
From HandWiki is a free software tool to assess the reliability of German Wikipedia articles.[1][2] It was released by the University of Teacher Education Bern for use in schools to improve information literacy.[1][3] Since 2014 it is available as open source.

See also

  • WikiTrust
  • Wiki-Watch
  • Reliability of Wikipedia


  1. 1.0 1.1 Wikibu website (in German)
  2. Zeitgeschichte- Medien- Historische Bildung edited by Bettina Alavi, Marko Demantowsky Gerhard Paul 2010 ISBN:3-89971-653-1 page 287
  3. Nando Stöcklin: Glaubwürdigkeit von Wikipedia-Inhalten: Bibliotheken sind gefragt. Die Lernende Bibliothek 2009. Tagungsband in Churer Schriften zur Informationswissenschaften, No 33: Wissensklau, Unvermögen oder Paradigmenwechsel? p. 31-39

External links