the coming weeks" (in en). Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 
  7. Kleinman, Zoe (18 November 2022). "Is this really the end of Twitter?". 
  8. Gollom, Mark (February 20, 2023). "Some predicted an imminent death for Twitter. It's still here. Can Elon Musk keep it alive?". Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 
  9. Romano, Aja (22 November 2022). "Go ahead and feel sad and weird about Twitter" (in en). 
  10. Staley, Willy (18 April 2023). "What Was Twitter, Anyway?".